Pigs are proliferous........

Deer hunters should wake up and realize that wild hogs are detrimental to the deer population. i've seen wild hogs chase deer away from the water holes and ponds, off the wheatfields and off the game plots.

Two of our properties are over-run with hogs. i allow a few hunters to deer hunt with the understanding they shoot wild hogs. Last November i gave a friend a time out for not shooting wild hogs when he could have done so. i can't get a permit to shoot hogs at night because i'm not a farmer: our property is for hunting.

In this area the coyotes get about one third of the fawns every year. Hogs often get a taste for fawns as well.
No "redneck buddies".

I can't imagine a life without my "redneck buddies"...

Even as a true blue redneck, I am leery of who I will invite or not invite to hunt with me...

Some I will not invite are rednecks some are not...

Good and bad in all groups...

But rednecks know how to get into the deepest worst points of a property where hogs spend the day and when you tear up your 4 wheeler trying to haul a shonuff big hog on front rack and another on the back rack while the rider weighs near or north of 300 pounds himself... It is the redneck that can cobble it together to get it to the trailer... sans hogs of course...:rolleyes:

rondog, As for the diseases... God may know but he ain't the only one who does... Unless your feral swine population is hitting a local uncontrolled garbage dump, they have the potential to carry the same diseases as domestic swine... but unless they get in contact with infected domestic swine, chances are remote...

They can carry any disease domestic livestock can but deer can too as well as blue tongue and CWD...

I worry more with a hog that I find a nasty infected wound on... they get slid off the tailgate immediately...

Also are that quantity of pigs a really bad thing, a bad thing or a good thing? I would think it kind of cool to be able to have pork for free all the time. Do they tear up more then they are worth?

Depends upon who's stuff they are tearing up.

One hog in my backyard would be a disaster.

In many cases, apparently, 100 hogs on someone's farm in Texas are not a serious enough problem to let folks come and shoot them for free......
I have to deal with them at work all the time.

In our hunting leases it states that any hunter, even turkey/duck hunters must shoot any pigs on sight.

I would hate to think what would happen if Charlie Cub Scout wandered away from his pack and came across a sow and her piglets. :eek:
letting a hog walk to me is almost as bad as a deer hunter letting a coyote walk.
Hogs will eat every acorn they can find and clean out under a oak tree until everything is gone leaving nothing for a deer ... Ever heard the phrase "eatin like a pig" ?
Coyotes eat the deer and fawns... How many fawns or deer ya think a coyote can eat in a year?

If you see a sow pig and let it walk by the same time next year she has dropped 5 -10 more.

Kill em all.

Over Christmas break I mounted the night scope on my AR and went to work. Over the course of 4 nights I killed 7 pigs and one coyote (the coyote was going after a calf).

A week ago, a coyote killed my dog in our own back yard. Now a vendetta against both species has been launched...

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allaroundhunter, it's a war isn't it. Darn pigs. I would let folks hunt my back pastures, but I worry about liability and associated things.

I've been thinking about a night vision type scope, but I don't have an AR type rifle, so how would I attach/detach the scope. I guess I'd just have to dedicate one rifle to the night scope and leave it like that. I do have an 'extra'. Hmmm.
allaroundhunter, it's a war isn't it. Darn pigs. I would let folks hunt my back pastures, but I worry about liability and associated things.

I've been thinking about a night vision type scope, but I don't have an AR type rifle, so how would I attach/detach the scope. I guess I'd just have to dedicate one rifle to the night scope and leave it like that. I do have an 'extra'. Hmmm.

The last time we let someone hunt on our land a calf was shot and killed.... That person ruined the opportunity for everyone else pretty much.

And you don't need an AR to use a night scope. They have the same mount type as your usual scope rings, the base is just usually but into the optic. My night scope usually stays on my bolt action .243, but after seeing 15 pigs in one game cam pic I opted for more firepower ;)

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i can't get a permit to shoot hogs at night because i'm not a farmer:

here anway the owner of the land can get a depredation permit and designate (give permission) for people to shoot hog and coyote on their property under that permit... its just as when someone leases property for a hunting club and gives permission for the members to hunt on his lease.
Florida has removed the requirement for depredation permit regarding hogs at night with gun and light... Just need written permission from the land owner in your possession...

Now if I decide I don't feel like taking the dogs, I can grab the gun and spotlight and head to the crop land or sour corn pile...

Yes I have seen that too. LOTS of Texas farmers and ranchers have pig problems. They seem to be begging for help. But when you contact them, they want to charge YOU to come help THEM!
I would like to know who these Texas farmers and ranchers are..that are begging for help..and then wanna turn around and charge? Cause I have never met one of em.....
Well, if someone wants or needs help, I've got 4 or 5 of us willing to come and try our darndest to help thin them out. We have a hunting tent to stay in and can camp out for 2 or 3 weeks in the winter when work is slow. Can very possibly stay longer, too. We dont want to come and shoot 2 pigs, but we dont want to bring 100 pigs home either so we need somewhere to take them or a gully to throw them in.
Its something to think about.
The last time we let someone hunt on our land a calf was shot and killed.... That person ruined the opportunity for everyone else pretty much.
I am sure that is one reason that big ranchers here don't even ask locals..along with liability issues.....

+1 Keg. Nobody is begging for help and then demanding that the help pays. There are those who want help and those who don't.

I agree DNS....
allaroundhunter....A fella shot a black calf(thought it was a pig)..on the lease across the county road from my river bottom lease....They charged him $1200....He actually got off light....
That is pretty light..... We had a friend who had the same thing happen (hunter from another property killed his calf thinking it was a pig), and the guy ended up spending a couple nights in jail and having to pay close to $6,000 + legal fees...

We didn't press charges against the guy who shot our calf or make him pay anything for compensation. We just told him that he needed to leave and that he would not be coming back.