Pictures! The guns. The range. Guatemala

IMHO anything south of Houston is S. America.

Houston itself is questionable. And if you live above I20 you're a Yankee.:D

Seriously, let's hear more about shooting experiences in other countries.
Dear bedbugbilly,

Thank you so much for showing in interest in my Thread and for your comment.

Dear Bd_in_FL,

The cost for ammo here is very expensive. The currency ratio is 8 Quetzals (Guatemala money) to 1 U.S. dollar. Plus, there is no sales tax, so all taxes, import fees, overhead costs, and profits are included in the final sales price. For example, the FMJ .45 Winchester rounds I bought for my CD M-5 cost Q375 that $46.

Now as to where the rounds come from; countries such as Mexico, El Salvador, Serbia, Russia, Korea, and Turkey, to name a few, as well as America, supply bullets to us here

Guatemala law allows five boxes of ammo per month can be bought per gun, and if that gun is registered on your CCWP. I have four guns which means I can purchase a total of twenty boxes of ammo every month.

Nice questions. Thank you for taking an interest.

Best regards,
D. Idaho
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Dear g.willikers,

From what I gather people here don't really do much reloading. In fact, I haven't seen any such equipment at any of the armsdealers.

Dear curt.45,

The range is nice. It has a restaurant, lounge, and it is outside the city so to get there you get to get out of the city for awhile.
The range has 12 pods that are about two passenger buses long.
Nice shooting by the way.

This proved to be a pretty informative thread.
Personally, I always think of everything south of US2 as "South America".

So, which of the 3 do you like shooting the best? I've shot a Walther PPK which I believe is a lot like the Bersa, but I have no experience with the other two.
Very interesting thread, besides the geography bickering.

Do you have to be a citizen to purchase a firearm in Guatemala, or is being a resident sufficient?

When my family lived in Mexico during the early '60s, the regulations were very lax. But that all changed in the '70s.
Dear dayman,

Thanks for your post to my thread. I guess, the one that I like shooting best, right now, is the Charles Daly since it the new gun in my cache.

The Bersa, out of the three, is the best one. It is just smooth, accurate, and crisp.

The DP-51 is perhaps the most unique. It has a super long single action trigger pull, making it, IMO, a very safe gun. The fast action feature is very nice. When I need to go super hot in this third world smurf village I use the fast action; same loooong trigger pull with the same pressure pull as double action.

The Charles Daly is still very new to me. The main thing that is my main focus to it right now is carrying it in Cond 1. I've mastered Cond 1 in the car (assassins, jackers, kidnappers, and robbers tend to converge on their victims at stop lights). I am slowly working my way from Cond 2 to 1 while carrying it on my person.

Again, thanks for taking an interest in my thread and for your question.

Best regards,
D. Idaho

Dear Armybrat,

Also, thank you for your input and question.

Owning a gun in Guatemala is a birthright for its people while carrying one on your person is a privilege. However, a legal resident can legally own and carry one as well. The national issued Id called DPI, Documento de Identificacion Personal or Personal Identity Document is either colored blue for nationals or pink for legal residents.

Thanks for taking an interest.

Best regards,
D. Idaho
Thanks for the write up on Guatemala's gun laws.

It's interesting how many other countries' gun laws seem oriented towards controlling access to military-type calibers and weapons while limiting the amount of ammunition that can be stored, presumably as a means of preventing people from starting revolutions and insurgencies as so often has happened. I'd imagine most of those laws came about from the post-WWII years when the world was awash in surplus weapons.

I always try to visit gun stores when I'm abroad and see what they have available. Most of them are pretty boring when compared to American gun stores, but in Prague they had some really crazy stuff you can apparently get if the police bless off on it.

Is there much of a selection of guns to select from there in Guatemala? Can you get Glocks, Sigs, HKs, etc?
Dear Beretta 686,

Always a pleasure to see my fellow handgunners taking an interest in my threads.

To answer your question, yes, Sigs, HKs, and Glocks are available.... though the armsdealers here have perhaps two or three models of each max, unlike American stores where they'll have twenty of the the same brand with all sorts of different features. Also, Guatemala armsdealers carry guns from many countries such as Turkey, Argentina, Croatia, and Korea to name a few. Also, gun brands like Arcus, HS, Stoeger, Tangfoglio, Bul, Jericho, Armscor, and Daewoo to name a few.

Thanks for taking an interest. Take care and God bless.

Best regards,
D. Idaho
Interesting post ...on the politics, gun rights issues and the price and availability of ammo....( things are way easier here in the US for most of us )....

Good luck to you sir ... ! -- and nice shooting !
Dear BigJimP,

Thanks so much for your post and support.

Without a doubt America has it better than here... in just about everything. However, there is something that can't be denied; this country has accepted me with open arms and it believes in me enough to trust me with a firearm whilst I walk amongst its citizens yet my dear state of California never gave me such a honor in fact with all its strict gun laws it basically said that it didn't trust me to be man enough or smart enough to hold a weapon and defend myself against a clear and present danger.

I'm not bitter just aware of the situation.

Thanks again

God bless you, your family, and the U.S.

Best regards,
D. Idaho