Pocket Carry Suggestions?


New member
Hey guys, I have never carried a pistol in my pocket, but I'd like to give it a try. I find that there are situations in which I simply cannot conceal a pistol on my belt, and want a backup option for those special occasions.

Here are my questions:
1. Does any of you actually pocket carry on a consistent basis?
2. If so, what sort of gun do you carry? J-frame, micro 1911, something else? (I'll be sticking with something in either 9mm or 38 Spl, and I'd prefer it to be DA or have a 1911 style safety)
3. Finally, what sort of holster do you use/recommend?

I have zero experience with this carry method, and would like to cut down on wasteful spending in the experimentation phase haha.

I occasionally pocket carry a S&W Model 442 J-Frame in a Uncle Mike's pocket holster. I also usually drop a speed loader in my other pocket just in case. Obviously a pretty basic set-up, but it works.
Pocket carry is the only way I go now. Either 380 Seecamp or Bonds Arm Bullpup in sticky holsters. Thinking about adding a S&W airlite to the rotation.
most of this will depend upon your body shape and clothing choice. J frames and various small autos are carried by many. all are concealed, some are unnoticeable, some are quite noticeable.
most of this will depend upon your body shape and clothing choice
In reference to my body type and clothing choices:

I'm 6'4", 200 pounds, and wear clothes that are on the tighter side. We're not talking skinny jeans and yoga pants, but I work in a professional environment where ill-fitting (aka baggy) clothes aren't cool.

All that to say, concealment is a priority.

1. I pocket carry almost exclusively.
2. I usually carry a Glock 42. Sometimes a Ruger LCRX in .327.
3. For the Glock I use a Sticky brand pocket holster. With the Ruger I use a Mika holster.

I can carry either setup in a jeans pocket but they are both work better in slacks pockets. The pants don't have to be baggy, just a comfortable fit. I usually keep a spare mag for the 42 in a simple knife pouch or speedloader in a flip-phone pouch. Neither pouch looks tactical. The phone pouch needs a roll of foam as a spacer in the bottom.
I pocket carried a charter arms 38 on and off for a while, cant remember the holster, but these days is every day pocket carry with kel-tec p32 with Sticky sm2 holster.
Your stature + here. More like ++ LOL
Pocket carry always, but in jeans
almost always as well. LCP in a DeSantis Nemesis most of the time, Kahr CM9 when larger pockets or pocket opening allows. Also in a Nemesis by DeSantis.
I pocket carry a Sig P938 with the 6 round magazine (the 7 round makes it too bulky in my opinion) in an Unkle Mike's pocket holster. I used to carry a Sig P290RS but didn't like the weight (6 ounces more I think,) or the long double action pull. While I am fine with double action triggers on my S&W revolvers, the 2 finger grip on the 290 made the trigger hard to master. I am suprised how well I can shoot the 938. While a bit pricey, l think it is worth every penny. I am 6'2", 205, so with my big hands the 2 finger grip is still not a problem.
Model 36 stubble in home made leather holster, a wrap around that comes above the hammer. Have my thumb on the hammer as the pistol clears the pocket. This a little difficult to draw while driving but can be done.
Give up on the cutting down of wasteful spending of experimentation.
What works for me or anyone else here may not work for you.
I carry a J-frame sometimes and a S&W Bodyguard (.380) sometimes.
I also have a drawer full of holsters including belly bands, ankle holsters and shoulder holster.
"Wasteful spending of experimentation time" is best referred to due diligence on your part. Asking us is just the tip of the iceberg on your part.
In reference to my body type and clothing choices:

I'm 6'4", 200 pounds, and wear clothes that are on the tighter side. We're not talking skinny jeans and yoga pants, but I work in a professional environment where ill-fitting (aka baggy) clothes aren't cool.

All that to say, concealment is a priority.

with regards to suit paints type clothing, today's fashion seems to be a mix of the 1960's shark skin tight pants and mom jeans. I prefer the classic cut in slacks and jackets. this is not only still stylish but has a generous cut that allows you to still carry a handgun without printing much if any, and you don't suffer from groin bulge like the skinny pants show.
I'm 6'4", 200 pounds, and wear clothes that are on the tighter side.

I'd suggest the LCP, if it isn't too small for your hands. Snubs and tight pants aren't a good combination if concealment is the goal. If the LCP is too "snappy," Wolff 12 lb recoil springs will tame it down.

Maybe a CM9, if you want something larger.
I pocket carry all the time. No holster- just never anything else in that pocket.
I can't get a J frame in my pocket.
But a Keltec P32 is almost unnoticeable both from a weight and printing standpoint.
I pocket carry a Kahr CW380.I came to that gun starting with a s&w 640.

The 640 was too heavy and hard to shoot fast loaded hotter than 38+p. It was bulky and printed mostly due to weight. In a jacket pocket, it might still be ok.

Then I went to a Keltec P32. It carried easy and I shot it fast. Targets over 5yds at speed were a waste of time....I guess I didn’t shoot it that well!

Then I went to the cw380 in a pocket holster. I shoot it fast and accurate to 10 yards. I carry it with a spare mag all in one holster. Great gun.

That said, 90% of the time, I find a belt holster or shoulder holster better as I have limited use of my left pockets making the right side pretty full.
Hey guys, I have never carried a pistol in my pocket, but I'd like to give it a try. I find that there are situations in which I simply cannot conceal a pistol on my belt, and want a backup option for those special occasions.

Here are my questions:
1. Does any of you actually pocket carry on a consistent basis?

Almost every day. Saturdays I don't have to care, and carry a big gun IWB for practice. Other days pocket carry.

2. If so, what sort of gun do you carry? J-frame, micro 1911, something else? (I'll be sticking with something in either 9mm or 38 Spl, and I'd prefer it to be DA

J-frame (S&W 642) or equivalent (Taurus 605), or XDS9.

or have a 1911 style safety)

Ohhh. Ix-nay on the 1911. IMHO & YMMV.

3. Finally, what sort of holster do you use/recommend?

DeSantis Nemesis, or Mika pocket holster.

I have zero experience with this carry method, and would like to cut down on wasteful spending in the experimentation phase haha.


You've come to the right place.

It helps to have the right pants, with pockets big enough.
I pocket carry all the time. No holster- just never anything else in that pocket.
The problem I have noticed with holsterless carry with a DA gun isn't really a safety issue, but rather a consistent orientation problem. Without the "sticky" texture and tab on the bottom on holsters like the DeSantis Nemesis the gun tends to roll around, and get upside down in my pocket. Not very expedient to pull a gun out of your pocker by the barrel, then get a proper grip on it. Or taking time to turn it around in your pocket to get a proper grip. I've actually experienced it with my LCP in a roomier pocket. That's when the little bit larger CM9 comes in handy.
I most commonly carry IWB, but one or two days a week I pocket carry a Sig P238 in a Remora. The 9 mm P938 is only slightly larger and a bit more expensive. No first-hand experience with it, but my wife and I each have the .380 and it shoots amazingly well for such a small pistol.