Politically Incorrect


New member
What's the most politically incorrect thing you have seen/heard/read about hunting? Here's mine.

Many years ago, I was heading west on I-70 for an elk/deer hunt in western Colorado. I pulled behind a large truck which was pulling a trailer with several off road vehicles on it. On the back of the trailer was a sign which had written on it, "Another fresh load of Bambi burgers on the way."

I don't support this kind of shenanigans but it was funny at the time.

I love big oil.
"Yes, I know how many animals died to make this coat. I just didn't realize there were any witnesses to deal with."
I've become somewhat of a hippie as I age....

I try to become one with nature.

I try to eat natural and organic foods.

I believe in more freedoms than I once did; this is along with some of my old ways of hunting and shooting and all that.

In the world of organic eatin and growin and walking barefoot in the forest... You come in contact with people who don't appreciate huntin so much....
Well I'll explain that nothing is more natural and organic than some critter that is hunted and ate... Turned into viddles or (vittels)

Also I explain furs and leathers... Most of these animals were going to be killed anyway, especially in the case of coyotes and domestic livestock. So why not make a nice all-natural coat out of them... Less damaging than synthetic materials used to make many textiles these days.
That leaves them with no argument.
I must add a bumper sticker that used to be around.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"
"PETA - People for the Eating of Tasty Animals"

"Angus Beef - it is what vegetarians eat when they cheat"
I always like the billboard that said. "There's room for ALL God's animals. Right next to the mashed taters and gravy".
I saw a picture of a guy holding up a big Muley mount and it said "Hey vegetarians! I caught this guy eating your food so I took care of him for ya!"
It was about the fine for hunting certain politicians out of season

(If I quoted it or posted a picture of it I'd likely get banned.)
if god wanted me to be a vegetarian, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot at.

I like eating and I like shooting, so I found a sport where I shoot food.
your mind can't drown out the voices that scream that eating animals is murder? that's because you are weak from a lack of protein.
Stickers on the back of some vehicles, that I see on the parking lot at our outdoor shooting range: "ISIS Hunting Permit" and "Terrorist Hunting Permit"
In reply to "why do you shoot Bambi?" " To put him in the freezer next to Thumper."

My dinner party dance card is not very full.