That guy would be me. And nobody knew of the private property until that night. It was a sidewalk. We sat down on a bench/planter on the sidewalk which turned a corner into the cul-de-sac. The sidewalk, built by public funds, and public property until the DTC gave a private concern control over a public sidewalk, looked like any other sidewalk in Your-town, USA. And the theater was on the FAR side of that cul-de-sac, which also used to be public property...until the corrupt Tempe government officials gave themselves control of it with a private organization formed by members of that same city government. Cool how they do that, eh?
Well, did you, or didn't you at any point have a gun that night in a zone designated by the city as a "no gun zone"? I believe Tim said multiple times that you didn't. I'm inferring from your recent posts that you did.
Just trying to get the whole objective story, which seems to be like pulling teeth.I wasn't aware that we had two LEO-apologists here at TFL which would raise such ludicrous non-points.
Seems to me that someone reported you having a gun in a no gun zone. I'm guessing that's a local misdemeanor. And if you had indeed carried in violation of a city ordinance, and an identified person called that in, then it was enough for reasonable suspicion for a stop.Did someone call in a stolen gun report on that *ancient* April night?
Another issue. We really have no idea if there actually was a No Weapons zone, and if there was, where it actually began.
Tim says you weren't in a no gun zone, now you're saying you don't know if there was a no gun zone. And I suppose the cops and security guards contend that you WERE in a no gun zone.
There is a Super Double Secret sidewalk/culdesac on Mill Avenue known as Center Point which is actually public property but the Ctiy of Tempe has leased to a private concern. No guns allowed in this smidge of territory due to private property concerns.
Were you in this area or not with a gun?