I carry pretty much to every place I legally can. Here's the problem however. I can't carry at work. And because I prefer not to leave my gun in my care while at work; or because I'm riding my motorcycle and there's no place to put it in the vehicle; that means when I get off work, I don't have my weapon. And it's not uncommon to stop at stores, gas stations, etc... after work. And unfortunately, I won't be armed. I also thinks it's wrong that as a retired military person, that I can't go on a military installation with a concealed weapon. Talk about inconvenient. Go on a vacation through 3 states and if you bring a weapon, not being allowed to even enter the base to do some site seeing or stopping at the BX to do some shopping. Or my son, who attends the air force academy in colorado; I can't swing by and pick him up for the weekend if I bring my handgun. So, I have to "CHOOSE" to leave my handgun at home and take weekend trips, out of state, for 5+ hours, and not able to carry a gun because I will be stopping at a military base.