

1st Q:You should be all right but you may print a little.

2nd Q:That's a non-issue, just resume whatever you're doing without looking around too much and most won't pay attention to you. Be cool.


ETA: I also stand 5'11" and I wish I still weighed 185#!!!!
Well, I applied for my permit yesterday and I should receive it within 45-days. I have my enhanced permit training class this Saturday so I should be good to go. Looking forward to it. Now if I can comfort my wife about me carrying. She's not exactly 100% okay with it if you know what I mean.:mad:
Empire state...

Get er done, ;) .

My good friend in New York wants to buy a DA revolver. The state office says his appt is not until 08/05/2013.

Be lucky you live in a state like MS.
I wish you well, SIMP.

Hope everything goes your way! And I'll repeat some advice: "be cool".

May God bless you.


BTW: what part of the state are you from?
Ky has the no courthouse etc stuff too. And private buisness can put up no deadly weapons but all that can happen in a private buisness is if they see you they ask you to leave. If you do nothing happens. If you refuse then I think its a 25 dollar fine.
Enhanced permit vs idividual rights

OK, I'm torn here. I am pro 2nd amendment and if lived in MS I would most certainly go for the enhanced permit (based solely on what I have read here; I would of course do my own research). However, there is something that troubles me about this. I have always taken the libertarian approach to civil liberties. something like "The right to shake my fist, stops at the other guy's nose". That being said I oppose a Law that forces a private business owner to allow access to someone carrying a CCW if they would prefer to restrict access to their establishment. To me it seems as an encroachment on another citizen's freedoms. I think I would get the E permit, but respect the signs as much as possible (always, unless every establishment has a sign).
Archer for a mom and Pop store i agree with you 100%. For a corporation that set a policy nationwide I don't care so much. The only place I frequent that I disarm is my fathers office and the courthouse. I got a jury summons for Christmas for jan - mar so I may be frequenting the courthouse much more...
Archer, I respect your opinion on this issue. If I ever enter a "mom & pop" store and they ask me to leave due to carrying a firearm, I would most certainly comply and put up no resistance. I would respect their wishes as that's just the way I, I'd never want to be the guy who gives permit holders a bad rap if you know what I mean. However, if I do accidentally enter a "mom & pop" store with my concealed weapon, if I'm carrying correctly, they should never know it and perhaps it would avoid any hard feelings between us. But I totally see where you're coming from.

I'm from Natchez but I have a good many family members in Clinton from what I've been told. I've met them at funerals, etc. but never been to their houses. They usually have a reunion up there annually from what I understand.


Chris in Va: MS constitution says we do have open carry but a strange interpretation of the 'keep and bear' clause by our illustrious supreme court removed it years ago.

Too bad we don't have 9 smilies getting their asses kicked on the list.:(
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