Pigs in the trees?

Old Stony

New member

I have been having some deer lately showing up on the cameras with some signs I think might be a big cat. I realize the cats travel a large area and might be long gone, but I thought maybe it would be interesting to try for some pic's of one at least. My first attempt with a hog leg hanging just brought out a bunch of coyotes and buzzards..but I thought I'd try it again. We hung these two small hogs in a tree this morning and put a camera on them to see what might show up. I just thought it might get interesting..
I dont think cats will scavenge. Pretty sure they only eat fresh kills. You may have a much better result if you put up a little fenced area and left the pig alive. Either way im sure you will draw plenty of yotes.
And, that picture is priceless.

I know nothing of cats either....this pic is of one coyote the last time I tried this. I had a pretty good bunch hanging from a pig leg and one ambitious one that tried climbing up after it. I figure nothing ventured, nothing gained in this situation..so i might as well try. The worse that can happen is probably some coyotes wandering around burping from eating too much pork.
The property I am trying this on has a lot of bobcats, but I think the damage i was seeing on the deer had to be something large...and I don't think a bobcat would tackle a full grown deer anyway.
Having not read the story that goes with the pic I would have thought it was your idea of art . Kind of like the Texas chainsaw family .

Looking foward to more pics of what does show up .
I guess I made one major mistake with my picture taking...some time ago. I invested in a bunch of Wildview cameras, back when the company still stood behind them. In fact I still have a few that I have never used that would not be eligible for warranty as I have had them on a shelf for too long.
Anyway I made a mistake of putting one of them on a tree pointing at the pigs and it failed to take any pictures ( which seems to be a common failing with them). I am careful to always format a sd card before I put it in a camera and set everything up right....but probably 20% of the time they just don't work.
This has been a major disappointment this time, as both pigs are completely gone now. I had one just hanging from a rope, but the other was roped to a limb and tied securely with horse wire...so it would have taken some serious effort to get it down.
All I can say at this point is Wildview cameras are crap.
Maybe I'll try this experiment another day using another brand of camera.
Mine would take 1 picture then lock up . I always ended up with one picture of a crow or a nosie dog before dark then nothing .
Probably Bigfoot. Don't some of the "researchers" say that sasquatch can affect electrical devices?:rolleyes:

Or maybe chupacabra?
One researcher in the late 70's claimed that for each UFO sighting there was a bigfoot sighting near that area . These are probly the researchers that run our Universities today .
I wouldn't doubt there was an "aura" of some kind over the area I had baited. After I found the results of my work were for naught as a result of a crummy camera, I think I discovered some words that weren't even in my vocabulary previously.
I hope the folks at Wildview felt some of the heat in the air...
Iv noticed how many folks do not realize what kind of wildlife live near them . I cant count how many times Iv heard " We have those here ? " when looking at critter cam shots .

Pigs have been a little scarce around here lately and rather than wait for some more, I baited up the tree with a couple more critters I found this morning. i really tightened up some horse wire around them, so they are securely held to the tree. This time I put 2 cameras on them so maybe at least one camera will work.
No critter eats raccoons lol... They were always the last carcass touched.

Once as an experiment I left a raccoon and a skunk together as bait and the coyotes ate the skunk carcass before the raccoon lol

Your pics look like the route to the chainsaw killer's house