Please help- revolver vs auto

As of right now Im carrying a semi as my primary weapon. My back up will (in the very near future) be a .38 revolver. Looking at the CIA for back up. I believe my back up should be a revolver for 2 main reasons. If I cant hit them with 33 shots then I need to throw the semi away and use the revovler while Im running and 2, if the semi jams at least I got 5 shots to help in making my escape.

Seriously, if you feel comfy with a revolver for your main weapon then by all means stick with it. I have read that in a defensive situation your nerves and motor skills go to hates and your ability to keep point of aim accurate might falter. If so then the extra shots the semi offers will be a bonus. If you only have 5 shots and dont practice often enough then I would be concerned about being able to defend myself.

Either way I cant seem to chose between the two. Therefore I buy and shoot both.

Don, keep the posts coming. You do educate us with each. :)
Don Mallard,

Good points. While some autos may not have jammed in the past they are ALL more likely to jam than a revolver. Would hate to be 6 feet under because my autoloader that never jammed at the range jammed for the first time in a life or death situation.

What do you think of my idea of carrying both- if the primary is a revolver carrying a auto backup and vice versa. I am much stronger in my right arm than my left, and from what I've read in the distances that many civilian CCW situations happen I may need that arm to block some kind of attack (knife, attempt to get my holstered gun, blunt weapon, etc) so I would carry a small backup in my left pocket so I can get to it with my left hand when needed. I don't currently live in a state where CCW is a possiblity so I don't currently do it. I do plan to move in 1-3 years to VA or PA both of which allow it. Is the idea of a backup gun for a civilian unrealistic in practice?

Didn't quite catch what you mean but I'm guessing here.

I don't carry a knife. I don't live in a CCW state so I usually just rely on staying alert and hoping and praying for the best. When I go to parts of the state (Baltimore for instance) where trouble is more likely I carry pepper spray. I don't carry a knife because I haven't trained to use one (yet) and I am physically out of shape so if I drew a knife I'd as likely lose it and have it used against me as I would be able to defend myself with it. As I lose weight and gain muscle strength I will start shopping for a knife that I can carry all the time until I do move to a CCW state and get a permit.

My most frequent carry setup these days is a five-shot revolver backed up by an eight-shot automatic.

Primary is most frequently the *&* 296Ti .44 Special Centennial with Federal 200gr LSWCHP's. Carried in my purse's carry compartment because a) it is lightweight and b) the enclosed hammer allows me to fire the gun from inside the purse if necessary. ("Give me your purse, b^&$%!" "Well, okay; if you insist." ;) )

Backup is the Beretta 3032 Tomcat or 950BS Jetfire, depending on the size of available pockets.

If I feel like carrying OWB under a light covering garment in this cool half of the year, then it'll be a 1911, Glock, or P7 backed up by the 296Ti in the purse.
I have found that I can conceal a small auto easier than a revolver. If you compare a Colt Commander with a J frame snubbie, there is not much difference in size and the Commander is thinner. I like them both, but lately I am favoring the auto.
Hmmm, Sorry Chaim, off topic joke there. The only other place I heard the name Chaim is in a series of books I've been reading called Left Behind...

In the book, Chaim kills the anti-christ with a blade, then later has his name changed to Micah...

Thought you mighta took your screenname from the book...good books by the way, recommended reading...;)
I must take contention with that myth, Ed.

When you put both of those guns into a nice IWB rig, the only thing showing above your beltline is the 'handle'. Even the largest available grips for the J-frame don't approach the length and girth of a 1911 .45 frame.:rolleyes: Ditto for the alledged thickness of the cylinder vs. that of the .45.;)

Apples vs. oranges:)
What I said was that I could conceal a small auto easier and I still think I can. With the exception of my NAA Mini, every revolver I own is thicker than my Commander and I have autos smaller than the Commander.

Don't know those books. The name is my Hebrew name, it means "Life" in Hebrew.


I've been thinking alot about how I will carry (thinking only, living in Maryland means carrying will put you in jail for quite some time if caught) when I move to a CCW state. Right now (subject to change) I think I would probably want to use my S&W 65 in .357(3" barrel) in an IWB holster with a Kel Tec P11 or Kahr P40 in my left pocket. I am also starting to think alot about buying a .44 spl that may take the place of/alternate with the .357. Alternately, I would probably want to pair my 1911 (or the CZ I will be buying in the next couple months) with a 2" snubbie in .38spl (probably a Taurus or a used S&W). Of course, it is probably a couple years until I move (I am changing careers and it will take me 1- 1 1/2 years to finish the teaching certification program I just entered so I'm not likely to go anywhere for at least that long) so I'd be very surprised if I didn't change my mind and change it back dozens of times until then :D. The point being, that the idea of a revolver primary with an auto as backup is really starting to appeal to me (though again, I am in danger of going over to the other side on the auto vs. revolver debate).

Since you carry a revolver primary with a auto, like I think I'd like to I have some questions? What made you decide to do it that way? Do you carry that way when you go somewhere where you don't/can't carry the gun purse (if you ever go without the purse)? If you didn't carry the purse would this combo be too bulky/cumbersome or would you suggest it as something to consider for men for whom a gun purse isn't an option (and I don't like fanny packs)?


Again, my last question. Since I live in a state where it isn't really a possibility to carry I don't have any real world experience with it. I've only worn them around the house to get used to the idea (occasionally) and practiced drawing from the holster. Is it really a practical idea to carry a primary AND a backup in a civilian CCW situation? In day to day life do you find that a reasonable expectation or does it become more trouble than it is worth causing people who start that way to move to one gun only?

If the latter, why do you carry a revolver over a auto? I would like to be won back over to a clear cut preference for the revolver (it is how I started and I guess my heart wants to still be there) though I am starting to see the lure of autos. The jamming/FTF/FTE point made earlier was a strong one and was nearly enough.

Auto fans don't try to sell me on ammo capacity (if you look at the opening post that is one characteristic that is NOT a factor in causing me to consider changing my preference to autos- a gun that holds 15 rnds of 9mm doesn't impress me, I'd prefer a 7 or 8 shot .45acp 1911 or concealable 9mm or .40 any day). From what I've read about real world situations the ammo capacity is unnecessary, the average gunfight (according to the FBI) is over within about 3 shots. Usually a civilian is only going to have to face 1 attacker (2 is rare, more almost never happens).
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I carry an Officers ACP or G22 (schizo right now) backed up by a stainless Charter .44 Bulldog. A major caliber revolver can do everything necessary for a defensive sidearm -- its just bulkier, harder to shoot and has less capacity than a semi-auto. For a back-up, I have always preferred a snubbie. I used to carry a *&*, but I'm not as forgiving as Tamara is.
As long as the pistol is suitable as a fighting tool and you have the skill to use it, you should carry what makes you feel good.
Been there done that!

I stayed very dedicated to the effort of mastering snubnose .38 and .357 revolvers. I tried for years to achieve a comfort level carrying and shooting them accurately. I could not achieve either! A lot of TFL members have mastered the snubby, I suck with all of them. I have owned Smiths, Tauri, Colts, and a Ruger SP-101. I have always shot better with auto loaders. I currently carry a EG Makarov. It's not as simple a a snubby but I can shoot it very well and conceal it at well as previous Snubbies I have owned. I carry the Mak because it is extremely reliable. To each his or her own. I tried but pistols work for me.
I use to carry a CZ 9mm for a short time. Now I carry a 342PD, .38 and a strip. I seriously doubt that I will ever need even that but it is light and sits unoticeable in my "Uncle Mike's" pocket holster. It is a good feeling to have it somehow and I carry it almost everywhere. I practice with it because it is fun more than with any sense of expectancy and I am pretty accurate with it up to the distance where running may be a more prudent option. Personally, I have never even HEARD of a private citizen needing a 15 round clip then having to go for their backup after emptying that! Has anyone?! I HAVE heard that in 99.99% of cases showing the gun was enough. I think that non-LEOs go out so heavily armed because they enjoy "that SWAT feeling" and there is nothing wrong with that but the stats don't seem to justify it. So flame me! Prove me wrong! I know that I have a lot to learn here! :D
Why I like revolvers

Its all a matter of background and personal preference. I have never felt underarmed with a five shot J frame.

But the main reason I like revolvers is that you can fire one five or six times before you leave any forensic evicence at the scene.
Can you imagine what would befall the poor sap who tried to "mess" with Tamara? My wife packs a Taurus 605 3" stoked with Winchester 115 Grain HP's----------------I pity the poor soul that would purpose to "mess" with her as well.

The reason I got her the 3" is because I have found the 3" tenders more positive ejection. I also had a gunsmith put a heavy matte black polymer/guncote type finish on it for ease of maintenance and low flash factor.
Don Mallard...That was a bad story.

You DO leave interesting posts. I was watching one of those "reality" or "caught on camera" type TV programs where an off duty deputy was in line at his bank when the guy in front of him produced some kind of pistol and announced, "This is a robbery"! The deputy pulled out his off duty, small auto and challanged the thief. A struggle ensued and both guys ended up on the floor of the bank. The deputy got off one shot into the shoulder of the thief, and his little auto jammed. I guess taining took over and he somehow defeated the armed thief as they rolled around on the floor of the bank. (It's kind of a pisser that none of the other customers came to the deputy's aid as he was fighting for his life. They just stood around with their mouths open.)
Anyway, I don't dream much--but I've had the nighmare where my auto jams just at the "wrong" time 5 or 6 times. I woke up in a cold sweat every time.

Kentucky Rifle
Lately I have been working on a dream list as I have been recently been gettin back into guns. I have been shooting for a ling time and I have just started or restarted my gun nuttyness from teen/Marinecorps years.

I have always wanted a ruger mkII and a 1911a1 but just recently got a Glock 19 and my long awaited MKII slabside. still waiting on the 1911

BUT.... I have been looking at more and more Revolvers.

I have always wanted a SAA (wish list changed to the Ruger SBH Hunter (I wish it came in 45LC))

I now am dreaming more about S&W Mountain guns in 45lc please..especially after seeing the pic Tamara posted of s&w mountain gun. and colt Troopers, in 357, and ruger sp101 in 9mm. I have a taurus tracker in 357 6in.

The more I am reading about handguns the more I am desiring revolvers. I see more people complain about their SigH&KGlockWalther geewhizbang fullcap I carry 57rnds, either they jam or they are inaccurate or they are too heavy or does the grip print when I carry, it ratttles when I hold the slide just so, I really like my Glock but I am starting to prefer the wheel over the slide.

I think some of this comes from the fact that we Pennsylvania residents cannot hunt with an auto loader.
I love them both...A revolver is more dependable without question. I carry a snubbie 357. I want another sp101 as the
cylinder is smaller and better for carry as opposed to my 6 shot.
I also carry my CZ Compact. It depends on where I am going and
what I can wear. The 357 is a little thicker..but more compact than my Compact. I can stick it in a pocket if need be. Its nice to have an option if you need it. But its nicer to carry both.
Shoot well