Places to do LE work ??

Rob Pincus

New member
I am taking a survey.

What are two or three places you would or would not do LE work?
I hope that anyone who WOULD do LE work will answer.. but responses from LEOs will be especially valuable.


I can't speak as a LEO - ain't never been one. But I HAVE worked as a Security Officer.

Best place:
Trucking company as UNarmed security (gag). Once they saw I was on their side:
- If they had food, I ate with them.
- If someone endangered me, well, my friends WERE truckers!
- If it was raining, they pulled their trailers real close to my (guard shack) door so I could get the seal number as quickly as possible.
- The ones with guns in their vehicles, quietly offered to leave their keys with me in case I needed a little "help".
- They frequently stopped by to chat, even when they were off duty.
- I would do this again.

Worst place:
Bar/Party hall - again as unarmed security (jeez!):
- many fights, usually with knives, sometimes with guns, rarely with fists.
- Most spoke only in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. The other guard spoke Spanish but he was always "far away", "didn't hear anything", and was a devout coward and congenital liar. (He couldn't even tell the truth when it was in his own best interest!)
- I would NOT do this again.

Most interesting place:
- Computer operator (and illegally armed guard) in a house of ill repute. Well, actually, it was a call-girl service. By the time my naive little mind realized what was going on, they were preparing to, uh, move to a new location. ((No, Art, there were no, um, unusual side-benefits!)) Truthfully, the people there were clean, polite, quite intelligent and looked like well-dressed business people. They paid me in cash (surprise, surprise) and were very nice people to work for.
- I would NOT do this again (for legal reasons, of course).

For a short time, in the military, I was assigned as NCOIC of a detachment of bodyguards (about 700 men) for President Lyndon Johnson.
Although 100% true, that is a very misleading explanation. It was true for one day, at one gathering, in Syracuse, NY (shortly after JFK was assassinated).
- I'd do this again. Got to work with some really nice professionals.

I've done other security work, usually legally, both in Germany and the USA. Most of it boring stuff. I will pick and choose pretty carefully.

As you point out, Rob. I was not tasked with routinely seeking out trouble as LEOs must do. THAT job, I'll leave to them. However, if I see a cop endangered, he will not be alone. (I speak from experience.) But I've grown too danged old and fragile
to go "looking" for trouble!
No where. Unless it was a place like MAYBERRY and I had Andy's Job...

Just like Kodiak: NOWHERE, unless it's Gilligan's Island

Now cut that out Skipper!

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Place I would work LE? Mesa, Arizona. Chief Strauss backs her officers 100%. She will also fire any officers exhibiting conduct unbecoming, as opposed to slapping them on the wrist and allowing the profession to become tarnished.

Places I wouldn't work? The Peoples Republic of California.

I have thought about LE work and would like to do it in my hometown of Broadus MT , but as long as I am in Kentucky I don't think I will be an LEO.

Would not be LEO in DC, Kalifornia or NY
( not enough armed citizens to give a hand if the sh** hit the fan

In what context are you asking Rob? Do you mean as it would relate to state laws, public relations, etc. that would create the working enviroment, or as to what departments are personally rewarding to work for?
If you mean the latter I enjoyed my years with the Kansas City Missouri (the ballot fraud state) police department. Good pay to cost of living ratio. Excellent benefits. Professional reputation (and well deserved in my opinion). Good training. And as much public appreciation as can be expected from an officer from the community. My only complaint would be that the department administration "plays favorites" with individual officers. I was never one of the favorites. I was a good officer but never could quite learn to kiss @$$. I' ve always had a certain flare for tilting windmills.

In your own home state of TN. Memphis, in my opinion, would be preferred to either Nashville or Knoxville. I researched all three, applied to and was excepted to the Memphis police academy but was forced to decline due to a leg injury suffered while making an arrest in Key West Florida that eventually lead to an early disability retirement.
The Shelby County Criminal Justice Center is, to me, truely impressive.

If I were going to recommend a police department to my 19 year old son, whom shows no interest in entering LE as a career, I'd recommend he look for a department in the same way he would look for a good college. With good training and professional reputation as the primary factors in making a decision. And for him not to limit his choices to only those departments found locally, regardless of where "locally" may be.

On the other hand I may have completely miscomprehended the question and this is all a moot point.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Gunslinger, your answer was thoroughly great.

I am just throwing this question out to see the responses. "Nowhere" would pretty much put you out of the running for a decent answer
, since that puts you out of the category of people who would do LE work... but thanks for trying.

Vermont, New Hampshire and maybe Maine. Nice people, pro-gun, and if you need backup, plenty of deer hunters who will stand by you.

Way to go Daren Thompson! He's on the mark. Kalifornia sucks. Why? It contends with NY for being the most liberal with regards to tort (liability) laws and pro-criminal prison systems. There's a saying among convicts: "If you have to do time, do it in California." It speaks well of how liberal and easy going KA laws are towards our miscreants.

Also forget Massachusetts. They're the other upstart state which wants to be super liberal with regards to taking away one's rights so that criminals may be a protected class.

Alaska also sounds good to me. I betcha big agencies will give you a .375 to dispatch wandering brown bears. Paid to hunt on the job? Sounds good to me.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
From relatives who have been or currently are LEO.

Worst place NYC, lousy pay, lousy politicians, Al Sharpton et al.

Best Place Suffolk County PD, NY, high pay, great retirement, mostly breaking up arguments and showing up after a crime to fill out reports.

Interesting so far that all the "good" places to do LE work seem to be rather boring places. NYC and DC are among the "bad" places.

That was the root of my survey. If I wasked where someone might want to go to be a doctor would people say to go where their are few illnesses? What about a bridge builder, should he go to a place with no rivers or gorges?

Very interesting...... The "Best" place to do LE work is supposed to be the safest, best paying, lowest crime area? I don't think I agree with that.

NYPD, LA County and DC are the top of my list.

Suffolk County is one of the hardest LE jobs to get in the country, BTW.. 5 year wait to get ON the list...

The Shelby County Set up is very good, but Nashville is a little better, at least as of 5 years ago, IMHO. They have really become much more progressive.

Just wondering, what's wrong with Kentucky law enforcement?
No....really....I've got thick skin.
Maybe I've missed something the last 13 years.
I've never made it out to Montana, but I hope to some day. Seems like beautiful country.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
Rob to satisfy the true adrenaline junky in you you may wish to try working covert narcotics in Key West. Poor pay to cost of living ratio, community which views illegal narcotics trafficing as a legitimtate carrer choice, corrupt system, but you're practically guaranteed to get shot at at least semi regularly.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
That smog pocket called Los Angeles? I've been saying that we should give Southern California back to the Mexicans. Sorry amigos about that war in 1848. We didn't really mean it. You can have everything south of the grapevine back. That oughta really piss off Mexico.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Being a southerner like yourself I could never see myself working in NYC or D.C.. LA County maybe. Miami or Metro Dade PD ya, definately. In keeping with the high adrenaline/southern theme how 'bout New Orleans? They *need* good cops. I don't know about the pay but it would have to be excting and, I would assume, quick to hire people from the "out side". Due to department corruption Key West welcomed the opportunity to hire two (my ex-wife and I) seasoned officers with no local connections.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited June 09, 1999).]
NYPD still has archaic residency requirements and a long waiting list.

DC starts at $42 + Benefits and is anxiously seeking colleged applicants. They have a 21 mile from the capital residency requirment.
Rob when considering salary don't forget to factor in the pay vs. cost of living. Key West pay was *decent* but the COL ate you alive. I don't know about D.C. personaly (thankfully I've never had reason to visit the snake pit) but I've heard the COL is high. 42K there may be less then say 30K in Memphis.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

(I must be getting tired. I'm missing *all* of the typos now.)

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited June 09, 1999).]
Have any of you guys had any experience with departments in Utah? I'm graduating college in a year and would like to be a cop. Especially interested if anybody knows anything about departments in the Salt Lake area.

I looked long and hard at the difference between a north virginia med sized town and Nashville Metro (living where I am now..)

A $1000 increase in starting base pay translated to a $2000-2500 net loss when I factored in my best guess as to tax and COL differences...

Assuming I could still live in Northern Virginia.. in fact less than 30 miles from the town I was looking at, The DC base pay would reflect a $14,000 increase in base pay.. likely a net $9-10,000 increase after taxes and COL.