Petition to GW Bush


New member
I've got a petition to GW and the Republican Party going at edited by Monkeyleg (edited June 11, 2000).
Click Here to Open Petition Site.

We (Firearms Enthusiasts) need to get this petition signed by as many of us as we can IMO. Lets put it on the line, streight and simple. Back off firearms legislation or we affiliate with another party that will listen.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
As well intentioned as this petition seems, and the feelings it helps a great many of us express ....our frustration,anger and the like.
It has been my observation that Govenor Bush does not respond favorably to ultimatums.

It would be much more advantages to our cause to "let him know" that the preservation of our rights and the reclaiming of the restrictions placed on us to date, will garner him our 80 million strong support of some of his other policy and goal attempts while in office.
He needs to imagine how we will pester and cajole our congressional representatives to act on other worth while legislation that we and 'HE' may support in the ensuing years of his administration.

This will get his attention, NOT threats.


I have to disagree with ya. For toooo long we have tried to "work" with the Republican & Democratic (to some extent) Parties. We have been screwed over and over again.

By "we" I'm talking Firearm Enthusiasts, The NRA, GOA, etc. Laws keep getting passed.

Who cares if they don't respond favorably. That is their choice... as is ours to pull our support of their Party in any and all up coming elections.

Maybe... just maybe if some Local & State elections are lost to other Parties the Rep/Dem might take notice and start to head our crys. If not we then work to get other Parties into Congress, Senate, and even the House.

It is all about power. We have it to give and they (Reps/Dems) would like to keep it. We have told them how in this petition IMO.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
What threat???
It's a Statement of's merely portending the consequences of a certain course of action. Screw with me and I'll bury you...not threat there, just the truth :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Schmit is right. We have the power in our government and many people have failed to remember that. That may be what has caused many of the governmental problem we are faced with today.

Too many people expect the government to pass laws from on high and therefore don't remain active in the political process.

A lot of people think my voice doesn't count or that there are no good candidates anyway so why vote, why speak up. That is exactly what the political machines depend on.

I agree we need to draw the line now. We need to make our stand.
I'm not saying that telling it like it is, drawing a line,puting them on notice...isn't the way to go....hell I have been doing that myself for some time, just like you guy's stated.
All I am saying is that it apears to me that George Wyba' doesn't respond well to that tack!
In general, I agree we must start telling the Poloticians that either they stand up for our rights...or else we are going to have a good old fashioned driveway coating/feather pillow fight in their honor!

I agree that the time for polite (read: weak) "requests" for the politicos to preserve our rights is over.

I signed. WHo's next?

Please pass this on to others.


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
For whatever reason, I can't get to or Glocktalk. If somebody is going over to those sites and can post the link, I'd appreciate it. I did find a ton of gun club email addresses on the web and am sending them the link as well. Let's see what happens.

OK, dumb question time. I sent emails to about fifty or so addresses for gun club officers or site webmasters. They all came back as undeliverable because the server at University Iowa timed out. (Only took an hour or so to find those addresses :mad: )

Any suggestions on how to bulk email these folks?

Thanks much in advance,

Just want to keep this alive. Up for two days and 158 signatures. Probably could have gotten more than that if there was a question such as "what's the best gun for home defense?" ;)

Fifth day up and 906 signatures. I'd hoped for a better response. To put it in perspective, there's over 4,000 signatures to have the show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles put back on the air.

80 million gun owners. :rolleyes:

Coinneach, I know your political affiliations, and your opinion of Republicans (which, by the way, I'm beginning to share).
So what? We're going to have either Bush or Gore in office, and Gore's been stepping on his pecker a lot of late. If there's enough signatures, the Republicans may think twice about voting for more "common sense" gun control. All of you third party people can consider a signature guerilla politics.

In any event, I'm holding off on sending a donation to the RNC (aside from the fact that I'm broke) until/if/when there's enough signatures to make it look like a good grassroots initiative is taking hold. Then I'll hand-deliver my donation with a request the staffer look at the signatures and pass the news along.

Maybe this is all Quixotic, but St. Jude is my patron saint. (pop trivia quiz: what does that mean, and what movie is it from?)

Guess I should've been less cryptic. I didn't sign the petition because I have no intention of voting for Junior in November anyway. Yeah, I know he doesn't know that, but it's them damned principles again. ;)