police switch to wheelguns

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New member
Is anyone aware of any PDs that are going BACK to wheelguns?
Due to the publicity of several cases of ,shall we say ,"overkill", I was wondering if this might be a position that some PDs, particularly in larger cities might be thinking about.
Greeting's All;

I don't think you will see a department mandating
that LEO's as a whole carry a wheel-gun. These days, the BG's are heavily armed with Tec-9/s,
Mac-10's, Uzi's and etc; that offer far greater
fire power than the standard service revolver.
For this reason alone, I believe that most LEO's
would prefer a high capacity auto-loader at best;
supplemented by an H&K MP-5!!!:D:)

Some folk's, including LEO's can shoot a revolver
much better. But today's society seems to dictate
the need for the most modern, up-to-date firearms
available. With that said, give me a high capacity
Sig, Glock, H&K USP, or Beretta any day of the week to fight crime and criminal's.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

Ala Dan,

with all due respect, don't buy into the lib agitprop that "perps have better guns these days", therefore warranting an upgunning of Johnny Law that has its true reasons in the "shiny new toyitis" syndrome. The most popular weapons among perps are still the .38/.357 sixguns, followed by the low-cost .380s, 9mm, .32 and .25 potmetal wonders. There has been no recorded incident to my knowledge where a perp used an Uzi or any full-auto assault ordnance to kill a LEO.
I was going to reply with the same sentiment lendringser. Ala Dan do you have any evidence (FBI reports, crime studies etc) to back up the claim that criminals are heavier armed today than they used to be? I'm sure the anti gun media would love for that to be the case, and the way they hype every single incident of violence, gun related or not, you'd think that the US was battle zone, but I don't belive it.

The few instances where massive firepower is used by criminals is always widely published, for example the incident in Ca with the two bank robbers wearing head to toe body armor and using full auto weapons. But situations like that are so rare as to be a statistical aberation.

I agree that police departments are unlikely to ever switch back to revolvers enmass, more for political reasons than because of the effectivness of the revolver vs the semi-auto.
Excuse me....all i can say is....hello! Of course criminals are heavier armed today...in L.A., gang bangers weapon of choice is the hi-capacity 9 (usually a glock)...and full auto assault rifles are quite commonly confiscated in gang raids, including AKs....most drive bys are not done with jennings and raven arms my friends....as for the North Hollywood bank robbery with the kevlared suspects spraying Ak rounds at anything that moved....i don't think you would consider it a "statistical aberation" if it were you ducking full auto rounds from behind a black and white.
Don't knock revolvers.....

Many, many years ago we had a Tucson police officer get in a shoot out with some drug bandito from Mexico during a traffic stop. Bandito, semi-auto lots of ammo. TPD officer, .357 revolver. Bandito, lots of shots, no hits. TPD officer, one shot, one kill. Case closed.
But, now with "designer" guns, (the brass loves this stuff), and the contest between agencies (who has the coolest toys), good simple stuff is out.
"full auto assault rifles are quite commonly confiscated in gang raids, including AKs...."

Do you have any proof of this? Are they conversions or illegal imports?

"gang bangers weapon of choice is the hi-capacity 9 (usually a glock)..."

Do you have any proof of this? With 17 or 15 round mags? LEO or Civillian legal magazines? Aftermarket or factory?
I can say in the several years the most exotic weapon our department recovered is a semi auto version of the Mac 10. 99% of time it is cheap crappy guns, Lorcins, Davis, and those godawful cheap german revolvers. Every now and again we get an SKS, maybe a MAK, but that is the rarity.
Knock revolvers? No, brother not me!!!

I grew up on the wheelgun; and still can shoot one
pretty darn good, for an old fart!!!:D Back in the
early day's all I could afford was one "name brand" wheelgun; and I chose the .41 Magnum caliber to learn on.:) As they say, the rest is

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

I think that if given the choice for duty, I'd go with a high capacity 9x19mm for a primary piece and a short 357 Magnum for backup. You never know when you might need that extra umph.
TPD has never authorized the 357 Magnum. If the officer in question was carrying a "357 Magnum revolver" it was loaded with department issue 38 Special ammunition.

I know of at least two TPD shootings from the revolver days in which, after being shot in the chest cavity, the BG had to be wrestled to the ground and handcuffed. There is no magic - gun, bullet, load - period.
Here where I live they just convicted a drug dealer for killing another drug dealer with a MAC-10 then he also robbed a local bank with same weapon. Two days ago in NJ the cops were chasing another thief who was armed with a full auto Uzi. The whole time the foot chase was going on the perp was spraying. It's a given that if you are in an area where the drug trade is prominent. there are full autos on the street. As far as handguns go, around here most people that are shot or picked up while armed are using 9's and 40's.
Dave T,
Thanks, you beat me too it. I know the Ofc in that shooting and it was a 38+p, he got off a couple of quick shots from behind cover and the car fled. The bullet hit the perp in the femoral artery and he was found bled out.
It was far from a one shot stop. The weapon used by the Ofc was irrelevant for that case.

Cops won't go back to revolvers, the extra capacity can be vital nowadays. I carried both on duty and prefer the auto.
As for bad guys carrying just junk guns, that is a falacy.
Several Taurus, Smith, Kimber, Glock, Sig autos have been taken off of them recently in Tucson area, I still hang with the guys, so I hear the war stories. :D Sure junk guns are there, but everything is a "Saturday night" special when the media gets a hold of it.

Best wishes,
Badguy firepower

Lendsringer, there was an Austin, TX, PD officer killed several years ago by a crook with a full auto AK-47. I don't know if it was a 47S converted or a real one. No amount of firepower would have saved him, if what I read about the event was correct. The officer's name was Ralph Alblanedo, I believe.
Locally, I have been able to watch a 22 year trend in guns taken from bad guys. Used to, the ONLY thing we got was a cheap .25 or .380 or RG revolver. At some point, we began seeing cheap 9mm like the Hi-Point showing up. If there was a quality weapon found on a BG, it was recently stolen, believe me. Now, about the best commonly seen is a Glock in 9 or 40, usually stolen also. The REAL weapon of choice (I can think of 2-3 killings with one on the past) is the SKS. Cheap or used to be. Lethal as hell. Luckily, they are not commonly carried habitually....hard to conceal in a pocket to rob a store or other dope dealer. They do make excellent drive-by and counter drive-by gun. I don't really have any numbers to back this up, just anecdotal impressions.
That all being said, I'm not too hyped on the outgunned argument. Somebody said it better than me. "You are only outgunned if you MISS."
I can't see any department converting back to revolvers. However, it is possible for a department to permit an officer/deputy to carry one. I'm not even sure if most regional academies teach their recruits how to use a revolver anymore.
Here in Alabama before the military base closing's
took effect, a thug stole several M-16's from a
salvage yard where these weapons were condemed to
die.:( I know of no particular reason why these
weapons were condemed; but a thug named McBride
was arrested and convicted in this case. Case in point, these weapons were resold on the street,
before they could be confiscated.:(

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

I believe any LEO under fire should be able to retaliate with a hugh amount of fire power. I believe a SA assault style weapon should be available to any LEO who is in the field. I believe big High Cap weapon are needed, and should be used. No LEO should ever find himself in a situation where he is out gunned, and should have assistance arrive within the minute. Having said that...............With firepower comes a policy of common sense. There should NEVER be a incident where an "UNARMED" man is shot 19 times in a hale of 41 rounds.
LEO's deserve and need bad assed weapons! They also need to use they appropriately.
If I buy it on a Friday afternoon, is it still a "Saturday night special"?

Most shoot wheel guns well. I use a wheel gun as my home D. No problems. I think if I'm not getting it done with 5 shots of 357Mag, I probably wasn't going to get it done in the first place, and should have reached for the rifle.

As far as LEO goes though, I think the high cap might be the reason. BUT.. I'm sure if you brandished this;
criminals might think twice. :D

8 rounds of 357Mag to reach out and touch someone. Not practical, but hey, I wasn't trying to be.

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