Pet Peeves


New member
Spend a few minutes and tell us your pet peeves as they exist in the hunting community.

My biggest is what I should call stunts. These are things that some very few hunters can do and somehow manage to convince others that it is generally acceptable practice. I am most often irked by too small of caliber for the game. Centerfire 22 deer hunters comes to mind.
Walking-hunting with people who won't shut up talking. Or who walk noisily. And if I get far enough away that they won't try to talk, or their noise might spook something for me to shoot, they won't stay with the program about the direction we're going. They won't keep track of where anybody else is, which can lead to Cheneyitis.

And people who shoot into "the middle of the brown" and get all twitchy about field-dressing a gut-shot deer--after they get me to trail the poor SOB for a half a mile.

People who think that without camo you are going to be spoted instantly and without it you cant hunt anything. :rolleyes:

And the hunters that belive that practicing your shooting skills at a range is a waste of time and you dont need to shoot more then a couple of times a year when your actually hunting. "The gunsmith will take care of the zero" :eek:


People who think nothing of taking a 400 yrd shot in the field, at a moving target, just because they have the latest "ultra-super-magnum" and are convinced they can make the shot, because they can shoot MOA...from a benchrest...with no wind... (Hey, I'm a good shot, but know that 1 MOA from a bench translate to about 3 MOA in the field under less than ideal conditions)

And the corollary, that they can hit anything within 200 yards with a shotgun, loaded with slugs. (Sorry, but the best aren't THAT accurate).

The guys that empty the gun at running deer, no matter what the range...Sorry, but the chances of wounding it are WAY higher than getting a killing shot. Besides, it's dangerous to be spraying lead all over the woods during deer season.
Hunting with someone who won't stop talking and/or moving (can't stay still).

The last time I went hunting, I somehow was paired up with a 15 year old kid who didn't have a rifle (he was wearing orange, and came along with someone else to see what hunting was like). We were close to the edge of the timber still-hunting, the kid kept getting up, and then sitting down. Not only was he moving, but also crunching leaves with each movement. And he would stretch in-between! It was driving me nuts. I eventually pointed to a direction about 200 yards away and sternly told him to get packin'. Naturally, the damage was done, and I never saw a deer that night. It was a pretty frustrating way to end the Season.
Mine is hunters on farms that leave gates open that should be closed, close gates that should be open, and don't pack out their trash. Leave gates the way you find them! Nothing makes a farmer or rancher madder than needing to bale hay before it rains for example, and having to spend precious time rounding up loose livestock instead.

And hunters wonder why more and more farms and ranches are being posted :mad: .
1. Unethical hunters who do stupid stuff like shoot for the femoral artery on a elk (see recent thread), gut shoot deer by not taking good shots, and/or just wing-shooting (spray & pray) at a jumped deer that is bounding through the woods, where there is no chance of a good hit, etc. Or take ridiculous shots at long ranges when they don't have a clue what their rifle load drops at that distance.

2. Hunters who won't join NRA, GOA, etc.

3. Hunters who don't know sheepdip from shinola when it comes to calibers, bullet contruction/ bullet choice, etc. I've got one friend who has several rifle models in EACH of these 3 calibers: .270, .30-06, and 7mm remmag. But he ALWAYS chooses 150 grain factory ammo regardless of caliber, rifle model, or game hunted, just for simplicity's sake. Sigh...

4. People who come and molest my hunt at 9 a.m. because they didn't see anything that morning, so decide to pack it in and drive through my area.

5. Poachers who come on land I'm leasing and hunt my game 365/24/7.

6. Stupid Cows

7. Oh yeah, Litterers! Bigtime.

8. The wildlife department that has stupid rules, such as only being able to hunt feral pigs with BB shot or smaller, or rimfire (on public lands), and not allowing night vision devices and night hunting for coyotes & feral pigs.

9. Idiot drunks in deer camp who do stuff like stay up all night drinking and making noise, shoot guns in camp during season, have zero to offer in terms of entertaining conversation, won't lift a finger to help cook, clean up, etc.

10. Neighbors who drive their 4-wheelers all over my leased land, and scare off the game.

But then, I'm easily annoyed...

Wow, one of my good friends does #s 1-3...time to get new friends.
Poachers who call themselves hunters. Those who illegaly take animals or those who don't believe that tags/licenses are neccesary.
People that think it's allright to shoot deer at 100 yards with buckshot. I used to see this all the time when I hunted with clubs. At least the fools trying 300 yard offhand shots with a rifle on running deer usually don't hit anything. The buckshot guys always manage to get a couple of pellets in them. I really like the ones that buy a 10 gauge to "increase" their range. I've had to track down too many deer that were shot at reasonable ranges with buckshot to really like it for deer hunting, period.
ATV's in the woods during deer season. I don't think they belong there except maybe to drag a deer out after hunting hours and then only under certain circumstances. If you're too damn lazy to walk to your hunting spot then you should give up hunting.

I've got some guys who "lease" some heavily wooded land next to mine and they told me to stay off their land but yet want to drive their ATV's across my land to get to their hunting spots. I have been arguing with them for 3 years because they go over and around fences and don't seen to care about anything because they are "local" boys.

Then hunters who feel it's necessary to come over and say hello if they see me in my treestand. To begin with, they are on private property, MINE and second, they are interrupting my hunting. If I wanted to shoot the breeze I'd go down to the local coffee shop. :rolleyes:
The guys that have a postage stamp lot, post it, prosecute "trespassers", but then feel free to ride, drive, fish, swim, and hunt on every other large landowners' properties. They think nobody owns swimming holes and an ATV is legal to ride anywhere in the state.
1. hunters who shoot at sounds in the woods. BTDT he missed thank god
2. people who ground pound birds
3. road hunters
4. ATV riders who feel free to shoot game off thier ATV's.

FWIW in SD if someone is on your land without permission and is armed you have the right to remove them by force with or without police permission or presence.

I hate it when poachers kill a deer, cut off the antlers, remove the backstrap meat and dump the carcass in a stream to pollute it. grrr.

People who mooch gear off of you, because they "forgot" theirs. I don't mind the occasional lending an item, but if you completely 'forgot' to bring any of your hunting stuff, including your rifle, sorry bucco, your loss.

People who cannot sit still or stop talking.

People who don't know the make/model of their gun (yes, I met a guy who didn't know who made his rifle).

And people who make lists of what they don't like. :D ;)
POACHERS! I spend all year working my spots and some idiots think they can drive in at night and shoot all the deer and even worse... My buddy and I had two stands stolen by these idiots in the past couple of years.
People who shoot everything that walks by!:mad:
Drink while their hunting!:mad:

Unfortunately, I met some people like this last season.:(

Seven guys shot 18 deer in one day!
My buddy and I had two stands stolen by these idiots in the past couple of years.

Set a trap for them. Put up a nice stand, and 2 game cameras - one in plain sight, and one more hidden. They will steal the stand and the game camera they can see - you will have them on tape with the other one stealing both - take to the sherrif/DA.