Pi Pizza, Houston TX


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A concealed carrier expressed his opinion on their restriction on carrying, and got told to **, and called an idiot. Their one star reviews are climbing. Got no problem with them restricting carry, it's their property. But the insults went too far. Classic Social Media faux pas. Their Facebook page (Pi Pizza HTX) is blowing up. This could be entertaining. The offending post is attached.


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Remember Walter Palmer? A year or so ago, he killed a lion in Zimbabwe. It was a huge piece of manufactured social media outrage for a couple of weeks.

Palmer had a dental practice. During that time, people went on his Yelp page and flooded it with one-star "reviews," which were actually just rants about the perceived injustice of his actions. Yelp deleted them, as they weren't actual reviews of his practice.

People responded by posting one-star "reviews" claiming actual deficiencies in his practice. These "reviews" were obviously not written by actual clients, yet they claimed all sorts of malpractice and fraud. That's libel.

More to the point, it just looks petty and childish. Spamming a business' reviews doesn't really do anything about the problem. It just ensures that the owner will likely dig in his heels on the matter, thus losing any chance at getting the policy changed.
A concealed carrier expressed his opinion on their restriction on carrying, and got told to **, and called an idiot.
Maybe he is/was an idiot.
They don't screen for that when granting CCW permits.
Seems like they stripped out all of the negative comments about the policy and left all the "love ya, we hate guns, too," comments in.
Tom Servo said:
More to the point, it just looks petty and childish. Spamming a business' reviews doesn't really do anything about the problem. It just ensures that the owner will likely dig in his heels on the matter, thus losing any chance at getting the policy changed.

Comments about a company that involve stuff like not letting CCW permit holders on their property seem a little more relevant for other potential customers than stuff like what an owner of a business does in his spare time. Either way, you'll have people complain about a business that allows CCW permit holders or one that does not. In the end, if it doesn't significantly affect the bottom line of a business, there really isn't an incentive for a business owner to change their policy.
But I am sure the pizza store owner would get mad if a next door establishment put up a sign saying.
NO Jews
No Blacks
No white trash
No Mexicans
No Orientals
It is his right to refuse service (I guess).
My hope is that he gets his way,,,
Soon the only people that will eat there are bigots (of all colors) and the owner.
I thank God every day that I never put my thoughts out on social media.

Normally, I won't patronize 'gun free zone' businesses. Acrossed the board the auto parts stores in the county are, so I have to bend. Doesn't seem necessary to me to draw attention to it.
But I am sure the pizza store owner would get mad if a next door establishment put up a sign saying.
NO Jews
No Blacks
No white trash
No Mexicans
No Orientals

In no way are these categories the same as refusing to allow guns in the establishment. Until laws are changed, refusal of an object does not equate with race and nationality.
The owner has a right to think and say what he wants about gun owners. We have a right to not go. I'm struggling with Facebook cleansing the 1 star reviews. Those are real. Every place with a no carry sign is automatically a 1 star or less place.

I would hate to drive across town to a 5 star pizza place to find out they had a no carry sign.

Did they have a large criminals welcome sign?
In no way are these categories the same as refusing to allow guns in the establishment. Until laws are changed, refusal of an object does not equate with race and nationality.
I respectfully disagree.
Any time your rights are being infringed on its something we have to fight against.
I don't want to serve you because your gay which is wrong?
I don't want to serve you because your legally carrying a fire arm is ok?
Its the same thing,
I don't like YOU because of something you do that I don't believe is right.
It dosent matter who or what is involved, its wrong, the problem is that we let people pick and choose what is right and what is wrong by what is convenient.
Ozzieman said:
I don't want to serve you because your gay which is wrong?
I don't want to serve you because your legally carrying a fire arm is ok?
Its the same thing,
No, it's not the same thing. Race, gender, and the like are intrinsic characteristics of people. They can't take them off or put them on at will. Choosing to carry a firearm is just that, a choice. If someone wants to frequent a business which prohibits firearms on its premises, they can decide not to. Doesn't work that way with skin color.
. It just ensures that the owner will likely dig in his heels on the matter, thus losing any chance at getting the policy changed.

I think if your telling potential customers to "FO" on a public forum, you are pretty "dug in" already.
No, it's not the same thing. Race, gender, and the like are intrinsic characteristics of people. They can't take them off or put them on at will. Choosing to carry a firearm is just that, a choice. If someone wants to frequent a business which prohibits firearms on its premises, they can decide not to. Doesn't work that way with skin color.

So, as I understand your logic, if you were quietly discussing a political view that is contrary to the owners and were not disturbing anyone and he overheard your conversation while putting your drink on the table, it would be OK to ask you to leave. What it were a group of blacks quietly discussing "black lives matter?" What if it were a group of evangelicals discussing their opposition to Planned Parenthood?

Should either group be asked to leave if they are not disruptive. If the answer is no because they are exercising their first amendment rights, then why are first amendment rights more important than my second amendment rights?

If you allow one of the Bill of Rights to be violated, you should not expect the rest not to be violated.

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Hal_F, that is a compelling argument. My response is simple: If the owner posts a notice on the door that says, "Discussion of politics, religion, sex, race or ethnicity is forbidden here; come in and enjoy a nice meal and leave all that at the door. Violators are not welcome.", would he not have the right to do so?
KEYBEAR, I would guess that I am one of those your comment may (may) be directed to. I believe that the owner of a business has the right to forbid guns if he/she wants to, and I have the right to go elsewhere. I am not concerned in the least about being politically correct.
At one time I have seen Signs in a business stating the right to refuse service to anyone . I do not see the signs much anymore because it may offend a customer and that is money lost .

I have no problem with a business posting what ever on there door it is there business . I do not go to that business if it is not to my liking (no problem).

Yes it would bother me to see a sign NO FIREARMS But it would not stop me . I am responsible for my safety and if ask to leave would but not return . I would never try to reason with any one just leave and not come back .

We (gun owners) can no longer talk openly about firearms because guns are bad and not people can be bad with or with a gun .