Pointing an empty handgun when rounds run out?

As I said I saw the open show.

The person was advocating retreating.

However, I think pretending that your gun still has ammo in it, is far better than letting the BG know that you are out of ammo, and that you are now completely vulnerable.
Agree. I said before drop the slide so it looks like theres ammo. However run out of there and move like crazy. Id try and get away looking like I had ammo ;).
"If you are in a situation where you run through a full mag or even more, and that doesn't neutralize the threat, I don't think an empty gun bluff is going to do much... "

That is what I thought. I would really be dissapointed in myself if after years of range time and countless rounds fired, I could not make a bad situation better or at least end it. I would be running so fast after I had to draw before the first shot!
Some folks teach using the gun as an impact weaon if you are close up and run out. We practiced it with the instructor wearing a breast plate like vest thingee. You can give quite a hit.

If you are at distance, I don't see why you shouldn't point it as you flee in terror.
With my gun as an impact wepon, coupled with my knife, I'm going to still be putting up a fight. This could also work with a broken gun instead of one out of ammo.

And remeber, for whatever reason, many DON'T carry spare magazines :rolleyes:
You could always call a time out...

If they watch enough TV or play enough video games, they might go for it.:D

Anyway, why after expending all your ammo have you not neutralized the threat? :mad:Were you totally outnumbered before the SHTF? :eek:Did you have no way to run away before the first shot? Was your panic so uncontrollable, or your shooting just so poor from adrenaline or a thousand other things that you just couldn't hit the BG? :eek:or couldn't hit them all? :cool:or was your sin the worst of all - failure to bring enough ammo? :o

I assume they've been returning fire and you aren't immobilized yet, so they aren't shooting any better then you are. Guess i'd want to use available cover and run like the wind, only a wind that darts from cover to cover, zigs and zags.
I never could understand how someone could carry a pistol with NO reload. Im not even comfortable with 1 reload, I want at least 2. I also want a backup pistol with a reload.
Tyler... you want like four or five primary guns... two pocket guns(four if wearing cargo pants)..three ankle guns.... and two backups... all with four or five mags......and... if possible....a shotgun or two somewhere in the back/shoulders.
I love when Harry Callahan is messing with the bad guys in one. He pulls up along side there car.
-(Harry)"Excuse me do you know where the entrance for San Quentin is?
-(BG)"What are you blind, you missed the sign on the fence back there?
-(Harry)"No, I see just fine. I just wanted to know if you knew where San Quentin was. You do, dont you A**hole."
Agree about the knife. I have a good folder, and know where to go with it on the human body. My mother is an R.N. she taught me alot about the human anatomy. Im glad because now I know better ways to disable it.;)
..once all mags are depleted.

If for some reason it ever did come to that, and there is no escape, I'm pulling my knife and going to work.

Then again, if I run through 46 rounds and haven't stopped the threat, I might just try beating myself over the head with the gun and do the BG a favor. haha
"I know what you're thinking. Did he just fire six shots, or only five? Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself." -Harry Callahan

As awesome as movie bluffs like that are, I don't think that a bluff like that, would work out quite so well in real life in most cases.

I suppose maybe if the assailant was really gunshy, and rational.
Rounds ran out?

Daugherty16 said:
Anyway, why after expending all your ammo have you not neutralized the threat? Were you totally outnumbered before the SHTF? Did you have no way to run away before the first shot? Was your panic so uncontrollable, or your shooting just so poor from adrenaline or a thousand other things that you just couldn't hit the BG? or couldn't hit them all? or was your sin the worst of all - failure to bring enough ammo?

Mr. D here beat me to the answer.

I'd suggest practicing to the point where one runs out of adversaries prior to running out of ammunition. The adage "One cannot miss fast enough to win" applies to gunfights as well as matches.