Polishing/Buffing with a Dremel

Well I guess, I'm in the minority, I have used my dremel and flitz to polish a number of internal parts with out any problems. But I am careful when I do this.
My sigma trigger improved 300% after some dremel work, not to mention a number of Mosins and enfields that went from horrible to good triggers. Now I have pistols that I don't touch. but I think with care and patience a dremel can be used without problems.

I am not a smith, nor did I stay at a holiday inn last night ;-)

Go to Midway (or E-Bay ) and check out Cratex products. They are grit inpregnated rubber mandrels for Dremel tools and there are 4 grits from coarse to extra fine and work great.
The craytex works pretty well, then finish up with the cloth or felt polishing wheels. They'll work fine and with a lot of patience, will even work on larger surfaces. It's not so much the buffing that creates the irregular surfaces as it is the prior sanding; get that right and you can buff out large surfaces with small tools with nobody the wiser.