Places to do LE work ??

Sorry did not mean to ruffle any feathers NOTHING is wrong with KY law enforcement. I have been stopped several times, by local and state law enforcement and they were professional and polite, It has more to do with my wife-she will always live in KY and DOES NOT like the idea of me being a LEO, so if I am an LEO (anywhere chances are I am not married-get the picture
) The idea of armed citizens helping me as an LEO is not my own I must confess. When a feller asked my dad. a Montana State Highway patrolman for 24 years how he liked stopping cars with a high percentage of guns in them- that was his answer. So I can't take the credit for that one 4V50 Gary.

Hey Rob, Here's a place that will keep you jumping! New Orlean,La.

Ever think about running for Sheriff in Tennessee?

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Bushwacker's idea about New Orleans isn't so bad. Become the Sheriff there and arrest Marc Morial for Conspiring to deprive the citizenry of their civil rights under the color of authority.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Mesa, eh? I will give that a go. Thanks,

I know three officers that started first as my friends on the Tempe dept, but none on the Mesa dept. Hope my degree helps...

What about Dallas? It's a fun place to work, friendly co-workers for the most part, wide variety of assignments (ie: patrol, tactical, traffic, K-9, mounted unit, helicopter unit, computer crime analysis, physical evidence, narcotics, vice, public integrety unit, internal affairs
, bicycle unit, division investigators, division deployment [undercover], etc.). Plus there's a wide variety to the city: You can work in the slums of South Dallas and Pleasant Grove, or you can work in the luxury of far North Dallas.

I haven't worked there full time, but I was an explorer there for six years through high school and college, and I had the time of my life, and I was assigned to the North Central division, aka: The Country Club. The starting pay is around $32k with 45 hours of college, and it goes up depending on your education. Shift differential, lanquage incentive pay, city overtime, lots of vacation and holiday time. And there is no residential requirements (except for certain assignments). I know some officers that live near the Oklahoma border and drive to work every day. Many people don't like the politics that may be encountered, but in my opinion, you're going to have that just about anywhere you go.

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited June 10, 1999).]
Yeah, Bulldog, Dallas seems to've even gotten that friendly fire situation taken care of. But Chief Ben Click is NOT supporting his officers. If the gallery wants a head on a platter, he'll by-Gawd hand them one, whether it's the right thing (of right head) or not. Click is also strongly in support of disarming the citizenry; he came out in opposition to the Concealed Carry law of '94.

BUT, I've gotta say, there are worse cities than Dallas, and a LOT of good places to go on the outskirts.

STAY AWAY FROM PLANO! $36k/yr. is NOT worth the idiocy of their beauracracy!!!!!!
Frisco, TX is another good one. The town's growing faster than the streets, but in 10 or so years, It'll be another Plano. I have a friend that just got on with them, and now that he's out of training, he loves the job and the pay.
Rob, I'm with ya! I'm setting out to get into law enforcement, and so far I've tested with the City of Denver and Douglas County. Assuming both offer, I'd be torn. Denver is a corrupt liberazi city, but lots of action
. Douglas is the richest county in America (per capita income), and their Department gets what it asks for without a lot of crap. They also seem to be VERY dedicated, and I detected a real team atmosphere. I was walking through the place to take my test and saw a couple Deputy's joking with the undersheriff, like he was one of them, not some political animal. Not so much action...

Here's the kicker, though - I'm not POST certified, and Denver will put me through the acadamy straight away, while Douglas would have me work in the prison for a year first.

Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. And this all assumes both offer me a position. I've been told that since I'm white, male, and have no military experience that I won't have a chance with Denver (their test was a f-ing joke, by the way). We shall see.