

New member
My wife says she wants me to get my firearm permit for Christmas. I plan on obtaining the regular permit first then find a class so that I may get my enhanced permit. From what I understand here in Mississippi is that the regular permit has its limitations while the enhanced version lets you ignore those "No firearms" signs in public places with exception of government buildings and a few other locations. I'm really looking forward to this.

Anyone else here from MS or have any similar permit scenarios in your area? Come on MS Dave, I know you have some experience. :-) Thanks.
"No Firearms" signs are almost non-existant in NY (because everything is already so restricted), but from reading other posts I thought businesses could restrict carry regardless of what permit you hold. Hopefully someone with an accurate answer will chime in, but I would not carry into a building with a "No Firearms" sign without double checking your local laws.
Just found this online pertaining to MS permits. To me, seems the enhanced is worth it.

Firearms Permit
•CAN NOT carry in a Courtroom or Law Enforcement Office or detention center.
•CAN NOT carry in Polling Place or meeting of the Government.
•CAN NOT carry at any School, College or Athletic Event.
•CAN NOT carry at establishment or portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises primarily devoted to such purpose .
•CAN NOT carry inside the passenger terminal of any airport .
•CAN NOT carry in any church or other place of worship.
•CAN NOT carry any place prohibited by federal law.
•CAN NOT carry where Private Business displays “NO FIREARMS” signage
•CAN NOT carry in Parades where permits are required.

Enhanced Carry Permit
•CAN NOT carry in courtrooms during a judicial proceeding.
•CAN NOT carry in any police, sheriff or highway patrol station or any detention facility, prison or jail.
•CAN NOT carry any place prohibited by federal law.
Thats very interesting as N.C. doesn't have an Enhanced Carry Permit but with the few local law enforcement members that i talked with agree the any CCP holder should be allowed to carry anywhere they can as the F.B.I has already cleared us.. dumb lawmakers
Enhanced Carry Permit
•CAN NOT carry in courtrooms during a judicial proceeding.
•CAN NOT carry in any police, sheriff or highway patrol station or any detention facility, prison or jail.
•CAN NOT carry any place prohibited by federal law.

:confused::confused: I never heard of an enchanced permit, what are the extra hoop jumping you need for this?

How do they get around federal law?

When we first got our carry law we could carry anywhere we pleased the first year. But le got their panties in such a knot 'with all those untrained people' in courthouses, etc. that they got the legislature to add all these prohibited areas to a new bill the next year.

Session(2011 iirc) before last the legislature (responding to all the church shootings and all the other prohibited area shootings) decided to give le what they wanted with the training on the enhanced permit and opened up the prohibited areas to those with this training.

Hope this makes sense,


Yes, I have the training and it's a basic NRA pistol course. It cost me $125.00 for the course. The decal on the back of my permit showing that I am now certified cost nothing.

ETA: 9mm: re:federal law; look again at SIMP's last post.
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Thanks Bill and thanks to all for your input into this topic. Can't wait to be "Certified".

Bill, I'm curious about the Natchez Trace and pistol carrying. I travel the Trace often back and forth to deer camp. Are there any stipulations you are aware of on the Natchez Trace?

As you probably know, Congress opened up the National Parks to 'carry' a little while back and the Trace is part of the NPService so I would assume it's GTG.

We've never had much trouble with rangers around here being too troublesome meaning they said if you've got a handgun, just keep it out of sight and if you've got a long gun don't carry it in a window rack. What I'm referring to now is before the parks were opened up and probably are still that way.

I believe whatever the laws are in the state you're in is what applies to roadways or parks you're in now.

Crazy Crave

I don't think this is about being legal to be in an area but having the course shows that you can shoot straight as well as when and when not to shoot as most of these areas are where there are lots of people crammed together. AFAIK bim
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I would recommend doing all the training to get the enhanced license and be done with it. Why replicate anything?
It's a shame they have this "enhanced" requirement. This screws people like me who travel there. My state has a training requirement. I've had additional training beyond that, and am even certified to teach the NRA basic pistol course, the course that your state requires for the "enhanced" status. Yet, I can't get a MS license, and I can't get my Florida CWFL stamped as "enhanced", so I can't carry into a lot of places that I travel to in MS.
Taking a class, which is what the "enhanced permit process in Mississippi amounts to, is common sense.

Far too few gun owners have a solid understanding of their states' justifiable homicide/deadly force statutes. A good Concealed Handgun Permit class should remedy this deficiency.
Okay, next question....
I stand 5'-11 and weigh in at 185 lbs so I'm not a big fella. I wear a lot of t-shirts and really never tuck them in. Is it considered a concealed weapon as long as my T-shirt is long enough to cover the gun if wearing on a belt clip holster that's not in the waste band? And if at a store or public place and I happen to bend over to grab something and the pistol shows slightly for a few seconds, can that be considered non-concealed?

I know all of this will be part of my training here in MS, but I thought I'd get some feedback from the fine folks at firing line.
My 2 bits...

After the CO movie theater Batman mess less summer, I honestly wouldn't really press the NO WEAPONS issue.

If you really want to pack heat in public, learn & understand the local or state gun laws. ;)

Clyde, that whole scenario plus a few other examples is exactly how I convinced my wife that it was time for a permit.