Politically Incorrect

Whooping cranes taste better than spotted owls or bald eagles.

Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is it stated that there is a right to be un-offended.
I love being politically incorrect. When I was still attending that liberal cespool of an institution known as The University of Georgia, I had all I could take of tree huggers and earthy people. One day I was walking down the sidewalk and these two earthy people were on their hands and knees touching their fingers to the sidewalk like they were picking up something. I politely asked "What in the he.. are yall doing?" They said "moving these ants to the grass so they will not get stepped on. I guess stomping their entire trail of ants was the most politically incorrect thing I have ever done when it comes to animals. Made them cry. Made me laugh.;)
Infinity +1 for ART

Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is it stated that there is a right to be un-offended.

This is one of the all time GREAT and CORRECT comments I have ever read on an internet forum!!!!!!!
Few tears back a local shooting preserve had a problem with feral cats preying on released pheasants. Since it's legal here to shoot feral cats(and recommended by the DNR) they posted a sign in the office asking all hunters to shoot any cat seen on the preserve's property. This brought animate protest from the local cat lovers. The Preserve's response was to sell hats, shirts and bumper stickers with the phrase, "I LOVE cats, they taste just like Pheasant!"
In the 70s SAKO the fine finnish rifle manufacturer did ads with nude women standing shouldering rifles in the woods:D, healthy, hairy women

I guess I can't link to them here...

We have a saying in Sweden now concerning wolves, and it pops up on hats, bumperstickers etc

Skjut, gräv, tig, translated shoot, dig, keep your mouth shut
often just SGT

makes for a badass song to

I love all of gods creatures.... smothered in onions.

a favorite parable of mine:
a hunter was driving on his way to his deer stand when a car pulled up behind him and started following him. the hunter continued on his way well aware that the car was following very closely and making a very deliberate attempt to follow him. once he got to his destination he climbed out of his car and grabbed his rifle, and checked his gear just as the person following him hopped out of their car and started screaming at them that he was a terrible person for murdering innocent animals and he didn't say a word, just started walking into the woods. the protester followed making as much noise as they possibly could and continued yelling insults. about an hour later, several miles from where he had left the vehicles the hunter stopped, turned towards the worn out protester and said, "this is where I leave you". the protester looked at him and said "I'm not letting a cold blooded murderer like you out of my sight". with that the hunter simply glanced at his rifle, his sidearm and his knife before looking the protester dead in the eye and replied "I don't know who you think you are, but you better take a look at where you are at".

I always thought that was kindof funny.
As responsible gun owners and hunters, we need to remember there's a difference between what's politically correct and what's legally correct. While there may be a wide gray line and difference of opinion when it comes to political correctness, when it comes to what's legal and what's not, the line is very definite. To publicly condone any illegal activities is not the image we as responsible gun owners and hunters should want to present. Even to other gun owners and hunters.
Should I turn myself in for laughing at the endangered species tasting like another endangered species joke?

Btw... It is legal to hunt and kill Bigfoot in Texas.

The Texas parks and wildlife department has classified them as a non-native species. No bag limit
Here in Washington, Bigfoot is a protected species, by law. It's a felony to shoot one.

So far, no one has been caught with a Sasquatch rug.

It's also illegal in the next county to milk a cow on Sunday, for some reason.
No real argument, Buck, but politically incorrect humor is as American as mom and apple pie. Always has been and always will be.

Reasons vary. Stress relief. Protest against self-righteousness or smugness. "Different strokes for different folks."

Some of it is merely a recitation of fact: A whooping crane can feed more hungry people than a spotted owl.

"Don't take life seriously; it won't last forever." But at near age 81, I sometimes wonder. :D
Glad to know, because I live in Washington now, so I won't shoot any big-foots. I'd love to sit around the campfire with one and share a smoke and six-pack
Originally posted by Art Eatman:

No real argument, Buck, but politically incorrect humor is as American as mom and apple pie. Always has been and always will be.

While politically incorrect humor may be as American as Apple pie, how it is presented and it's content does promote an image. <<<The jokes we make based on stereotypes or invective tend to stereotype us and open us up to invective in turn. If we are trying to promote a certain image of ourselves, we can damage our own cause if we are unwise in the way we exercise our right to be politically incorrect.>>> As a minority in this country, hunters have a hard enough time defending their sport to those that oppose it and us. We do not need to promote a "Bubba, the law breaking redneck" image to those folks and folks that are still neutral to hunting. Most of these folks know we are not really eating feral cats, spotted owls and whooping cranes, but when we promote the idea that we regularly SSS protected wildlife, or threaten others with our hunting firearms, it is not a joke to them, and because I take my right to hunt and the threats against it seriously, they really are not a joke to me either. Almost as tasteless as politically incorrect jokes about sexual predation on children. Some find those funny and tell others to "lighten up Margaret!" too.
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"Being politically correct means saying what's polite rather than what's accurate. I like to be accurate." - Robert Kiyosaki

"What's politically correct a lot of times is not funny." - Denis Leary

I support the constitution. This includes our right to free speech. Surely no one here can honestly claim to unabashedly support the second amendment without supporting an individual's right to say whatever the hell they want at the same time. The way what you say reflects on you is your problem, but go ahead; make an ass of yourself!
"As a minority in this country, hunters have a hard enough time defending their sport to those that oppose it and us."

Ergo, don't use politically incorrect humor as a form of protest if you are in a minority group?

Please realize that I'm not talking about "funny comments" that are rude, crude and gross.