Pick my first gun.

Back when I was a teenager I had a stainless steel Mini-14. We took it to the outdoor range on what ended up as a rainy day. We were slamming mags through it and heating it up pretty good. It's stainless steel. What the heck, it's not going to rust. We held it out front and let the rain run-off from the roof cool it off.
That gun NEVER jammed on me EVER. No matter how we abused it.
Screw those jam-o-matic M-16s. Get your Mini-14. It also works as a handy club to take out more zombies if you can't get another mag in, or you can use the butt stock as a hammer to get things done. You can't use a Mattel special like that.
Have militias moved from min 14 to AR yet?

Both have a place. I don't have either. But would probably go AR for pistol grip and option.

Modern ARs I am told are not the M16s of Vietnam.

I hear that PA will now allow semi rifles for small game and varminting. Which means you can likely sally forth afield with your Mini-14 and not be cited by the Cons Officer for violating game law.

Hard to CC a Mini14 though.

I'd forget about the .380,ammo is still costly and hard to comeby on occasion.
The M66 is a strong contender. My only reservation about Mini's these days is new ones are just too darn expensive. A used one maybe??????
Get the S&W or change the mini to an AR and get one instead as the mini will never equal an AR period! Mini's are the biggest POS that Bill Ruger ever dumped on the American people! The only good thing to do with one is to give it to your enemy, you'll never have to worry about them hitting you, ever!

The cheetah would be a good choice if you do decide to CCW.
You don't mention a 22. I favor 22's for starters. The best 22 revolver is the S&W model 34. It is no longer made and was replaced by the model 63. I am unable to decide on the best 22 simi auto pistol. I would point out that the Beretta Cheetah is availalable in 22. I think it is the model 86. I lust for one. You might check out the Beretta 92 compact. It is a 9mm and though larger looks a lot like a Cheetah. I have a model 81, which is a double stack 32 ACP. It is so sexy and elegant that I named it Sophia Lauren. Shoots good too. You are obviously a man of taste. I think the slickest long gun available is the Browning simiauto 22. The CZ Lux models with schwienrùcken (hogback or Bavarian) stocks in centerfire and rimfire calibers exude old world class. The best 22 auto rifle is Ruger 10-22, a must have. For less than $300 you can buy a Mossberg 500 at Wally World in 12, 20, or 410 gauges. It comes with a hardwood stock and interchangeable chokes. It is a great gun and the most versatile of all. You can hunt rabbits, quail, ducks, deer and grizzily bears with it. It is reccomended for defense and is in fact used throughout the US armed forces. A model 66 Smith is a good revolver. So is the Ruger Security Six. I prefer short barrels on wheel guns and get 3"barrels if I can. They don't have to be six shooters. Wheelies come in 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 round models. It is OK to change your mind and you do not need a reason.