Pietta Uberti Rem Side by Side Comparison

Golfguy - thank you very much for your report. The only thing missing (not your fault) is a comparison between the two and a Remington and of course, a shooting comparison for accuracy & chronographing. I'm not asking for them though.
Just one other thing to take into concideration. Did you measure and compare the chambers to slugged bore dimensions. Bet the Pietta is a tighter match. I got one of all three groove on Uberti is .458", Pietta .455", Euroarms(ASP) .450"...jus' shared knowledge for accuracy.
check the cylinder/bore alignment by looking down the muzzle with a flashlite at EACH chamber in battery and make sure there is no visible shiny crescent on either side, which is a portion of the cylinder face shining back at you.

Oldelm- I'm really glad you told me about this, it turns out the Uberti is under rotating, quite a bit from what you said, its well over the lands. Damn, I was all set to keep it. I guess now I can get one with target sights like I wanted all along. Except there will probably be something about target sights that I don't like, like adding extra weight at the end of the barrel maybe? I better stick with standard sights at least I know I like them well enough.

The Pietta is perfectly aligned.

Out of curiosity, what does that do to the ball and accuracy? I imagine shaving a chunk off the side of the ball is going to affect its flight somehow? And lead the barrel maybe?
GolfGuy,.....too bad she's under-rotating, darn! You're right, the accuracy will most likely be comprimised because the ball will be shaved a bit on one side. Also it could contribute to leading the barrel, like you say,...cause the hot gases pushing around side of the ball. Are all the chambers out of alignment? Taylors will probably exchange it for you,...just a hassle to have to send it back and wait,.....but it's worth makin sure you get a good one. Good luck with the exchange.:)
Great report and nice pics too! But...Are we really comparing apples to apples here??? Did you buy the Pietta at Taylors too? Does Taylors go over there Ubertis like some of the other higher priced dealers and smooth out the action and any flaws? Mike
If the barrel and chambers align with the gun at full lock-up, then it's not an off center boring situation. If the little half moon occurs because of pre-mature bolt drop-prior to the bolt entering the cylinder notch, then the easiest fix would be to fit a new hand. They are usually over-long so that you can carefully stone them down until the bolt drops right in the notch.
The part should be available from VTI gunparts online.
GolfGuy said:
Okay, decision made. Damn I'm so anal I drive myself crazy sometimes.

Hahahaha! Man, I relate to that.

Excellent write-up GG, truly excellent. I take huge presidence over amateur/enthusiast reviews compared to professional reviews - it's what you and I really want to know as consumers.

A good review is written. Yours is a great review - excellent pics that not only keep the attention, but offer some truly unique comparisons that you could never describe in words alone.

It's reviews like this I like to see become a permanent part of the forum, pictures and all, for all to see for years to come, without the woory that a changed ISP might find the pics missing in the future.

Thanks for taking the time!

RK- No, I bought the Pietta first from Cabelas, they don't carry the Uberti so I had to go somewhere else for it, I don't think Taylors went over it prior to shipping since it had been proof fired at the factory and they didn't even know that, I'm sure they would have cleaned it if they had gone to the trouble to work out burrs etc...

mec- the Uberti is off line at full lock up, the hammer is fully cocked and the bolt is in the notch, not much to do about that eh?

Oldelm- yep, all the cylinders, some more than others but its all of em. I had already planned to return this one because of the target sight/standard sight fiasco so that won't be a problem, they're already expecting this one back.

I'm surprised that Uberti lets them out of the factory like that, it seems that should be pretty high on the quality control check list I would imagine. Maybe they figure that half the people that get them aren't going to check for it and it would cost them a lot more money to scrap all of them rather than only the ones that come back.
Thanks Nortronics- glad you liked it. Its definitely from a laymans perspective. As a couple people pointed there is some techincal stuff missing, chronograpy, bore/chamber diameter etc... and I would love to be able to compare those things too but I'm just a lay guy, not that advanced, yet!

And the pics shoudn't be goning anywhere for a long time, I store them on my own businesses wesbite server, so unless my business goes flop (and no signs of that happening any time soon), they should be there for while.
Hard to predict how much damage the misalignment will have on accuracy. Not much to like about such a situation but I did this with one that shows prominent half moons on every chamber:

Not too bad and I expect luck played a part.
50 foot bench groups are in the 3+ inch range where a nicely set up revolver would go closer to an inch.
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That's the most complete comparison I've seen between a Pietta and Uberti, you've really lined out the most obvious and not so obvious differences between the two...Great Job and thanks for the side by side views. This thread will be really helpful for anyone who is trying to decide between the two.

I hope you can get your exchanges all worked out and end up with the gun you've been looking for. So far you've been stumped at every turn! :(
But we've all benefited from this by your comparisons of the two revolvers and you've also shown that everyone needs to check all the details of their new aquisition out before they decide to alter it.
Thanks Low Key! I see that you were paying attention and know that this whole thing started because I wanted to modify the hand on the Pietta, you're right its a good thing I didn't. I would've been stuck with it at that point.

Yes, I have been stumped at every turn and patience is not one of my virtues. I want what I want when I want it dang it!! :D
GolfGuy, Thanks for the info and clearing up the way Taylors handles there guns.I was always under the impression that they refinished and smoothed up the action like some of the others , that's why I was asking.
Cabelas does sell Ubertis now but I'm not sure which models. It seems to me that Steve bought his pocket model Uberti from Cabelas not to long ago.
The Italian who test fired your 58 must have been hitting the wine and cheese to hard the night before,Lol. It's a good thing there was no pitting in the barrel. Mike
No, I got it from Dixie. I think Dixie may have slipped a little in the recent past but I like the way they give a whole lot of info in the ad for the gun, including chamber/barrel measurements. Also their no questions return policy. The next one I get, though, is going to come from S & S in New York. I think they are still actually trying to please their customers and will look it over for you before they ship it out.

I have been downloading S & S Sales Catalog for the last week. it takes time on dial-up, but egads the stuff they have in it. A northen Dixie almost, at least for N-S SSA folks, and about anyone else too. And they carry parts for the Euroarms '58's and all the guns they sell. Been in business 45 years. Great people! It is a great feeling to deal with folks who care.
I still want a couple or three pistols from them.