Pocket Carry Suggestions?

All of this is very interesting, but there is another dimension that hasn't been addressed....IWB/OWB leaves pockets for more "normal" use for change, keys, money clip, small pocket knife or other more normal things.

Pocket holster, sticky or otherwise takes room, and a mag/speed loader on the other with normal pocket impedimenta is problematic too. How do you carry the stuff needed for everyday life; and don't say "i just carry a credit card".

This isn't as challenging as it might seem. Key ring and coins go in my left pocket. My pocket gun is an LCR 327, which stays on the right in a pocket holster. I resign myself to the six rounds and don't carry a reload.

I always wear button-up shirts with a shirt pocket on at least one side. I make use of those pockets for pens, a pen light, a small writing pad and sometimes a thin folding knife. I know it's old school but I always feel a little sloppy when my shirt is untucked. I used to carry IWB but I'm happier not dealing with it.

I'll often wear tasteful cargo pants, like the basic khaki Wranglers you can find at any Target or Walmart. That lets me put my phone, wallet, some medical supplies, (etc.) in the cargo pockets. I prefer that even if I'm not pocket-carrying because I don't like having bulk in my back pockets. I sometimes clip a pocket knife with loop-over clip inside the furthest right edge of my back pocket. That ends up being unobtrusive and easy to reach in these pants.

If I have to wear slacks, that usually means I'm also going to be wearing a sport jacket, blazer, field coat, leather jacket, etc. Any of those add enough pockets to make up the difference. In colder weather when I can guarantee use of such a garment, I'll go to shoulder carry as my suspenders. :)
What carry stuff?

In rear pockets will be a wallet and handkerchief.

Strong side front pocket will be pocket knife and car, house & mailbox keys on a ring.

Weak side front pocket will be a handgun in a good stiff holster.

Fountain pen in a shirt breast pocket.

At times there may be a second handgun carried in an OWB holster at 4 o'clock.

Cell phone stays at home.

Left wrist will be a watch with separate SIM card, cell phone access and remote forwarding from the cell phone at home. The watch can make and receive calls, text messages, alerts and has my contact list. Also interfaces with speakers and controls in the car with auto-response that I'm driving and will return calls or texts later.

Can't think of anything much else I need when out and about.
Strong side front pocket will be pocket knife and car, house & mailbox keys on a ring.

Weak side front pocket will be a handgun in a good stiff holster.

Did you mistype or do you really carry your handgun in your weak side pocket?
Did you mistype or do you really carry your handgun in your weak side pocket?
No mistype. Yes, handgun in weak side pocket. Often there will also be a handgun OWB strong side but in those cases it's kinda semi concealed or open carry.

I believe that for self defense I need to be equally proficient from strong or weak side.
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I believe that for self defense I need to be equally proficient from strong or weak side.

Most of us have a "strong" and "weak" side-which is why most, if not all of us, carry our handguns in the pocket of our "strong" side. If you're equally proficient from either side, why would you call either side weak or strong as you did in the post Doyle quoted?
I pocket carry an NAA Mini .22 Mag/.22 LR while at work.

I’d prefer bigger (caliber wise), but it’s about the only thing I can get away with at work.
I was going to suggest a LCP in a kydex pocket holster from Grandfather Oaks. Grandfather Oaks was 20 bucks compared the Alabama's 40 for about the exact same thing.

Couldn't find Grandfather Oaks website up...

You can't make this up...the two owners of Grandfather Oaks:
North Carolina Man Sentenced To Life Imprisonment For Conspiring To Kidnap And Murder As Part Of An Overseas Murder-For-Hire Scheme
Most of us have a "strong" and "weak" side-which is why most, if not all of us, carry our handguns in the pocket of our "strong" side. If you're equally proficient from either side, why would you call either side weak or strong as you did in the post Doyle quoted?

I'm generally right handed, but that is an issue when it comes to self defense. I generally hold things in my right hand, coffee, phone, tools, food ...; and so in a self defense incident it's very possible my right hand will be already busy doing stuff. And up close and personal it is my right hand that is best used for any physical defense; warding or throwing or swiping or posturing...

So I tend to favor my left hand as the handgun hand. It is more likely empty, not where most folk concentrate and so that is where I carry my concealed handgun.

But that also means I need to practice with it, practice presentation, practice holstering, practice shooting, practice coordinating and changing hands.
Jar, I certainly can't fault your logic. In fact, now that my right shoulder is giving me so many problems (rotator cuff) I'm having to use my left hand for more than I would have thought possible.
I'm generally right handed, but that is an issue when it comes to self defense. I generally hold things in my right hand, coffee, phone, tools, food ...; and so in a self defense incident it's very possible my right hand will be already busy doing stuff. And up close and personal it is my right hand that is best used for any physical defense; warding or throwing or swiping or posturing...

So I tend to favor my left hand as the handgun hand. It is more likely empty, not where most folk concentrate and so that is where I carry my concealed handgun.

But that also means I need to practice with it, practice presentation, practice holstering, practice shooting, practice coordinating and changing hands.
Jar, Very interesting rationale, and as a former LE firearms instructor, makes a lot of sense to me. As long as someone practices and is proficient with what was initially their "off" hand made into an equally proficient hand through practice, certainly good thinking.
I normally pocket carry, use a cheap nylon Walmart pocket holster or no holster at all, carry a 642 revolver. I have an LC9 and it'll fit in my pocket but I can't draw fram my pocket with it due to the shape of the gun so back to the 642.
All of this is very interesting, but there is another dimension that hasn't been addressed....IWB/OWB leaves pockets for more "normal" use for change, keys, money clip, small pocket knife or other more normal things.

Pocket holster, sticky or otherwise takes room, and a mag/speed loader on the other with normal pocket impedimenta is problematic too. How do you carry the stuff needed for everyday life; and don't say "i just carry a credit card".

Being LH, LCP/642/CM9 or whatever in left front pocket; watch, keys, small meds vial in right front pocket; wallet in left side cargo pocket; no knife or reload or flashlight or baton (which I personally find silly to be "needing all of that"
Ruger LCP gen 2 in a Desantis Nemesis, right front pocket every day. Size, capacity, and weight are all perfect for my pocket carry needs.
1. Does any of you actually pocket carry on a consistent basis?

Pretty much every workday. I can't carry IWB at work because of the type of work I do.

2. If so, what sort of gun do you carry? J-frame, micro 1911, something else? (I'll be sticking with something in either 9mm or 38 Spl, and I'd prefer it to be DA or have a 1911 style safety)

So far I have only found two 9mm pistols that will fit, fully covered, in a jeans pocket. I've tried with the Shield, XDS, Glock 43, and Kimber Micro 9. They all are partially exposed when in the pocket. In many places that'd be fine, but where I work, while it's legal to carry, if management found out that I was carrying, I'd probably lose my job. I need the gun fully concealed.

The two that will fit are the Rorbaugh R9 and the Bond Arms Bullpup9. They're very different guns, but both are all-metal DAO pistols with an OAL of about 5 inches (all the guns above are at least 6" long, which is why they don't fully conceal). They're both in the $1100 MSRP range, so getting into a 9mm that completely fits in a jeans pocket won't be cheap.

The Rorbaugh is thinner, carries 6+1, is not +P rated, and has a 2.9" barrel. It's not designed to be fired much; the manufacturer recommends replacing the recoil spring every 200 rounds. I believe it's currently out of production.

The Bullpup has a quite unique action that lets them squeeze a 3.4" barrel into a frame that's actually shorter than the Rorbaugh. It's slightly thicker, holds 7+1, and is +P rated. Unlike the R9, you can shoot it as much as you want; however, one thing to note is that because of the unusual action, certain ammunition won't work (specifically, reloads and really cheap target ammo that don't have the bullet crimped into the shell will separate under recoil, causing jams). Bond has an extensive list of ammo on their website that's been tested to work (WWB is their recommended target ammo, and practically any self-defense loading is good); feed it anything on that list and you'll never have a problem.

I carry the Bullpup. It's actually pleasant to shoot, compared to other subcompact 9mms. The trigger pull is long, but relatively light and very smooth (think "S&W revolver with a trigger job" smooth). I've said my piece elsewhere as to what I think of the gun, but let's just say I don't foresee changing it up anytime soon, if ever.

If you want to fully conceal in a jeans pocket but don't like either of those options, you'll probably have to make the jump down to .380 or look at snubby revolvers.

3. Finally, what sort of holster do you use/recommend?

I carry all of my pocket guns in Bear Creek "back pocket" holsters. I like them because the "anti-print" panel can be removed if I want to carry in the front pocket, but with it on, it just looks like I'm carrying a big wallet in my back pocket. For me, front pocket carry is more comfortable, but drawing from a front jeans pocket is not fast or easy.

I'm not comfortable carrying any gun in a pocket without a holster of some sort, even if there's nothing else in the pocket. I realize some folks have done it for years with no issues, and that's fine; I just can't do it.
the Rohrbaugh is now the Remington RM380. They improved the spring and made this a sort of reasonable .380. I say sort of because I had a Rohrbaugh and detested the disassembly reassembly method which required punching out a pin to disassemble (not so bad) but then realigning everything with the slide partly back in EXACTLY the right alignment with barrel part. If you have big, nonarthritic hands that can hold everything right while you slide the pin in, this will work for you. If you are like me, it's a major PITA.
Here is a link showing field strip and reassembly. Watch how many times this "expert" has to mess with the pin.
I prefer something that does not require extra tools and 3 hands to disassemble/reassemble. My pocket carries are a Pico (winter) and a P32 (summer).
the Rohrbaugh is now the Remington RM380. They improved the spring and made this a sort of reasonable .380. I say sort of because I had a Rohrbaugh and detested the disassembly reassembly method which required punching out a pin to disassemble (not so bad) but then realigning everything with the slide partly back in EXACTLY the right alignment with barrel part. If you have big, nonarthritic hands that can hold everything right while you slide the pin in, this will work for you. If you are like me, it's a major PITA.
Here is a link showing field strip and reassembly. Watch how many times this "expert" has to mess with the pin.
I prefer something that does not require extra tools and 3 hands to disassemble/reassemble. My pocket carries are a Pico (winter) and a P32 (summer).
I left out the plethora of good .380 (and .32) options because the OP said they wanted a 9mm. Otherwise, yeah, if you're willing to carry a smaller caliber, then your choices multiply significantly.
I left out the plethora of good .380 (and .32) options because the OP said they wanted a 9mm. Otherwise, yeah, if you're willing to carry a smaller caliber, then your choices multiply significantly.

Well, we can always carry a 9mm Kurz or 9mm Corto or 9mm Browning Court or the 9x17mm or 9mm Short or 9mm Mak or 9x18 or ...