Police Officers shot by CCWs

Is that right? Would you care to elaborate upon this peculiar logic? Are you really saying that you would consider lawful and unlawful shootings in the same manner?

I am saying that lawful shootings of Police Officers are so rare as to be considered a non-occurrence by people without an anti-police agenda.
Anecdotal information.

In my time in policing... I've seen only two civilian's shoot a police officer in self defense. In both cases the officers died. Of the two only one was an actual case of self defense, the other was an abuse of the self defense statute.

If any one is interested in the particulars. I'll post them later.

I am saying that lawful shootings of Police Officers are so rare as to be considered a non-occurrence by people without an anti-police agenda.
Nonsense. You're revealing your own agenda here. Think back to the premise of your thread - that you had no information whatsoever on how many LEO's have been shot by CCW's. Therefore, you're completely unqualified to make any sort of judgement whatsoever about the nature of those shootings.

I suggest that with such an infinitesimally small population of CCW's shooting police, each incident could be examined individually and an individual assessment made of the legality of the shooting.

And, for the record, the count of LEO's who've committed any number of serious crimes, up to and including multiple murders, is legion. It is, to say the least, outrageous to simply assume that those who've been shot by CCW's are arbitrarily innocent of any wrongdoing without examining the circumstances of each case.
Yeah, you are right I am exposing my own pro CCW and RKBA agenda. I am also exposing my agenda that I believe that approximately 99.9998% of Police Officers do their jobs in such a manner as to not be shot in legitimate self defense by a CCW.

However, you OTOH are exposing your anti-Police mindset when you twist my query in an illogical way
No, I don't have an anti-police agenda. My agenda is merely to get to the truth of things, without preconceived notions based on faulty or mieleading assumptions. Your primary POV seems to be that the LEO should always be assumed to be in the right. Mine is that such assumptions are dangerous and inaccurate, and that each event needs to be evaluated on its own merits. Moreover, it's all too tempting to apply the wrong statistics - which is exactly what you are trying to do in this case. Assuming that shootings of LEO's by CCW's is exactly analogous to, and driven by the same dynamics as, shootings of police officers by citizens in general is incredibly presumptive and without any sort of valid basis.
No, I don't have an anti-police agenda. My agenda is merely to get to the truth of things, without preconceived notions based on faulty or mieleading assumptions. Your primary POV seems to be that the LEO should always be assumed to be in the right. Mine is that such assumptions are dangerous and inaccurate, and that each event needs to be evaluated on its own merits. Moreover, it's all too tempting to apply the wrong statistics - which is exactly what you are trying to do in this case. Assuming that shootings of LEO's by CCW's is exactly analogous to, and driven by the same dynamics as, shootings of police officers by citizens in general is incredibly presumptive and without any sort of valid basis

Yes, I believe that Coppers on duty acting under color of law doing their jobs should be assumed to be in the right.

I don't even understand what you are talking about. I am looking for information that I can use to buttress my arguement when Chicago finally seriously discusses CCW
Because, I am on the safety committee at the FOP and am going to attempt to influence the PTB to support CCW and if I can do that it will take another lie away from the mayor.

But this Who struck John is a waste of my time.
To get back on topic....

Wagonman, while I haven't looked at these things for several years, I believe that both the States of Florida and Texas have the stats you seek. Try a google search for them.

Anybody know any crime stat URLs to these? I've forgotten them or lost the links.

I would think that since Utah does a check on all their CCW holders every day, they might also have some stats you could use.

It may require you to email the various dept. heads in these States, to get the specific info you desire.
I am not sure on the stats, but I can say it would be a very low number.
Trivial fact given by a Tx CHL instructor. The number one criminal offense that has lost more CHL liscense than any other by a wide margin is DUI. I heard that today when at the range from the instructor.
m&p45acp10+1 said:
I am not sure on the stats, but I can say it would be a very low number.
Trivial fact given by a Tx CHL instructor. The number one criminal offense that has lost more CHL liscense than any other by a wide margin is DUI. I heard that today when at the range from the instructor.

This is true in MI. In fact, Michigan publishes statistics for CCW permit revocations here: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/CCWAnnualReport_181416_7.pdf

That PDF is for July 1 2005 to June 30-2006 in total there were 108 revocations... some highlights (convictions = revocations, more complete data is at the link).

15 convictions of "Operating while impaired", an additional 11 for "Operating while intoxicated" and another 11 for other alcohol related incidents.

18 revocations for failure to disclose (MI is a state where you must immediately disclose to a peace officer when you are carrying).

6 assault and battery, 5 domestic violence...

There are a lot of pending cases, but I'm sure a lot of those get thrown out (there is a column for cases dropped).