The gray color is a Ruger option, but they have no 7 shooters. The 7 and 8 shooters are made by S&W and Taurus. Also your gray and 7 shot preference will only be offered in a .357mag revolver.
The effective range and accuracy of any revolver is solely up to the shooter. An excellent shooter with a 2 incher can best a novice with a 6 or 8 incher at any distance.
Being that you are new to the game a 4 to 6 incher should serve you well. If you are totally new to handgunning then I recommend a .22lr revolver to learn the basics. It will be easier and cheaper to learn that way.
The effective range and accuracy of any revolver is solely up to the shooter. An excellent shooter with a 2 incher can best a novice with a 6 or 8 incher at any distance.
Being that you are new to the game a 4 to 6 incher should serve you well. If you are totally new to handgunning then I recommend a .22lr revolver to learn the basics. It will be easier and cheaper to learn that way.