Pet Peeves

• The ".22 is more lethal because it ricochets around inside the body instead of exiting" crowd.

• Folks who forget that what works for THEM, where (and what) THEY hunt may not be the right choice for everyone else. (Example: 30-30 is sufficient for Kentucky whitetails for most folks, but maybe not for pronghorn elsewhere.)

• Anyone who doesn't respect the hundreds of things that affect our great sport and LIFESTYLE. (i.e.: littering, poaching, disrespecting fellow hunters and landowners, etc.)

• Young hunters who aren't taught proper respect for the above, etc.
Im gonna mix it up a bit and give you something i like and something i dont.

I really appreciate people who want to learn the sport of hunting and the art of shooting. I love to see new hunters out with experienced guys and learning lots.

What I dont like is people who want to hunt but dont put out the effort to learn to shoot and hang around with the old guys to learn the animals and the areas they hunt. I dont like it when they go out and buy a gun but dont know what kind of ammunition to use or the ranges the gun is capable of or anything about the gun at all and think that because a guy in a magazine shot a deer at 500 yards they sure can too. My buddy has a deer rifle in 7mm Mauser. He doesnt know the make of the scope the make of the rifle or that its 7mm mauser he just goes to the gunshop and asks for "7mm ammo to shoot a deer".
My buddy has a deer rifle in 7mm Mauser. He doesnt know the make of the scope the make of the rifle or that its 7mm mauser he just goes to the gunshop and asks for "7mm ammo to shoot a deer".

lol, same buddy I alluded to earlier is always buying & selling guns - conversation afterwards repeats over and over something like this, with different twists:

Him: "Got a gun at the show"
Me: "What brand & caliber?"
Him: [he tells me about a turnbolt rifle let's say]
Me: "Cool, how much?"
Him: [he tells me]
Me: "Cool. What scope brand?"
Him: "I dunno. Some bull$hit scope, bushnell or simmons or something.
Me: "Hmmm, kay. What rings & base?"
Him: "Hell, I dunno"
Me: "Then how do you know whether or not you got a good price?"
Him: "I just know"

See, to him, there is no difference between a bushnell sportview and a bushnell elite 4200. But a leupold is a whole nuther ballgame. If it's got a leupold, he'll pay a lot more. He would pay more for a rifle with a leupold rifleman on aluminum b-square see-through rings than he would a bushnell elite 4200 with quality mounting hardware. A leupold is a leupold, and a "bull$hit scope" is a bull$hit scope. :rolleyes:

Reminds me of a guy the other day at a gunshow - a seller who was annexing the end of one table of a more established (bigger) seller. He had a bubba-fied Jap arisaka, and proceeds to tell me that it's in 6.5mm. Which kind? Oh, I think 6.5x55 swede. Well, it'd make a lot more sense if it was in 6.5 arisaka - it's *possible* that its in swede, but not likely, I say. Oh, he says, I dunno; I'm just trying to sell it.

And your friend is gonna have fun when he gets out to the woods and the 7mm remmag he is sold won't fit.
My number one pet peeve is ATV hunters who think that just because they can get away quickly if they're caught it gives them the right to tresspass on your land.

My number two pet peeve is people who eat commercially raised meat and complain about hunting. At times I think the PETAphiles are less hypocritical.

A sad story which relates to number two is that recently one of the local commercial farms had a chicken truck turn over on the way to the 'processor' (euphamism for slaughterhouse). The owners sent out a crew of Mexicans (another peeve for L&P) to catch all the chickens but they missed a few. My neighbor found one of these, a young white rooster wandering in the woods. It was fully grown but was so young that it could only peep like a baby chick. It saw him and followed him out of the woods, so he put it in with his other yard-raised chickens. At first it wasn't able to find the food and water, as it had been raised in a cage.

1)People who use their scope like it's a Binocular. I hate the feeling of someone 'scoping me' from a few 100 yards away. Buy some nice Binoculars... 2)Blaze Orange - I don't like it, but I use it(it's the law)
3) People who say I'm undergunned with my .308 4) People who say I'm overgunned with my .308 5) Overcrowded Hunting areas... ie. the sound of rifles too close for comfort...and ATV's.. 6) Yahooos ie. folks who get hunting confused with having a party or a shooting match. I like to have fun,but what I mean is being around a group of folks who aren't safe and who are not out in the woods to hunt inasmuch just to cut up and play with guns... 7) Ticks and chiggars and mosquitos...BUT that's part of it... 8) Mechanical Problems and Murphy's Law ie. the day I forget my GPS is the day I get lost, the day I leave my cell phone at home - is the same day the engine won't start and the portable battery charger won't work...BUT that's also part of it too... :cool:
People who mooch gear off of you, because they "forgot" theirs. I don't mind the occasional lending an item, but if you completely 'forgot' to bring any of your hunting stuff, including your rifle, sorry bucco, your loss.

People who cannot sit still or stop talking.


Also, +1 poachers/tresspassers +1 rifle scope as binocs +1 unloading a full clip at running deer or at sound