Pistol Grips for Home Defense Shotgun?

I have a Knoxx specops for my 870. It greatly reduces the recoil felt by heavy loads. Knoxx also has a pistol grip (breachers grip) that supposedly reduces recoil. They have a lot of videos on it too. Here is a link so you can check it out.


Then go to the breachers grip to watch the video.
Well, my brother is 8 years old too and he's still cool just like this thread is. :D I love my pistol grips. Yeah, that's right I said grips. I have 2 on my shotgun. Rear and forend pistol grips made by Tac-Star. The added forend grips helps even out the recoil in both hands rather than just one hand.
I have 3 stocks for my remmy. Butler creek pgo, tacstar pgo, and the original synthetic stock. I dust more clays with a pgo than the normal stock. I attribute this to my ability to raise the pgo shotty right up in my face quickly (cone of vision) instead of cocking my head to the side to look down the barrel when the full stock is on it, with the pgo I can get that puppy right in my face and stare straight down the tube. My head and the front bead move as one. Odd part is that my friends pick it up and cant hit squat. Some people can do it, others need the full stock to be accurate. As for, "it will break your hand" I shoot 3 inch mag slugs all day and the worst I get is a little sore the next day. WHO THE HELL CARES? ITS FUN! I say, do whatever the hell you want. PGO for fun, sport, defense? FINE! Switch it back to the full stock and use it for fun, sport, defense? FINE!!! Oh and to the guy that felt the need to bring up a topic older than the magna carta, read the picture below aloud to yourself please.

Use what you're comfortable with. If you like the idea of no stock, get one and practice a lot! I have one by my bed, and have had it for close to 20 years. I've broken many many clays with it, just for kicks, so I don't necessarily agree that they are harder to shoot. But again, I believe it's all in what you get used to. I bought mine many years ago to hunt with after I had a car accident and had to start using a wheelchair. the PG is much easier to handle while pushing through the woods! I did spend a lot of time practicing and can shoot clays with it at this point one handed very consistently, i.e. 20 or better for a round of trap. Granted, I shoot a full stock SG better on clays, just making the point that they aren't that hard to aim.
When it comes to pistol grips on shotguns I think you have to remember that it isn't going to handle the same as a stock. I can shoot from the hip and still be acurate at 20', beyond that I am getting off some. But in a home defense situation most shots will be fired within 10' anyway. Also if you have a pistol grip only you shouldn't have a barrel more then 18" long anyway. With a barrel that short, at close range, how accurate do you need to be? If you can hit a clay hanging from a branch at 15' and break it then that is all you need.

Also practice with it. One full loadout a week is good until you get used to the recoil and are hitting within the torso of a silhouette target at 15' feet, once you get there then put one loadout a month through the shotgun until you can hit well at 20' to 30'. After that you are fine. If you could do that from the beginning then you could alread shot a pistol grip shotgun.

Once you go pistol grip you aren't aiming at squarrels anymore, it is for emergency use and that is normally short range. If you aren't up close with the person, do you really need to use deadly force in the first place? :cool:
And the Darwin award goes to!!!!!!!!

MISCUSI: EVERYBODY keeps saying how shorter is more manuerable and etc... why dont you run around your house with your existing stock and see if you can do things?

Have it unloaded, and let your friend run around pretending to be a buglar.

Dry fire the shotgun at your friend as he runs around the house.

And if you want to find out how effective bowie knives are give your 5 year old a butcher knive and have him skip around the house.:rolleyes:
At my usual range I saw a shooter firing a pistol grip only 12 gauge from "the hip", I noted how much the gun twisted in his hands and how difficult follow up shots were. I tried a 12 gauge with a pistol grip and stock, it
was more comfortable from the shoulder, but much less so at waist level.
IMHO-and I have very little shotgun experience-the traditional stock is the
best all-arounder.

Purchase yourself a Davis Speedfeed Tactical III or IV stock instead. You can thank me later....... hpg
Well, my Super Nova tactical came with a pistol grip and I like it very

Looks like you have 5 posts, and I swear they all have a photo of your Nova in them. It looks like a nice shotgun, definitely not what I would have done with it, but nice the same.
Interesting (if OLD) topic. About 15 years ago a buddy of mine picked up a Mossberg Cruiser pistol grip only 18.5" 12ga. for apartment defense. I installed a Choate front pistol grip which seemed to be a big improvement over the horizontal fore end. Recoil was shared by both hands and aiming seemed easier too. Later we did some small game hunting at his folks house and I was shocked that he was able to make good hits on squirrels with it (it was his only gun). Now that there are pistol grips like the Pachmayr Vindicator and Hogue Tamer that have padded recoil absorbing backstraps I wonder if it might be even more pleasant. I`ve noted that the Pachmayr grip even merges in a smooth radius with the top of the reciever on Mossberg 500s allowing easy thumb access to the safety. It`s occured to me that a PGO shotgun might be the ideal platform for a laser also. Marcus
for the majority of folks the full stock is probably better on a shotgun for home defense. It also allows you to use the sights on the shotgun as was sugested in an earlier post. Like Eric suggested shortening the stock can make a big difference for some folks. I shoot the 87 in SASS and it I could tell a big difference when it came to shouldering the shotgun and shooting it after I had it shortened.
Note that you will never find a Police tactical shotgun with a pistol grip only..

Ive got a freind who is a Police instructor and they are great to conceal but not worth a darn when shooting..
Have it unloaded, and let your friend run around pretending to be a buglar.
Dry fire the shotgun at your friend as he runs around the house.

Haha. Don't think I'll be trying this with the wife.
+1 on the Knoxx Spec Ops pistol/shoulder combo stocks, and get it with the optional limbsaver pad, or screw on a Hi Viz X-Coil pad after you take out the default pad/inserts to make the recoil even lighter. Excellent for reducing LoP too.
Dry fire the shotgun at your friend as he runs around the house.
Please don't do this. It's a fundamental violation of gun safety rules -- always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction. Your friend is not a safe direction...