Point to Ponder

Jim V

New member
I will give you this fact to think about:

The Oakland County (Michigan) Sheriff's Department has received a supply of MARTIAL LAW and MILITARY CURFEW signs within the last two weeks.

I wonder why? Does somebody have plans for us that none of us want?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Please tell me you are kidding. Has anyone else heard of this in other locations? I think I'm about to wet my pants.
Holy SH*T.

This is bad enough by itself. Put it next to the National Guard armory in Penrose, CO building up its inventory, and the picture becomes a little clearer.

I just sent a note to <a href="maimailto:Ocsd@co.oakland.mi.us">ocsd@co.oakland.mi.us</a>, asking for information. If I receive a reply, I'll post it here.

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited May 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited May 27, 1999).]
Boys, I wish that I was kidding, my source of information has been reliable in the past. I hope to flaming hell he is wrong this time.

Now, if you excuse me, I'll be sharpening my bayonet, K-Bar and checking magazines.

"If I am taken prisoner, let there be jehad."
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited May 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited May 27, 1999).]
I'll check with a couple of people I know with the OCSD and see if I can turn anything up as well. This seems both ominous and insidious all at the same time, especially since I live in Oakland County (Jim, we're practically neighbors). I owe one of them a call anyway, so I'll try to call tonight or tomorrow and see what I can find out.

With the huge "Woodward Cruise" coming up, I could see if they were simply "Curfew", or a listing of curfew hours due to the massive crowds and increasing mayhem they're getting, but this whole "military" thing is scary.
Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited May 27, 1999).]
Ah, the Y2K preperations have begun to incite the masses!!!

Alot of law enforcement will be conducting "civil disobediance" training in anticipation that things go down the tubes this New Year's. It's hard to conceal when you have so many people involved. I wouldn't worry about it, unless you learn something else out... ;)

If anything, it shows that your local PD is on the ball. Give it a couple of months and other departments won't be able to get any due to the backorders!
Aaaahhhh crap. Since we're on the topic of martial law, can anyone direct me to good sources of info on this topic? I tried the search engines and all I got is stuff about some punk/alternative band called "Martial Law", and stuff about the TV show.
Fear of Y2K is a possibility, so is normal preparations for possible future natural disasters, etc, to prevent widespread looting during time of crises, and such. Kinda difficult to obtain such signs when your area has just been demolished by a tornado or something.

Sounds scary, but until they are ERECTED on a clear day and someone tries to enforce them, I don't see it as a big deal.

Larry P.
Just got this reply from OCSD:

In response to your e-mail inquiry, we have not received any such signs nor do
we possess any such signs. If you could provide us with more details such as
where you received this information or any further information, we will be glad
to look into it.

Yeah, like I'm gonna rat out the only allies I have left. Benedict Arnold I ain't.

That answer sounds a little too smooth to me. Whatchyall think?

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Sounds like a smoke screen is being passed back at you. Shakes my head, they really think that we will talk about our allies. Yea right and if they do, then I've still got that Bridge for sale in San Fran. Keep the faith everyone.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
About Martial Law: The various Y2K sites have lots of cross-links, and ML is one of the topics.

"prepare4y2k.com" is one starting point.

Remember that in the event of major lights-out looting, a localized version of ML is not only possible, it's desireable...
Hmmm, "Localized" Martial Law? Do you think Clinton would pass up an opportunity to make it nationwide? Hard to imagine that...

Anyway, I've seen online chatter about such "Sign sightings" for a few weeks now, I'm thinking it's born of Y2K paranoia (for now). Sort of like the rumored order of Purple Heart medals by the military -- people will repeat anything.

That said, I ain't taking any chances -- with trusted neighbors, friends and family, I can secure a pretty large area. Sadly, looters are the least of my worries.
This is my first posting, been reading for a few months and I appreciate all of the valuable info your forum has given me...
Good site for Martial Law info:


I pray every day it doesn't come to this, as
I know what it's like firsthand to have weapons confiscated from my home. In this instance, it was "for my own protection", of course. A few years back my dh died from a sigsw with his duty weapon. He was federal leo, and *they* came in droves every day and searched & seized without a warrant, (we'll get one). They took ALL of the weapons, the computer, disks, personal records (well, not ALL of it I ain't that stoopid). This was easy for them to do because as I saw some of you point out in another thread:
1. It's easy to get stuff when dh is away
2. I wasn't thinking clearly the first 24 hrs.
3. These people were my friends - we hugged at Christmas parties, had them & their kids to my home for cookouts & swim parties...I KNEW them.

This may be SOP, but nevertheless I was disarmed and never received my goodies back. Don't think I will call them at this late of a date to even try.

Now with stricter gun control laws forthcoming, along with the fear that I may not be able to purchase any in the future, I am rearming myself. A big 10-Q to the feds for taking my old stuff, 'cuz now I have much nicer stuff than I had before, a lot more of it, and I'm having fun doing it!
: D
Just some clarification on some of the abreviations used:

dh = ?
sigsw = ?
SOP = ?

After clarifying these I'm sure I'll understand the post better! :)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

my better half says that dh=dept. head.
makes sense to me, but don't know if it's right. it took me quite awhile to figure

fiat justitia
Alright then. I'm still confused.

Why would they come to your home and take your guns if it was your Department Head that killed himself, unless he was your husband... But, you don't talk about him that way.

And why would they want to take everything anyway?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Okay, okay "uncle" already. Sorry for all of the confusion...dh (dear husband), all else posted by Dennis is correct. It's an alphabet soup world...

The topic was Martial Law, and under martial law ALL of your property can become gov't property. My personal experience at being disarmed and left alone without a means of defending myself just didn't feel good, to put it nicely. I will not let it happen to me again, even if it means crossing my fingers behind my back while I say "I live in a gun-free home". (I laugh when I lie, this will be tuff).

My understanding is only the governor (state) can call out the National Guard (NG), but it takes the Prez to nationalize it with the approval of Congress. How many screaming civilians will it take for Congress to approve? No response required. Then, of course there's FEMA.

This is not what we want. Do you want a worst case? Once it happens it will be too late to exit town. All on/off ramps will have little command posts set up to prevent you from leaving. I don't have kids so I might chance it, but some of you sure wouldn't want to run the risk of hoofing if out of town at zero-dark-thirty only to have someone yell "stop or we shoot" at you, your spouse, or kids. And after that? ...we get to go "to camp?" My most humble opinion is we do not have the resources to do this, so this an unrealistic option, at least for me. Our military is spread so thin already in Korea, Yugoslavia, etc. along with enlistment shortages being reported by both Army and Air Force. In addition, the NG just doesn't have resources either for adequate coverage. Martial Law may be declared, but more than likely it will be as it was during the Watts riots in LA and the Rodney King riots. If you're out on the streets when you're not supposed to be, you will get one warning.

In my case, while martial law had not been declared, I was disarmed "for my own protection". I can see how this can become a viable rationale for disarming the public as a whole if martial law is declared. It would be for our own protection to ensure that "innocent people" do not get hurt. Unless of course they decide to draft you. Under martial law they can do this, too. So, you gonna go hide in the attic with your guns?

I pray for clarity on these issues and it's easy to get caught up in the hype. We need to keep it (martial law) in perspective and make prudent arrangements. My dh taught me if you panic, you lose.

I for one have seen too many good people die (physically & spiritually) fighting someone else's wars for the wrong reasons. Freedom...(mine & yours) is the ONLY reason worth dying for.

WE THE PEOPLE can and must stop this (martial law, EO's & gun control) before it gets out of control. When I was a little bit younger, we used to have peaceful demonstrations (sit-in's), they called 'em protests, so I date myself. Always up for a good sit-in...paint daisies on my face, fringe my jeans, listen to some good music again for a change, oh, yeah! and leave the Mini-14 at home!