Plead guilty or fight the good fight.

With a conviction, even a misdemeanor I could lose my security clearance and be unemployed therefore I don't have much choice. So it is to the bitter end if I believe I am in the right. Luckily for me I can afford a decent lawyer if I need one. I just prefer not to need one.

This is not so much a matter of principal as it is of survival.

I would like to think my wife would not leave me if I were wrongly imprisoned. But I would rather not test that theory. But I am certain that if she believed I were right and I folded under than she probably would leave me for being less of man than she believed possible.

So again I have no choice but to do the right thing.
Remember, it is your goal to survive physically, mentally, and legally.

That is the hard part, surviving legally and physically. Lawyers aren't not there to prove who is and isn't innocent. They are here to win a case, to look good pubically, to make money. With that being the case, how do you survive legally when you NEED to survive physically? If you are backed in a corner with 5 thugs in front of you, do you hope all they want is your money or do you prepare for the possibility that you will need to fight for your life? Personally, I would not plead guilty to a crime I did not commit, but I wouldn't want my family to suffer in my absence. This is one of those instances where it makes you question the support of the government. All I know is if I had to defend myself when had no other option, not even the fear of law would stop me.
Aparently that question is answered depending on wether a person is an idealist or practical (willing to compromise). Whatever your stand is, never be a fundamentalist when dealing with this issue. Asuming one position on principle can lead to disastrous concecuences brought forth by blind stupidity.
I would fight it. Self defense is self defense. I would hope for a common-sense jury and/or judge.

That's what is fundamentally wrong with this country and our court systems. Self defense is getting harder and harder to do. These cases need to be thrown out of court by judges that won't take this crap anymore. A new precedent needs to be set.