police switch to wheelguns

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LOL - watch the news for proof that there are automatic weapons in the hands of criminals? Since when can the news be trusted for anything remotely close to unbiased coverage about firearms. They post graphics of handguns when discussing any violent crime even when it doesn't involve guns in any way.

For those who don't live in the inner cities, don't deal/use drugs and don't associate with those who do the US is safer than it's been for decades. The police are obviously going to have to deal with more hardened criminals than the average person but facts are facts, crime is going down in the US not up.

http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/viort.htm "Violent crime rates have declined since 1994, reaching the lowest level ever recorded in 2000. " If you have some data from a source more reliable than the local news to refute the FBI and DOJ statistics please cite them.
I can see going back to revolvers for one reason, Bad press when several cops empty High Capacity Autos!

The revolver tends to reduce that kind of headline.

I also think that the .357 Magnum is the gun of choice for any traffic officer who WILL have need for a gun that can effectively shoot into a car.

Ideally revolvers with Assault Rifles in the trunk for extreme needs would work.
"...and full auto assault rifles are quite commonly confiscated in gang raids, including AKs"

It's your contention; provide the proof from data other than from the liars who run "law enforcement" in one of the most dangerous counties in the US.

Fewer guns = more crime...especially in LA Co.
I got a good look at Atlanta PD's confiscated gun stash as recently as a couple of years ago, and the shop I work at buys police confiscated guns fairly frequently.

Yes, you'll see 9mm's; a whole raft of Lorcins, Jennings and High Points in all their glory. Sometimes a rusty Ruger P-85 or Taurus PT-92. Once in a great while maybe a SIG, Glock or Beretta, but those are usually stolen. Revolvers predominate; RG's, older medium frame Tauruses, Rossis, Security- and Speed-Six Rugers mostly. Heck, we just bought a police-confiscated Ruger Old Model Bearcat complete with gravel dings from where it'd been tossed from a moving vehicle when the blue lights came on... :(

Remember: when the news tells you "he had an AUTOMATIC WEAPON!", these are the same folks who call 10/22's with 25rd mags "ASSAULT RIFLES".
I do not see PD's going back to revolvers as an issue weapon, but I do, on occasion, see a LEO armed with a revolver.

Lendringser, in April of '98, Officer David Checutti, Millbrae PD, Millbrae CA, was killed in the line of duty by a full auto assualt rifle weilding perp while responding as a cover unit to a neighboring San Bruno PD officer. Rest in Peace Dave.
Didn't know I needed data for such a simple post...assumed there was intelligent life outside the big cities.....those of you who disagree with me me are right....hi capacity handguns and assault rifles don't exist in LA. Made up by cops and media....My mistake...sorry...come on down to east los angeles with just a pocket knife, they only carry .25s anyway..

Sorry to hear about Dave Ranger Grant....he found out the hard way what's out there.....
They didn't go away.......only politicians and chiefs bought spray n pray sidearms.........,ole timers take only one...and we shoot furthur than 20 feet!
still absolutely no proof. there should be a statistic of the number of weapons legally confiscated and their type. you would thing that a big city police force would have some intelligent life capable of keeping such statistics.

there seems to be a few unusual circumstances of automatic weapons usage. no doubt about that. but nothing to make it seem commonplace.
No doubt the occasional full auto/high dollar semiauto weapon turns up in criminal hands on the street, but go down and look at your evidence locker and think back over the pieces you've confiscated from perps and tell me that they're not the exceptions that prove the rule.
"Didn't know I needed data for such a simple post..."

That depends on whether or not you want to be believed. Your choice.

"...assumed there was intelligent life outside the big cities..."

Skip the insults, partner. Either you have the data or you don't. If you don't, we're not any more likely to believe you than the liars who trotted out "statistics" to pass the "assault weapons ban" in '94.
Well, partner, the assault weapon ban of 94 and high capacity mag ban would never have come up if people weren't blasting away at each other so maybe it was a eventual neccessity...I'm all for gun rights but I don't sleep well knowing any wacko can buy a 30 round AK and go to town....

BTW...didn't mean to insult anyone, just tired that when i mention what is going on in my own city, where I have lived for 15 years, it's dismissed by people have way across the country as propoganda......sorry, I don't have numbers....all I know is there are too many felons in my town running around with weapons of all kinds and even if one is a 15 round glock, it's one too many.... especailly if it's the one that sprays one of my loved ones....
Cop or Diane Finestein and Tom Diaz love child?

"didn't mean to insult anyone"

Well you shouldn't have written this utter bull ****: "the assault weapon ban of 94 and high capacity mag ban would never have come up if people weren't blasting away at each other so maybe it was a eventual neccessity...I'm all for gun rights but I don't sleep well knowing any wacko can buy a 30 round AK and go to town.... "

It's an insult to anyone who has a belief in the 2nd Ammendment.

Besides still no proof. Just some silly anti-gun propaganda backed up by nothing from some one who is a member of an anti-gun police force that enforces the rules of an anti-gun state and an anti-gun city who is espousing anti-gun theories as if he had an HCI or VPC handbook in front of him.

Seems to me that the Dept. of Justice publishes statistics on the types of weapons used in crime on a city-to-city basis.
Again, I like the freedom to own whatever I like, but the 2nd ammendment was drafted in a time when we didn't have these problems and to always bring it up as a catchall is way behind the times...it was devised as a right to keep us free and as long as I can own a shotgun and handgun, I still can still feel safe in my home....if you are building a bomb shelter and worried about the governmet storming your ranch, then I guess you will never feel safe and I don't know what to tell you...laws change due to times chaning...sorry if you can't buy an AR-15 but I'm sure you could find something to keep you plinking.....
Crime gun data for all to debate

This is based on trace requests - not necessarily crime guns. The trace requests may be skewed because the departments in question were participating in the Youth Crime Gun Initiative by the ATF. This is a group of 27 cities who are making a special effort to trace all firearms they come across (and it inlcudes LA, don'tshootitsme)

Semi-automatic handguns made up 49.6% of trace requests.
Revolvers made up 27.4% of trace requests.
Rifles made up 11.0% of trace requests.
Shotguns made up 10.4% of trace requests.

The older a suspect was, the more likely they were to use a revolver instead of a semi-auto. Semi-auto pistols were used most often by juveniles. Tampa and Houston led in the number of juveniles armed with a revolver (up in the 40% range).


For all ages of suspects, the top ten firearms were:

1. S&W .38 Special (4.6%)
2. Lorcin .380 (3.0%)
3. Ruger 9mm (2.5%)
4. Raven .25 (2.2%)
5. S&W 9mm (2.1%)
6. S&W .357 (2.1%)
7. Mossberg 12ga (2.0%)
8. Bryco .380 (1.8%)
9. Davis .380 (1.7%)
10. Bryco 9mm (1.6%)

Among long guns, over 57% of long guns were made up of .22 rifles and 12ga shotguns - not exactly high-powered assault weaponry by any sane person's definition.

For all ages, 7.62mm and 5.56mm rifles made up 11.5% of long guns.

LA did show a general trend towards more 7.62 Soviet rifles and Glocks but was right with the rest of the nation at about 46% semis, 27/27 revolvers and long guns.
..."that's pretty much all I was saying....."

No, it wasn't.

Do you know the difference between a real AK-47 and a MAK-90?

I didn't think so.

Save the politically-correct sheep manure for the granola-eaters who inhabit your city.

We ain't buyin' it.

Keep letting the sociofascists pass laws that infringe your Rights and you'll see who ends up with all those "15-round glocks".
I don't know much about guns, they scare me. But let me take a guess...one has the number 47 in it and the other has 90....90 is more than 47.....I'm guessing the 90 is a more expensive gun. How'd I do? BTW, that hole in the MAK stock looks real ugly....but the new shorter magazines add to the lines of the gun

Hmmm... Sheep manure...sorry, never seen any in the "big city". But I'm sure there's plenty out in the rual areas, although I don't have much need to get out there. I find country theatre so provincal. And forget about finding a decent Merlot.

As for Granola.. We try and keep a healthy lifestyle here in the big city but I can always give hogfat and grits a shot.

And if you really want to get over not having a 30 round assault rifle and a decent bell tower for a rest, rent Michael Cimino's "The Deer Hunter"...it's all about that one shot....

Now pass me my milk....
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