Pepper spray it real?

I know for sure that you can build "some" immunity to pepper sprays and stun guns. They hit you with both in the academy so you will be less suprised by the effects. The instructor would shoot the spray in his mouth and hold the stun gun(while discharging) to his throat at the same time :eek: and just keep on teaching!

Then he got out the "tazer" :p

Different outcome there. Everyone hit the floor, standing up is just not an option. Everyone would hold hands and he would attach one lead to each person at the end of the human chain socks. Hit that trigger for just a second and ...

everybody drops :D

OC just can't do what a tazer can for sure, and a tazer won't blow back in your face :mad:

I've never used the spray on someone ( I did fire those 37mm c/s gas guns at a guy once), but I've seen it used. From what I've seen, sober, non-violent, but stupid, "why me?" kind of guys usually went down (complied while crying and coughing). Drunk, crazy, or violent guys just went bezerk..wouldn't use it against those types. But everyone reacts different I guess. I have been hit with tazer, and what I think they called a "capture shield", those things put me on the ground real quick like, I would prefer to use these instead of a minor irritant like OC. And I don't believe eating jalapenos provides any immunity....they're kind of puny anyways..even those habaneros ain't all that, less you squish one into your eyes. Big deal.
Then he got out the "tazer"

Different outcome there. Everyone hit the floor, standing up is just not an option. Everyone would hold hands and he would attach one lead to each person at the end of the human chain socks. Hit that trigger for just a second and ...

everybody drops

Right on! People can get used to electric shocks, but not to a Taser. The X-26 with shaped pulse technology interferes with the nervous system's signals to the voluntary muscles. The stronger you are, the more muscle mass you have, the more effective the Taser is. You can't fight it (if it's deployed properly), although I've seen a number of guys try... and loose. Check out some of the vids from Taser International.
Pepper spray doesn't affect me much I will admit. Being tasered will kill me (so to all the LEO's here, please shoot me first :) ).

All in all, I guess that innocent people aren't killed, tasered or beaten by the LEO's at all so all is good and well, no one is a lady or gentleman until proven so in a court of law, case law that is.

Sorry, second injection (did I mention that I hate needles) and side effects.

Geeze Wayne!! Get up on the wrong side of the bed today?? :p

Sorry, but I don't consider someone coming at me with a knife or ball bat "innocent people". Only time I deploy a Taser or OC is on someone armed with a sharp object or impact weapon... or if they're a hell of a lot bigger than me. :eek:

I must admit truthfully that I've not waking up on the wrong side of the bed but the short end of a needle.

My grumpyness is in the form of a steriod type drug that was prescribed to me, and it's supposed to slow everything down but man, does it make you one grumpy SOB.

So, right now, many of my posts will either be angry or just defeatist. The way of the drug I guess.

But, all of my post are honest as I see them :).

No harm done Wayne. You have my sympathy on the needles; I don't think I'd exactly be a happy camper either.

Please do consider this though. In spite of all the "conspiracy theories" and news media hype when a LEO abuses his power, there are literally tens of thousands of officers out there doing the Right Thing that don't get the press while the few that do wrong get the press and are presented by the media as the "norm".
As part of the Homeland Security course I am taking we had to take a police tactics course taught by local law enforcment instructors. We got to play with some CS Grenades..look like a big black ball...but damn they put out some CS.... I got a chuckle as one of the younger fellows in the class said he wanted to walk in the cloud :D He asked me would it Some of the young folks were not paying attention to the CS cloud and the wind shifted..hehe. I was already upwind :D

Plus they had a paintball type gun that fired pepper capsules...then pepper capsules was helluva hot we were shooting a cardboard target against the wall the wind shifted..hehe and we just got a little wiff.....ouch

They also had a training film for this... and a film when the department first tried it...

The deputy volunteered and they took before and after pictures....

The instructor told us that the deputy was told to fall to the ground when he had enough. The deputy forgot and they kept pouring it on him he was holding his hand out saying stop :eek: He finally fell to the ground. This guy was built like a Cat D9 Bulldozer. Those pepper balls must have hurt like hell because he had big blood welts on him.

I got a chuckle at one training video of an inmate who hid behind the wall in a shoer and wouldnt come out...they just fired at an angle into the stall..hehe

One of our Instructors was aslo a SWAT Instructor. he said he never carried pepper spray because the stuff alays ended up getting on him also. He does carry a taser tho.......
OC sprays, chemical agents...

I took a Mace/chemical class a few years ago, . The class instructor, Jay Pace, was first-rate. Mr Pace is a SE Asia combat veteran(2 tours as a USMC Scout-Sniper) & a retired sworn LE officer(Largo Florida).
One of the S2 cadre told our training class he had no effect from OC sprays and that about 2/3 out of a 100 people may not have any reaction to chemical agents.
Many cops and corrections officers avoid foam type agents. The sprayed subject can fling OC foam at you or smear it back on you in a rage. A company called Zarc markets a chemical agent called Vextor that uses a new "micro-spin" system. It looks impressive.
I like Cold Steel's Inferno brand too. It's a mix of OC & black pepper(2%).
I have some Mk III Sabre Red but may replace it soon.
I also never saw any commercial grade(open public) chemical agent rated past 2,000,000 SHU. What brands are around 5,000,000 SHU?

Pepper spray doesn't affect everyone.

The "older black gentleman" was a major in the state police, and didn't like the attitudes of the officers that stopped him.
And the tazer is a whole lot Easier on my eye's than the OC's that used to be sprayed on the occasional nut case I transport to the CooCoo bin.
Just a couple nights ago while staged for a Phyc call I was wondering how many prongs I was going to find on my Pt. when I got him, but with all the unsnapped tazer holsters it might have been enough, I got him with no wires and NO CS!!! :)
We use gas all the time. Use of force every day in some units. Current spray is Sabre Red, AKA "seasoning in a can". We went to the water based formula, abandoning our Bodyguard LE-10 that had worked so well, because it was alcohol based, and an inmate in Florida had apparently been doused with an alcohol based spray then tased - and he lit up. Oops. So we went to this stuff.
I am NOT immune to gas, hate the stuff. Ever try to keep a camera going on a scene where someone has been liberally sprayed right in front of you? Caught enough backblast on that one that 90% of the sound on tape was me coughing and gagging. We are switching to a new one called Phantom, (being a guy who carries a CZ SP-01 Phantom, I have to say I like the name;) ), which already has a reputation of being extremely effective. About time.
I HAVE seen someone take the taser with little to no effect - he rode the lightning four times with little to no effect. He gave up because he was getting bored. I have also met people immune to OC, and trust me, hot peppers have nothing to do with it. If it did, many of our inmates would be immune - jalapenos are a very popular item on the store list.
BTW, holy thread resurrection, Batman! :D

I saw a informative website & clip about Zarc's Vexor chemical agent.
The reports say it's 15,000,000 SHU! That's a spicy meatball(as the "Chief" on A&E's Small Town Security would say, ;) ). The micro-spin format is good.
NOTE: Vexor in the 1.45% content may be only available to sworn LE officers, certified corrections & licensed(trained) security officers. I've also heard Vexor is issued by DHS's US Border Patrol & CBP(Customs and Border Protection).

I think you probably can get some immunity from peppers.
Cayenne may be 30-50,000, but it isn't a very hot pepper.
I regularly use olive oil with a Ghost Pepper in it. Even in a mixture it is many times hotter than relatively mild cayenne(800,000- 1,500,000 SHU for the ghost). I usually use chop sticks to handle the peppers when preparing the mix as using my hands then going to the restroom, rubbing my eyes, etc is unpleasant.

The dose may also be much larger with food. Popping a habanero in your mouth likely delivers a larger dose than a spray that is landing mostly on your skin or going into the wind.
Sorry, but I don't consider someone coming at me with a knife or ball bat "innocent people". Only time I deploy a Taser or OC is on someone armed with a sharp object or impact weapon... or if they're a hell of a lot bigger than me.
(bold mine)

I hope you are joking?

I match deadly force for deadly force. First thing in a situation like that gets pointed at them is a G22. If there is a stand off or another officer then there will be a taser pointed at them.
Pepper spray is very effective on me I hate it. I wont carry it. There is not as much worry about blow back with gel or foam as in the OP photo. I find a blinding flashlight to be good enough of a non lethal deterrent.