Pointers on getting most accuracy out of my Remington 700 classic in 300 Weatherby

I have had this riffle since 1990 1 year I believe since it was produced, what I have done so far is free float barrel and accuraglassed the first couple of inches of action before recoil lug.I lapped the scope rings .I also have installed a Remington pro trigger set at 3# I think the biggest improvement was replacing the 25 year old Redfield 3x9 with a Vortex diamond back HP 4x16,now I can see the holes in the paper at 100yards.
I know the Weatherby's are not the most accurate do to freebore and I can get an average if I do my part about 1.25"average but I still looking for ways to get the most out of the 700.
Thanks in advamce
You didn't state wether you handled or not. Or what weight bullets you are shooting. Sometimes bullet weighthe, length, and design play a major role in accuracy. Another thing is consistent hold and pressure on magnum calibers. I've got one that you can't just lay on the sand bags and get consistent groups. If you dont hold the rifle firmly groups open up considerably. Needless to say it doesn't get shot much anymore. I will eventually get around to putting a new stock on it.
Yes iam sorry i have been,been handloading using ssc 7828 165 grn and 180 Bosley Accubonds,the 180 grainers are more consistent but recoil is a heck of alot more than the 165grain
The recoil of a 300Wby from a hunting rifle is going to increase group size--accept this and move on.
I used to shoot a 300Win mag target rifle that weighed around 12-13# and even then the recoil got obnoxious and affected group size. I still use a 300Win mag sporter occasionally and find it's groups will be double what I can get from a 30/06 simply due to recoil.
The 300 Wby is a big game rifle. If you're getting 1.25" @100 yard groups, that translates to 5" at 400 yards--plenty good enough for the size/type of game that the cartridge is designed for.
Fastest way to better groups will be a muzzle brake or suppressor. Muzzle brakes will be the cheapest way to get reduced recoil and fastest way to better groups. I don't like muzzle brakes and that's why I've never truly transitioned to magnum rifles, though I have a .300 H&H and .375 Ruger. However, with a consistent 1.25" hunting rifle in a large capacity case I'd be really satisfied.
Newbweatherby, You might want to look at this for shooting at the range.


I'm shooting 270Wby and using IMR-7828ssc with Fed 215 primer.

You might want to consider pillar bedding and I had friend that had Rem 300Wby classic and that was a shooter. He had pillars done and bedded lug and under chamber couple inch then floated barrel. My 270 Wby on Rem action and I had stock done that way. I never done before/after test.
Great ideas ,ill be honest the recoil doesn't bother me much I have had enough time to adjust to it ,i have got past the flinchitits.i just wish i could get what I always heard about people getting sub moa groups and ragged 1 hole groups ,i wish i could tighten them up,byw it was mentioneda muzzle brake is there and preferences?
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A lot of us do post small groups and I'm as guilty as the next for that. However, we're usually cherry picking our best targets. I have at most one or two rifles that do better than 1 MOA on a consistent basis and they even sometimes go under .5 MOA if I'm on my game. The majority of my hunting rifles will hang around 1 MOA for three shots, by my groups usually open up on the 4th and 5th shot to over 1 MOA. I won't keep a hunting rifle though it it won't shoot better than 1.5 MOA on a consistent basis.
If the accubonds are the only bullets you've tried, try a different bullet. Maybe a Sierra or Hornady flat base.
Great ideas ,ill be honest the recoil doenst bother me muchi have had enough time to adjust to it ,i have got past the flinchitits.i just wish i could get what I always heard about people getting sub moa groups and ragged 1 hile groups ,i wish i could tightem them up,byw it was mentioneda muzzle brake is there and preferences?
I had a wetherby vanguard in 300. I know it was a different rifle but mine only would shoot good at 3050 fps. Didn't matter the bullet weight only the velocity. I ended up using 200gr sierra as that is what it shot the best at 3050 fps. That also gave me the best ME. I would try different bullet weights and different bullets. There is a big difference.
I always heard about people getting sub moa groups and ragged 1 hole groups
Groups are always smaller on the internet. Your doing ok at 1 1/2" Best way to improve accuracy is, change bullets.
If you're getting 1.25" @100 yard groups, that translates to 5" at 400 yards--plenty good enough for the size/type of game that the cartridge is designed for.

MOA increases with distance. 6.5" at 400yd is my estimation, which is still excellent.

Hmm thanks 220 swift,I don't own a chronograph but bullets I can tell the difference. You know I was looking into the limbsaver barrel deresanoator?does any one have any experience with these either good or bad?
Lol thanks all I ordered a muzzle brake of Amazon, now I have to find a gun Smith to do the job and last week just doing some plinking @aprox 300 yards I was hitting milk jugs with water no problem 5 outta 5 shots I know nothing like match shooting but enough to keep confidence up.
If you want to get the most out of that .300Wby, sell it while it's in good shape and buy something fun, cheaper to shoot and that you can manage.