Pepper gun suggestions for my daughter

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Andy Blozinski

New member
She wants to carry, but she's under 21. So, I guess it's a pepper gun for her. I've read up on the Kimber Pepperblaster 2 and it seems to get good reviews. It does concern me that it only has two shots and you still need to hit someone in the face with it.
Anybody have knowledge on good choices for this?
Pepper spay is not legal in many places. I don't know about a pepper gun, but I'm sure they aren't legal everywhere.

What is legal and just as effective as pepper spray and mace is hair spray.

I don't know of any place where it's illegal for a girl to carry hair spray. They come in little cans that can fit in the pocket or purse.

Hair spay to the face is pretty effective in discouraging bad behavior toward ladies. Also easy to use. Doesn't take a lot of training, I doubt there are many girls out there who don't know how to use hair spray.
Hair spray is going to be pretty worthless outside in the wind and maybe past 1-2 feet. You don't need a special license to carry pepper spray and it can go most places.

I have a friend that carries one of the Kimber blasters. she was going to her car in a parking lot one evening when a "DUDE" walked up to her and asked for a date. Little bit more than just asking. She said he cried like a baby Points well and the advertised range and speed is good, you will get a real feeling on how it works from the youtube video.

P.S>> get two so she can fire the first one to get a feeling where it hits.

Here are some of the laws concerning pepper spray per state.
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Has anyone seen or used the Ruger pepper spray? I also am looking for a few cans to put in all the cars that are easy to reach.;) Its a toss up between the Ruger or the Kimber. I also find it sad that most of the places that resrtict pepper spray also restrict guns, go figure:rolleyes:
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P.S.>> get two so she can fire the first one to get a feeling where it hits.


I actually bought 3 Kimber pepper guns for my youngest Daughter, when she was commuting to a big city for work.

She practiced with the 1st gun, shooting it at a big cardboard box @ 10', so she could see exactly the POI, and how it felt/etc.

She carried the 2nd, and kept the 3rd in reserve, for the next time she went out after when/if she had to use the carry spray gun.

Once she got her CCW permit, she picked out a sweet 3" S&W M-37 Airweight to CCW instead.

AFAIK, she still keeps the 2 Kimber pepper guns stashed in different places around her home.

( I taught all my 3 of children to shoot @ about 10 y.o., and two of them, including this daughter, are members of gun clubs other than mine, near their homes)

1. You need to check local laws specifically. You may need to buy it in specific sizes and locations. You may need documentation.

2. Wasp spray is poisonous and specifically banned in some jurisdictions and may be considered lethal force. Drop that idea.

Please spare us suggestions if you don't know the details of a state or instrument.
I have the old model (it's probably out of date by now). It was less of a "gun" shape. It had a pocket clip and fit in the inside breast pocket of my jacket. Unlike a pepper spray, the delivery system was not susceptible to cold and was far more wind resistant. You have to check local laws carefully. Even with a cc license, stun guns and pepper spray may actually be prohibited in some areas


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Our driver (ex career Army) at work plays rent'a'cop on weekends in this college town. Being such, he has used pepper spray (actually Gel) on occasion. His preference is the Ruger Gel. Stops em right now and the marking die stays on for days.
Zarc ....

Id lean towards the potent Zarc Vexor Micro-Spin from Zarc Industries.
It doesn't splay all over in the wind & it propels a lot of agent onto to the target. Vexor is safe to use with EDWs(Tasers) & I think the formula includes a UV marking dye, ;) .
It might be illegal or unavailable for the general public in your area. Check your local laws or with Zarc Industries.
Vexor is not mall ninja or gun show knock-off chemical agent. It's issued to a few US government agencies & major PDs/corrections departments.

The new Sabre Green is impressive too. It's very hot but has a faster decon. :D
I'd avoid the "pepper gun" & gimmicks.
Another slick product is the powerful Yellowjacket iPhone case. It was R&Ded by a US Army veteran & doubles as a cell phone battery recharger. A new updated version for 5/5s series phones should hit the US market soon.
I like the bright green Laser Dazer device but that too is not yet on the open US market for the public. :(
What is your location and the relevant law or regulation regarding defensive sprays?

I would recommend against the pepper guns in favor of either stream or gel/foam OC spray in a small canister.

Id advise against any "foam" type OCs or weapons.
Many working cops & corrections avoid them because thugs wipe off the goo & fling it back. :eek:
It may be a shock, but many violent subjects or attackers may have been pepper-sprayed, tasered or even shot before.
Don't think a quick burst of OC or a EDW hit will always cause a subject to stop being aggressive or combative.

Oh, I thought this was going to be a discussion on the old style pepper gun!

Pepperbox guns....

I think the post #15 pic is a "Pepperbox" gun :D .
That would only work on rapscallions.

As for CS/CN tear gas pens I'm not sure those gadgets work.
I still opt for the "micro-spin" style or maybe the fog/cone style.
A citizen wants to rapidly deploy the less lethal weapon(OC, EDW, etc) then beat cheeks out of the A/O(a US military term for area of operations).

well for what its worth, I am the most politically incorrect person on the planet , I would never send my daughter or anyone I loved out into the world armed with pepper spray or anything less than a reliable means of defense . It seems you are sheep being led to the slaughter by your willingness to comply with a unconstitutional LAW. I have armed my daughter with good morals and upbringing. I had rather my daughter pack a handgun in a restricted area than wind up on the slab at a morgue somewhere . It is better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.........................................................LOUD
Guns, ammunition & lethal force....

It never surprises me how often I see or read forum posts of those with a "yee-haw screw the law" mindsets. :rolleyes:
Some license holders or gun owners don't seem to grasp the concept that if you or a family member use lethal force they may need to deal with LE, the media, civil lawyers, etc.
You can't just run around with a firearm & not be accountable for your actions.
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