Pistols and holsters

I quit carrying a "serious" handgun AND a long gun while hunting quite some time ago.

Me too. For almost two decades, I now only take a revolver with me when hunting deer. Chest rigs seem to work the best for me as they don't get hung up on the brush like hip rigs and they just work better with long piped hunting type revolvers. Especially when wearing cold weather clothes. The Big X-Frame....I use a sling. Most of the time while actively hunting the gun is in my hand(as when still hunting) or on the bench in front of me(when in the blind). Whether I hunt in the blind or stillhunting, if it is dark and outside of hunting hours, the gun is in my backpack.
if it is dark and outside of hunting hours, the gun is in my backpack
I have been followed by 1 too many cougars to put my handgun in my backpack. If you don't have big cats in your area, not an issue. Where I hunt, it is. I usually have a gun on my side when I am in the woods.

I know 4 other people that have been followed by a cat. 2 of them happened to see it parallel to them and the cat continued to follow when they changed course back to the truck (different people, same situation). 1 shot the cat and the other had a dog with him that kept the cat away. I won't be unarmed during the night hours that cougars typically stalk prey.

Just one reason to carry a handgun, I have more....
I have been followed by 1 too many cougars to put my handgun in my backpack. If you don't have big cats in your area, not an issue.

Nebraska Game and Parks insisted for many years that there were no mountain lions in SW Nebraska, despite many sightings ..... now they have a season on them ......
Packing my DE .44 or .44 AutoMag, is more of a problem. I had a couple of cross-draw holsters made for them.

Japle, look into the Bianchi X2100 "Phantom". I have one that while made for the long barrel S&W N frame, does well enough packing my Auto Mags and Desert Eagles. That is, if you find a shoulder holster acceptable...

I do need to warn you, wear one for a couple days and you'll walk with a "list to port" for a while. :D