Police Disarmed

IPS Police Chief Jack Martin said officers assigned to duty inside schools will not carry the weapons during school hours.

Police should be armed at all times. How else can they prevent a Columbine-type incident? (Not even addressing duty, prestige, credibility, etc....)
So, let me get this straight:

The cops can't have their guns when there are students around.

When are terrorists (yes, like Klebold and Harris) most likely to strike?

That's right, Bunky: when there are students around.

Someone needs to smack that chief with the cluebat. Hard.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Well folks, I heard on the news last night that the San Francisco school board "rescinded" its earlier edict that school officers be disarmed. All this without ever admitting that they NEVER HAD THE AUTHORITY to do it in the first place. Besides, the police chief had said very forthrightly he would ignore the board's earlier action anyway.

Safe shooting - PKAY