Reply from a dog owner
First, you need to talk with your neighbor. Find out if those dogs area actually mean, or if they just like to bark and jump at the fence.
If they are not mean, get your neighbor to introduce you to the dogs. That may get them to chill out a bit when you are outside. (Then again, it might not. A buddy of mine has some Borzois and Blue Heelers that lick my hand in the house, but bark their fool heads off at me when I walk up the drive. Come to think of it, my dogs do the same to my friends...)
If your neighbor says they are mean, let him know that you have concerns about the fence being high enough / solid enough etc to contain the dogs.
DO NOT use a spray or shock device on the dogs if they are not attacking you. (Owner's reaction if he sees this will be negative) DO NOT throw food to the dogs if you don't have the owner's ok. (Note: burglars will do this to condition the dogs to ignore their unlawful entry; sickos will do this to poison the dogs; do you want to be taken for either type?)
I'm a laid back, pleasant person, according to people who know me. I tend to be very reasonable. If some jogger used a shock or pain device on my dog because he didn't like barking, I'd be very tempted to introduce said jogger to the business end of my fists.
Tempted, but I hope I'd have the self control to simply report his nervous Nelly a## to the police for assaulting my animals. That might depend on what I saw happen, and how badly it seemed to affect my dog.
If my dogs go into your yard, the situation changes. But if they are in my yard, barking or not, jumping or not, leave them be - especially if you haven't talked to me about your perception of the situation.
There are some truly mean, vicious dogs out there. But most of them aren't that likely to actually come over a fence at you.
To the jogger who shocked the GS - if he regularly jumped high enough to clear the fence, and apparently could have done so at will, don't you find it odd that he never did?
You're lucky that wasn't my dog...