Plants Rights

Exactly! and it must be manual....who needs an "automatic" lawnmower? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Could any of this be related to the screeching noise I hear when my hair is being cut (or should that be hairs being cut)? - Doc
Is that a pre-ban mower, with more than 2 blades? You murderer.

"When you close your eyes, Clarice, can you still hear the grass screaming?"
I live in CA and meet a great deal of vegans and vegetarians. I've only met one who wasn't condescending and intolerant of anyone with differing view points. To him I give kudos.

One gal I had the misfortune of going to lunch with, for the first time, actually requested that no one order meat at the table as it was against her beliefs and offends her. When the waiter arrived, I asked the waiter if they had chicken and whether or not it could be brought live, to table to be picked out and killed by me personally.
That's a good one. Those are the type of times when I relish being contrary just for spite. When someone thinks their point of view is the only option and they won't be open minded enough to even consider other viewpoints. If you can't even agree to disagree, piss 'em off :)
I could use an ASSAULT LAWN MOWER...
You should see the back yard :(

Kenetic Defense Institute
The plant probably DOES feel pain and the deer probably experiences tremendous anxiety but SO WHAT??
Animals kill to live. Man is an animal. (Women and children too)
Most ardently anti folks are not realistic. They prefer to live in a contrived reality of their own making. I forget what my psychiatrist called that but it is prevalent.

Better days to be,

He probably called it "deluded"...
In the venacular we call it "whacked" :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Hi everyone,
I should obviously come out of the closet here and confess that I'm a real live true vegetarian. Whoah! But there it is. I'm afraid that for whatever reason I don't like meat or fish at all - something about the taste and texture that I really can't handle. I'd be very keen on going hunting, though, if I can organise the opportunity, and I go fishing sometimes in the summer if there's someone with me who wants to eat the things. One thing I don't do any more though is call myself a vegetarian. In the part of the world where I live animal rights extremists have caused plenty of trouble to honest folks going about their lawful business, and vegetarianism is at least here assosciated somewhat with this movement. Don't want to risk getting assosciated with those types in peoples minds! I strongly support medical research, and am very much for keeping animals for food. So there - don't judge all vegetarians as bunny/tree hugging types as now there is at least one tree-hiding bunny shooting one that you know of!

Obviously in a 'survival' type situation I'd eat meat happily, but for everyday life I don't like it so I don't eat it.
Cheers and a very Merry Christmas to you all - T.S.
I don't think most people have a problem with others being vegetarians. Where the problem lies, as you post, is in the extremists who think that everyone should follow the same path that these nuts follow. Pun intended. I was a chef for about ten years so I've probably seen more different vegetarian styles than I thought were possible. A few variations would include pork-yes red meat-no; fish-yes pork-no; fruit-no veggies-yes; the list goes on and on. The only thing vegetarians agree on is red meat. I haven't got a problem if whomever I'm with orders a tofu burger but don't let them condemn my porterhouse!
i think you guys are a little off track all americans should eat more FAST FOOD ever see a slow deer? :)
Hi again. To go back a bit towards the original question, and DC's earlier reply, wasn't it tiny variations in resistance that they (Tompkins & Bird: The Secret life of Plants) were measuring, "lie detector" style? I did actually read the book a very very long time ago. I think they even proposed some kind of burgular alarm using a plant hooked up to their system.... hmmm... that idea doesn't seem to have got very far, does it?! Anyway I guess Ed Brunner has it exactly right - the world is a spectacularly cruel place, and we don't have any real choice apart from to simply accept it - either that or go crazy worrying about every single half-eaten mouse staggering round after a cat has been playing with it, and every partly crushed insect - there'd be no end to it. Anyway I'm going to try that garlic broccoli suggestion, and I shan't even consider the feelings of the broccoli... cheers everyone! <font color=red>T.S.</font>

It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance. I would hope that most of us here can unite under a banner of freedom. I shall not criticize your tofu if you do not criticize my venison or unagi. I believe that we should focus on our commonalities, not the (relatively minor) differences between us.

This thread has pursued some very serious and heavy philosophical questions. With regards to the 'do plants have feelings' question, I offer definitive proof from the great state of Arizona.

Nearly 10 years ago, a teenage BG was out in the desert target shooting ... saguaro cactus. These are the great big cacti with the distinctive arms. The big ones can be a couple hundred years old, and we tend to like 'em. I don't know if he was using a scope on his shotgun. ;)

Anyway, the BG was going after this saguaro with his shotgun, and what do you know ... it fell over on him and squashed him flat! Dead as the proverbial door nail.

So, I'm convinced. In spite of what must have been blinding pain and tremendous fear, that cactus had the huevos to take its attacker with it.

I rest my case. ;)
4V50 Gary, in a correctional setting I would suspect it is a multi-step process. (Just brainstorming here, with my meager available equipment. Personally, I've been lucky to avoid correctional facilities so far in life!)

First, with regards to the officers, you tell the BG's to 'lettuce alone'. Tell them you're trained in the artichoking. Make clear you've bean hearing their BS too long, and they're in a pickle now. They'd better produce, and you better not seaweed. You don't care if they're chile. And, if they still give you trouble, tell 'em you'll squash 'em, endive for your shotgun to pepper 'em good.

Gotta go now - that's just too much corn, even for me. ;) Happy New Year!