Pig hunting, and thoughts on caliber

TxHunter, I do on occasion take out the 270 for pigs. At one time that was what I normally took to the woods. But, for some reason that I can no longer remember, I started taking the Ruger 77 Compact in 260 with me. I had bought the rifle for my wife, but she isn't that serious about pig shooting. In very short order, I had decided that I really really liked that little light and handy Ruger Compact and I liked the caliber. I started loading the Nosler 120 gr Ballistic Tip and using it on coyotes and Pigs and then I started using it on deer also. There was no real problem with the 120 grainer, but I could see that it didn't have the same trajectory as my 270. Sighted in at 200, the 270 dropped 7, 20, and 40 inches at 300, 400, and 500 yards respectively. I've been using that 270 for so long that I think in terms of that trajectory, and the 260 didn't have that trajectory and I was having to actually think about where to aim on those long pig shots. So...I transitioned to the 100 grain Ballistic Tip and now have about the same trajectory as the 270. Less thinking required by me under "see pig, must shoot quick" situations. I don't yet have much pig shooting data with the smaller bullet, but that should change pretty quick now that the mornings are cooler.

Probably if I was back in Louisiana and hunting the big bucks that are roughly twice the body weight of the deer roaming my place, I'd go back to the 270. Maybe. The thing is that the 270 is my Sako Lightweight Hunter, which isn't that awfully light weight, but it's been tuned up and bedded and it's just the most amazing rifle I own. If I absolutely HAD to make a 400 yard shot I'd pick up the Sako. But that little Ruger in 260 is almost as good and so light and easy to handle and carry. Tough decisions, but GeauxTide understands like I do that the 260 is almost a perfect caliber for many uses.
603 Country

I understand about the Handiness of Your Ruger Compact. I hunt Deer and Hog with a Ruger Frontier .308 with a Leupold VX 2 3X9X40 Mounted over the Reciever. Shimmed But Pad for Leingth of Pull. Even developed my own 180 grain load for use on Big Boar Hogs. It works well and I love it.
I've shot and killed pigs with everything from 22 shorts out of a daringer to 45/70's. Is the larger cal better? Prolly. But what do I care I just want the mess makers dead. I wouldnt be above throwing rocks.
Yall want big pigs, Call me up and come to south florida. Im talkin bout seein 3-400lb pigs on the side of the highway going to work every mornin. So big they look like bears walkin through the orange groves...
Yall want big pigs, Call me up and come to south florida. Im talkin bout seein 3-400lb pigs on the side of the highway going to work every mornin. So big they look like bears walkin through the orange groves...

Yes, but do you have hunting rights? The problem with almost anywhere in FL is not the availability of big pigs - it's getting permission to hunt the land they are on.
Side window mounted minigun for the Florida orange grove pig hunts on your way to work.

Everyone else should consider the range that you expect to shoot the pigs as to which caliber you should need.
Do orange grove pigs taste better? I bet their teeth rot out....:D

One on my SD card today....


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Keg, Yes they do. Ive killed pigs off the grove that taste just as good, if not BETTER than store bought pork. The oranges fatten them up better than corn or grain. Last one I got out of there about two weeks ago was a cinamin color an only weighed 100lbs (Yes, small but that was intended for a hog roast..great eating...:D) and she had about a 1" layer of fat across her back. Not many wild pigs have that lol. That's a good lookin pig. Although it looks if it may have some russian decent or maybe piney ridge rooter.
I don't know about better but their fat does take on a definately yellow tint when they've been eating lots of citrus.

The fat on these trinity river hogs is white white....

The oranges fatten them up better than corn or grain.

I thought maybe oranges gave the meat a sweeter flavor....

Many of our pigs are quite hairy..and the boars can be hard as a rock....
I only eat smaller type pigs....There is an abundance....
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Don't know about y'all, but most of my hog hunting is done in what could almost be knife fighting distance.

I use a Mini-14 with Remington 55 grn HPs to great effect.

And in the past, I've used or seen used a .17 HMR, .22 LR, .22 RFM, .22-250, .30-30, and .357 Magnum.
You are right, my longest pig kill was 75yds I think, I thought it was 25 until I walked it off, most are less than 25yds. My tactic is to find out where they go at night and wait for them to show.

I use a mini 14 also with various bullets, all of which causes the pigs to malfunction.
Ive killed them with .17hmr and .22lr before as well with shotguns , .44mag and .45acp, but my .223 does its job in the groves :D Closest encounter Ive had with a piggy was in a palmetto patch taller than me and charged by a 300lb+ boar...He cut my pants from my knee to my crotch but he did'nt make contact with skin, Thank god...
I consider .308 just right for medium pigs with the heavier bullets for big uns. It helps that .308 comes in a variety of brush/swamp friendly guns also. No reason to use a long barreled 400 yard plains burner rifle to hunt pigs anywhere near where I live...