Police shooting dash cam video

One interesting factor, much reported in the press: one of the other officers yelled, "He doesn't have anything!" less than a second before the first officer opened fire and killed the guy.

pax, I read your comments and agree. I would also add that the cop that fired may have reached a very different conclusion than the officer who yelled, believing that the officer that yelled could not see what he was seeing and what he was seeing was a threat (i.e., that there was a weapon).

I also agree that the statement was ambiguous. "He doesn't have anything" could mean he doesn't have a weapon or that he doesn't have the mental fortitude to fight. The statement was also being said at the same time the shootee was making his charge at the officer. So the situation had escalated dramatically and dynamically before the statement was made.
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Post #20....

I disagree with post #20 re; intent.
While the advice is valid & a good way for a rational mature adult to resolve a conflict or communicate with LE, this male subject does not fit that category.

I can tell you honestly from LE & security work, many times subjects are not thinking clearly or behaving calm & rational. This may be due to emotion(anger, stress, fear, sadness, etc), intoxication(drugs-alcohol) or mental health issues.
It's quick & easy to say; stay calm and relax, don't be jittery or make "furtive" movements around LE but some people can't or won't do it.
Those are the subjects who are dangerous & require extra caution when dealing with.