Police Disarmed


New member
I have just heard news reports that the San Francisco School Board has declared that police officers responding to San Francisco school campuses will not be allo\wed to carry firearms on campus. I find that hard to believe, even in San Francisco.
Um, I don't think it matters what the school board says. I don't see how they have any authority as to how officers respond.

Maybe the cops should tell the school board then in the interests of safety the ploce will not be responding to any calls at schools...
The Chief of Police Initially said no way. He has since modified his stand to less discuss it. The school board also declared that teachers could not request police assistance without approval from an administrator.
Does anyone else doubt the sanity of the current board of education in San Francisco?

If I were a parent with a child in the San Francisco Public School system, I would be at the next board meeting demanding to know why they were brain dead, stupid pieces of s*** that did not want my child protected.

(Angry letter to follow.)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 12, 1999).]
To his credit and to the credit of law enforcement everywhere, Chief Fred Lau would not back down and told the school board that he alone could disarm his officers. Faced with stiff opposition, that illustrious school board reversed themselves.

Attayboy Chief Lau!

BTW, there was an incident where some Senator's aide (either Fineswine or Pepopsi) wanted to file a police report and summonded SFPD to the Federal Bldg. Fed. Law says no guns inside, and the cops were told to disarm themselves. No way they replied, screw the report, and 10-8.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I agree. I think That when Chief Lau said let's talk about it he was just waiting for the public outrage to build. Remember that he has to answer to "da mayor" (Willie Brown) who is running for reelection.
Let's see now...the gov't disarms us, the schools disarm cops..who disarms the bad guys?

I am sick to death of these CS incompetent schools and school districts, who can't even do their own GD mandated job, dictating, moralizing and attempting to implement policy.
The damn teachers can't pass competentcy tests; the admin is on the teat...and not a one of them are worth squat in the real world

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC also has an angry letter to follow, I see. I agree with what she has said. Give 'em hell.

PS Sorry for the triple post before in this thread. I am not sure how I did that.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I don't understand how the school board thought that they had that type of authority?
I also don't understand how they can say you can't call the police to anyone.
The security guard at the federal building also did not have authority to ask the officers to disarm themselves.

I understand the rampant stupidity involved here, and the above is basicly retorical.

I think we all owe the SF School Board our thanks. Actions like this do more than we could ever hope to accomplish, by showing how absurd and ignorant liberals can be.

When I see reports like this I actually gain heart. The USSR fell of its own weight - their political philosophy was inherently flawed, and ultimately could not bear the test of reality. Liberals may suffer the same fate with their absurd perspectives on firearms. The sooner the better.
The security guards are sworn in by the US Marshals (to think I did a stint with them).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

He didn't say it was a court building, just a federal building wouldn't they have been GSA guards? Just curious, trying to get a started in LE and the marshals sound interesting in a few years when they are hiring again.


IME, the actual guards at the doors. on the flouroscopes and manning the metal detectors are not the "special deputy" US Marshall's.. though the special deputies are in control of the security at Fed. Buildings, under the guidance of the local US Marshall.

In Nashville, the same private security company provides the manpower guards at teh
Fed buildings and the police Department.

It was one of those guards who examined my Mirage-X knife after I had walked through the metal detector and asked me "what is it painted with?" ...

I have carried inside a few buildings several times with US MArshall escort.. IF I was responding as an LEO and was told to leave me gun at the front desk, I'd've responded as noted above... That is rather ridiculous.
I was about to say "I dont believe this"

But then I realized that Stupidity among the "educated" knows no bounds.

This is why I home school.


You're right about the guys at the entrance not being special deputies. Got it clarified yesterday by a Fed Protective Service Police Officer. They're CSO (Court Service Officers) who work for the U.S. Marshal's Office and may, at the option of the Marshal's Office, be armed.

FPS is also in the lobby area of that same building. Upstairs is FBI. ATF and IRS may also be there, but I think they've move out to other locations (safety in dispersal).


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Well, the IPS (Indianapolis Public School) system has just done the exact opposite. They have armed all of the IPS police, with Glocks no less. They are being trained by the State Police I believe. Only 3 out of 79 officers refused to be so armed.

For the full story: http://www.starnews.com/news/citystate/99/june/0622st_ips.html Although they say automatic handguns, I will be sending a letter to correct the writer. [It's been corrected now, loving having a wife that works at the paper.]



If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited June 24, 1999).]