Police Vid.. warning this is shocking

Of course I feel for the cop and his family too, and I want to see bad guys brought to justice, I just hate seeing a guy give up on life so fast. I hope I never get so callous that I can look at something like that and feel nothing.
No matter how guilty the guy is, its a shame who has to clean up that mess. Dont they have special cleanup companies that remove the mess from dead bodies?

I do have to say, why wouldnt you frisk someone who was being questioned for shooting a cop? I could see if you didnt frisk him and he was a witness in a case and you brought him in for questioning but, thats ridiculous.
What if he was innocent this time even if he was a felon? If he could see the law catch the real killer from the hereafter wouldn't it be disappointing? Whats so shocking about this anyways? We all have to die sometime. Some like to get to the grave in their sleep all peaceful like and boring then there are those who prefer to skid in sideways with a beer in one hand and pizza in the other, body all used up and tattered yelling WOOOO HOOO!!! WHAT A RIDE!!
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Of course I feel for the cop and his family too,
How noble. I find it absolutely amazing that people can get so teary eyed over a murderer and only think of the innocent victim as a tossed away afterthought. Truly amazing.
and I want to see bad guys brought to justice,
Did you not see the video?
I just hate seeing a guy give up on life so fast.
He gave up (forfeited) his life when he took the life of another without just cause. Too bad, so sad.

What exactly was he supposed to do with the rest of his life? Eat the food provided to him by the taxes of surviving members of the victim's family? Or maybe pump some iron so he could be in good enough shape to murder whatever poor boob who has the thankless job of guarding his sorry carcass? What exactly should we all have been looking forward to from this wonderful human being?

A mistake is keeping a rented video an extra night too long. A desperate mistake is skidding your car into a tree because you were driving too fast.

Shooting someone for no reason is murder, not a damned mistake.
I'm going to have to go with Monco on this. I too think it is sad when a person is in such despair that they see suicide as the only alternative. I get as mad as the next guy when someone willfully tries to harm a LEO and I think all criminals need stiff sentences, even death. Having had a close family member commit suicide, you see how much hurt it causes your family because you are in no way prepared for it. Both the action of shooting a cop and commiting suicide cause a great deal of pain to both families.
A lot of people are sad...

But they don't go around killing or maiming cops. If you are going to eat a bullet, at least have the courtesy to kill yourself and not try to take a police officer who works to protect you and your family. Remember, this cop would have taken a bullet to protect this guy. Remember that when this guy's family goes to bed, it is this cop that is protecting them. Remember that this cop performs a heroic service for little pay. Remember that the perp. is the one who caused all of this pain, for both his family and for the cop's. Remember all of these things when you are weeping for the perp.
I don't feel the least bit sorry for that BG. He made a decision and had to deal with the consequences. I do admire the fact that he realized his life was over, and did not put more stress on the legal system. If the cop that got shot was your family member, you would be singing an entirely different tune.
How noble. I find it absolutely amazing that people can get so teary eyed over a murderer and only think of the innocent victim as a tossed away afterthought. Truly amazing.

Not an afterthought at all. The video of Cerna shooting himself was the subject of this thread.

He gave up (forfeited) his life when he took the life of another without just cause.

Justice would have been life in prison. Try reading next time, tough guy:

"The circumstances behind this video took place on 19 December 2003, when 47-year-old Ricardo Alfonso Cerna was stopped for a traffic violation at about 9:30 A.M. in Muscoy (a residential suburb of San Bernardino County, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles). Cerna fled the scene (in his car and then on foot) before shooting the pursuing officer, sheriff's deputy Michael Parham, twice in the abdomen. (Deputy Parham survived the shooting.)"
I'm going to have to go with Monco on this. I too think it is sad when a person is in such despair that they see suicide as the only alternative. I get as mad as the next guy when someone willfully tries to harm a LEO and I think all criminals need stiff sentences, even death. Having had a close family member commit suicide, you see how much hurt it causes your family because you are in no way prepared for it. Both the action of shooting a cop and commiting suicide cause a great deal of pain to both families.

Agreed. There's a lot of tough-talkers here...remind me of the kid in the movie "Unforgiven", who was just aching to shoot someone, but found out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be when he finally had to.
Sure, feel sorry for the families. That is fine, but that doesn't mean you need to feel any sorrow for Cerna himself.

A lot of people can't separate out these aspects and somehow think that just becasue there isn't love lost for some bad guy such as Cerna that there is no care for his family. So while it may be a horrific thing for Cerna's family, much of society can benefit from his removal.

As spacemanspiff said, weep for the innocent. However, Cerna himself was not innocent. No tears there.
Unbelievable that they didn't find the gun when patting him down, given that he was arrested *for shooting at officers*. And it's a full-sized steel gun too. Lucky the lowlife decided to do the world a favor and off himself instead of killing one or more officers.
There's a lot of tough-talkers here...remind me of the kid in the movie "Unforgiven", who was just aching to shoot someone, but found out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be when he finally had to.
You've got alot to learn if you think that comparison is apt around here.

If you'd stow the contempt, quit stereotyping and open your ears a bit you might discover that you aren't the only one in here who 'understands' what this is all about.

The high horse is not always the best place to sit when you're trying to have a conversation.

- Gabe
GRD - Please...I didn't say everyone. There's a lot of testosterone flying around in these forums, whether you choose to ignore it or not.
:D This has nothing to do with tough-talkers or testoterone. It is a conviction that a BG is a BG, and your not going to find a lot of sympathy because he took the quick way out. Had he not shot a LEO, we all would be typing about fiearms (I hope) I'm starting to get the urge for a an old s&w .32 long. model 31-1 3". This handgun thing, what a great addiction.
There's a lot of testosterone flying around in these forums,
One, you say that like it's a bad thing and, two, just because no one is shedding a tear for the dear departed doesn't mean we're heartless and cruel.

You could just as easily see the comments as 'worldly', 'stoic', 'pragmatic', 'objective' or even 'realistic'. :) It could also be said that you are being overly sentimental rather than we are being callous. The guy tried to kill someone, after all. Survey says: good riddance.

- Gabe
LOOK OUT! <ziiiiing!> there it goes now...

That was a close one. Anyone got a net?

- Gabe
So much for the effectiveness of the "Mexican" carry. That was a full size 1911. This guy was not exactly tall nor large. How he hid that effectively should be the mystery here.

Now, that being said, the LEO lived to fight another day (good news) and the BG ate a bullet. (sad that a human life was wasted, but then again it was self-inflicted)

If someone does not care enough about themselves to live on, why should the rest of us shed a tear.

Sucide is a selfish, cowardly act. Hey, sorry to break it to you buddy, but whether it was a bad guy or a family member who killed themselves they did it because they cannot face the reality of their lives, or some past action that they did.

Life is precious, those who decide to waste it like this, deserve no sympathy. Do you think they decided to save money so that their family can pay for the funeral, or that their kids would be provided for?
Spiff if I told ya once I told ya a thousand times you gotta keep better track of that stuff! How are you going to be a #1 ninja if that keeps happening? :p :D