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PM problems


New member
I'm having problems with this site in general. PM's are giving me problems as are contacting ANYBODY about it.

Right now my PM's are reading 0-0 but I know that there are at least 4 there. I get the pop-up that says 'new message' and there isn't one even though I know one was sent.

I'm also having problems keeping track of my posts. They do not seem to show anywhere. I have to go back to my UN and 'find posts/threads'.

PM's to mods aren't answered and the webmasters link doesn't respond at all.

Can anybody fill me in on this? I'm a mod on another vBulletin site and have a pretty good idea of how this is supposed to work. Somehow this site is not working properly in my case.

Any help would be appreciated.

To those of you that have PM'd me and not recieved a response, I'm sorry. There's a fly in the ointment.
you might have a pip up blocker, look in the upper right hand side of the TFL.com screen. see the blue code that says private messages. Try clicking it. Maybe this will help? Good luck
P.S. pm sent
Right now my PM's are reading 0-0 but I know that there are at least 4 there. I get the pop-up that says 'new message' and there isn't one even though I know one was sent.
Really? You have 5 PMs now. I checked, and they're there. If you don't see them, you might not be looking in the right place, or there's a problem with your web browser / cookies / javascript.

Sorry Y'all

I just recieved another PM that I cannot access, that makes 3 total that I have seen tonight. There may be others when I am away or on another site. I'm doing everything within my power to rectify the situation and looking forward to conversing with you.
Swampghost - let's try attacking your PM problem from a different angle.

a) Right click on my name at the left of this post; select "Send a private message to Mal H". If you get the private message composition screen, go ahead and send me a short test message. If you don't get the screen, go to c below.

b) Now, do the same thing again, but click on "List messages" from the left menu instead of sending a message. You should have accessed your inbox.

c) Post back here with the results of the test.

I apologize for not closing the loop. I assumed that you had received the PM I sent you when I didn't get another response from you indicating you were still having a problem.

I suspect that part of your problem is that the PM total reflects both the messages in your INBOX AND your sent messages, not just your INBOX messages.

Right now it shows that you have 18 messages, 11 sent messages and 7 in your INBOX. Are you still unable to access any of them?
John, I never recieved your PM. I'm now showing a total of 18, only 7 incoming, I know that I've missed 3 tonight concerning the K-22. The pop-up came up but there was nothing in the box.

Sometimes the PM says 0-0 or 1-4 or pick any numbers below 18.
What's going on??

I saw you create the PM and send it. I received the PM, but then you went off on other things (reading a thread about a mini-14, replying to your tech support thread, replying to "best pump shotgun", etc.)

You didn't complete part b, and that was the important part! You need to see if you can access your inbox. If you can, what do you see?
How do you know you've missed three? If you are hitting the back button and your browser is not set to refresh each page it loads, or if it is set to compare the page to the one in memory, it is possible that you could be re-triggering the same pop-up box over and over.

Do you know how to switch between your SENT box and your INBOX?

1. What do you see when you click on the Private Messages: link that's in the upper right corner of your screen?

2. The Private Messages: link is in a small box with some other text. Please type/paste in everything you see in that box in your reply to this message.

3. I can not access your PMs (I can see what you send me but I can't get to your INBOX, the forum SW doesn't provide that feature), we'll have to work this out on this thread.
Merging new thread in General Discussion on this complaint.

Swampghost, just a comment on this: if you really have a problem and want help with it, keep your comments here in this thread and try to follow through to resolve it. If an Admin is going to spend time on this, the least you can do is stay with him to work it out, instead of repeatedly posting in General Discussion about the problem.
OK! It was getting really late for me and I'm not used to immediate replies when having problems.

When I first got on line this morning there was a pop-up saying that I had a new PM. I checked the PM and there was nothing new in there.

Following advice, I logged out and closed the tab (Explorer browser). I opened new tab, made sure that the P-U blocker wasn't enabled, searched for the site and logged in.

I was showing 1 unread message and a total of 33. I checked and found no unread/new messages. The totals change to 0 and 32
Try Firefox or Opera. I suspect they will (both) work properly, at which point you can blame IE and we can turn this thread into a nice anti-IE, anti-MS thread. :)
Swampghost - forget the totals, forget the read vs unread status, forget the popup box - can you read your PM's or not?
This morning I encountered another problem. I signed in, made a post here and now it's gone. Following that I tried to make another post and got the PU that I needed to sign in......again. I did in the PU and when I went to post the same PU came up.

I don't know what's going on here. I'm on a lot of forums and never any problems like this.

If this does work, how many PU blockers can one have? I've eliminated 2. I'm running Comcast+Norton+Microsoft+Spybot for protection. This combo hasn't affected any other sites and I don't need to disable my PU blocker.

It's late again and I don't have the energy to deal with this now. Please post any ideas and I'll check them out in the AM
Are you sure you're hitting the "Submit Reply" button and not just the "Preview Post" button at the bottom of the text entry page?

At this point, I'm almost certain that it is a problem on your end. If it were a website problem, more people than just you would be having difficulties.

Mal H said:
Swampghost - forget the totals, forget the read vs unread status, forget the popup box - can you read your PM's or not?
Swampghost - Did you not see this question? You are making it very difficult for us to help you when you won't even answer our questions...
I posted before but don't see it here.

Right now my PM reads unread 1, total 33. Earlier it read 0-0. Later it read Unread 4, Total 36. I clicked on the PM link and when it opened it read 'Unread 0, Total 32'. I've never failed a math course and these numbers don't make any sense.

How do I know that I've missed messages? I get the pop-up that states 'You have a new message from XXXX' just like all of the other vBulletin sites that I'm on. When I open the PM there is nothing new there.

Am I supposed to hangout on this page until I receive a reply? I can't just sit here waiting.
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Open your PM window and tell us how many PM's you have in your inbox and how many you have in your Sent box. I want to see how those numbers compare with our statistics.