Police Vid.. warning this is shocking

damn sorry for the repost... i didn't know as there are such a limited topics to post under on this site i had no idea..

look for that thread
iranian police wemon.. looking HOT
Well, I had not seen it and when I did a search using a variety of terms, I could not find it on this forum. I don't like reposts either, but if it was posted here already, I missed it and can't find it.

The family was in the room and I ran the vid w/o sound, the screened turned where the family could not see the video.

The casualness of the guy who commits suicide is interesting. Also interesting was the slowness of the gun dropping from his hand. I would have expected the drop to go faster based on other videos I have seen of brain shots where the whole person collapses instantly. The gun arm even seems to contract, flexing the bicep and raising the forearm slightly.

So, is this a fake suicide or real? If it was a police interrogation monitor video, I was surprised to not see the typical documentary date and time stamp. The guy fumbles with his hand and mouth, then drinks water, then a little more, then shoots himself. I was wondering if he could have put some sort of die pack in his mouth and used the water to create the volume of flow shown that exited his mouth. I was sort of surprised to see that much blood exiting the mouth after a temple shot, but not see flow from the nose. I realize it can happen, but it just doesn't seem likely.

Of course, that does not explain the blood that appears to exit the side of the head.
I hadn't seen that vid before. Not going against ya Chris, just never saw it.

The cop that comes in afterward was abit too "cool" with the situation. Just picks up some things off the counter and walks out. I don't have sound yet (buying speakers tomorrow) but I don't know. And, where the gun was, and even though I take all the chances that I can to bash them (cops) when I think they did wrong, they wouldn't have missed a full sized 1911 (or was it?) firearm in that area. They really search that area because it's a favorite hiding place.

But, as was said, at least the idiot only took himself out and not the other person. Darwin wins again?

That was a bugger to find. You didn't provide a link and you incorrectly spelled and puncutated the title such that the title search would not find it. So it was posted in December, but few people saw it apparently.

Here is a link from that other thread that includes the text of what supposedly happened.

Judging by Ayoob's documentation of cause and effect with unmarked squad cars, this guy must have been brought to the station in an unmarked car. http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166597&highlight=ayoobian

After having read the text, you have to wonder why they would even leave the guy unsecured and alone in the interview room if he had just shot a deputy during a traffic stop.

As for the Darwinian concept, did Darwin win? I doubt it. My guess is that the guy probably did have kids and as such, he has passed on his genes. That means that while he did take himself out of the population, his genes remained. As such, there is nothing Darwinian here.
Thanks DNS,

I guess that I missed it when first posted. Depending on the traffic on any given day here, I've seen posts disappear rather quickly and get lost in the void.

As for the Darwin award, it was nice to at least think that his genes weren't spread but you're most likely correct on that one also.


The orginal thread title is not spelled incorrectly and to tell you the truth I didn't look it back up to see what the title was I was just going by what I thought I titled it. Anyway I was just pointing out that it was posted before. I don't care that it was reposted. Sorry you missed it but I don't title threads with the consideration of how easy it will be to find using the search feature.
Didn't see the video. But the comments regarding the Darwin award are a bit misplaced, I believe. The award would go to the officers involved. Damn lucky the guy was cool enough to just take himself. Surviving a stupid situation you created, by the sheer politeness of another, does not make you "street savy" or "professional", just damn lucky for a dumbass.
Sad? Shot a cop on a traffic stop. Don't care if the scrot shot himself,but how many cops could he have taken with him? Pat them down sound like a good idea? Oh!, I guess you can hide a large frame handgun.
well he did save the taxpayers a lot of money. what with incarceration, prosecution, etc.

he did himself and everyone else a favor. if only more violent criminals would do the same.
The only sad thing about the video is...

the incompetence of the officers involved in the incident. I don't know about you, but if I were a LEO who was arresting a guy for shooting a fellow LEO, I might check the guy for guns.
Sounds like he made a desperate mistake and then despaired and took his own life. Wonder if you'd be so nonchalant if it was someone you were close to.

The machismo is so thick in here sometimes it stinks. :rolleyes:
Cop shooter

Well, I'm all broke up over that poor desparate cop shooter. How about feeling sad for the cop with two in the gut? His family? Nobody I know would shoot a cop,and you are right , :barf: it sure does stink in here. END.
yes i am nonchalant. i have had family members commit suicide. over trivial reasons, nonetheless.

everyone makes mistakes every day. not everyone commits criminal acts every day.
good people die. bad people die.
loved ones die of natural causes. loved ones die prematurely from unnatural causes.

has nothing to do with machismo. simply a realistic outlook on life and the way some people deal with their problems.

weep and mourn for the innocent.
breath a sigh of relief when bad guys cease to exist.