Pink Pistols in the news

Frankly, I think the view that staunch pro gun advocacy is a partisan stance is outdated. Having support from both aisles only makes it easier to protect the right, so the support of a group from a party that has historically been anti gun only looks like a good thing for us to me.
I think that the existence of the pink pistol group comes under the heading of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Any group that is pro 2nd Amendment is our friend.

"Three may keep a secret it two of them are dead."
I have noted the proliferation of digital recording devices hits the "Stupid" button in many peoples pysches and causes them to be indiscreet and broadcast things which should either kept among true confidants or left unsaid.
As an example I do not like Glocks or polymer or anything other than steel frame pistols. There is no reason for me to go on and one-and bore people, and aggravate. and cause dissension, ill feeling, etc. I don't like them, I will not buy one (though you can always give me one), when somewhat asks me what to recommend I always suggest a steel frame.
"Only insecure bores must build themselves up by other people's opinions" Forget where I read that but those are words to live by.
The image of gun owners as bigots and Ku-Klux is one that has been foisted on us. I like to quote the words of President Grant. In his Message to Congress urging passage of the Ku-Klux Acts he noted that among the Klan's many crimes was:
"They have conspired to deny Negro citizens the right to own and bear arms."