People complain too much about Glocks coz they don't own one...

Carried one on duty for a while. It worked. I prefer my 1911s and my HK. I have seen a cracked frame on a Beretta, but it was after a large (but unknown) number of rounds of +P+ 9mm.
Not gonna Do it, not at this Juncture....

.....Would'nt be prudent...

Glocks are fine. Especially, if you find things like door knobs and can openers confusing to operate under pressure. The glock is the ideal gun for you.

I hope the cops spraying lead everwhere with them is an indication of poor training rather than inferior design. DAO is for loser's and COP's that have to have em. Poor Bastards.

You see, I like Bic lighters with the adjustable flame. or Zippo's. Because you can customize them for a specific task if you have too.

Honestly, I considered buying one once. Don't regret not buying it though. Not one bit. I would take one for free or real cheap though. Any takers?

Yeah, it seems that Glock owner's must have had some problems with self asteem in the high school locker room or something. They are soooo sensitive. By Cz be proud! -ddt
I've tried a number of Glocks, both .45s and 9s.

They were resonably reliable (only one jam that I can recall), and they shot OK. They were not great, either in terms of top notch accuracy, or the much more important speed+accuracy. And I don't care for their grip.

Certainly, they can be manufactured cheaply and quickly--their greatest advantage. They are probabaly a great choice for large PD, etc., who want low cost, reliability, and relative ease of use in one off the shelf package.

But if you want optimum performance, Glock just ain't the way to go. And this isn't just for bullseye style shooting--speed work is better with other designs (including the CZ, 1911, and High Power).

Besides, some people have serious problems with that Glock trigger. I read an article by a firearms instructer in, I believe, SWAT magazine, who detailed trigger problems that are almost unique to the Glock.
I like Glocks, they are very dependable and reliable. In fact, I have had a G17, G19, G21, G22, G23, and a G35. I got rid of them when I discovered Les Baer, Wilson, and STI.
I think most of the Glock bashing is done with threads like this one. You're opening up a can of worms by insinuating opinions by others.

Unfortunately, some people can't handle their pride and joy being criticized for having a lousy trigger, awkward feel, etc etc. They take CRITICISM on a personal belonging too personally but that's an entirely different discussion web site, psychology :)

Wanna criticize my 1911? Glock? HK? Jeep Cherokee?? go right ahead as long as it's criticism and not flaming. After all, I'm the one that owns and use the item, not the individual who's calling it whatever name :)
I've never fired one...

but I have handled and dry-fired a number of them testing out the trigger. My 14-year-old son has used a rented one several times, including for training classes, and likes them. I have BIG palms and short, thick fingers, and I haven't found one yet that feels right in my hand.

Plus, I just can't get over the fact that the "Sproinggg" sound a Glock makes when you dry-fire it reminds me of my childhood dart guns...

I don't own a Glock for one reason, and one reason alone.

They don't fit my hands worth a CRAP.

I hate how they feel, so why should I get one just to be unhappy with it?
Well as you can tell from my user name I am a Sig nut. But one thing that I have learned about firearms, cars resturants, clothes, whatever. You will always be able to find someone that either hates or loves the porduct. That is just the way things are. So my opinion is this if you don't like glocks don't buy one.

I currently own a HighPower and a Glock 26; have previously owned a Kimber Custom Classic and a Glock 23. I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to the HighPower because it just doesn't fit my hand. It has proven to be very reliable, and it's close to sixty years old. The Glocks have been extremely reliable, point well, and very easy to maintain. The Kimber was the most unreliable of the bunch by a landslide.

A pistol is nothing more than a tool for me. As far as Glock owners being thin-skinned, I beg to differ. I've never seen such irrationality by some people when a Glock owner says something positive about his pistol. The Glock is an excellent weapon. I can honestly say I've never met a person who was unhappy with his Glock. Further more, never met a Glock owner who had reliability problems. I've read about some, but never met one; and I shoot quit a bit. JohnH
I think the Glock and 1911 fanatics is the most insecure handgun owners out there. I aint talking about the average Glock or 1911 owner, but the rare one who take every criticism of their love gun as a challeng to themself. You point out a flaw in the gun design and they flame you. Most Glock and 1911 owners are not this way, but the few who attack people for disagreeing is insecure with there choice in my opinion.

I own three Glocks by the way so before sending flame my way understand that I like them but I have the ability to see both there flaw and good side.
Well, people aren't really copying Glock's design. H&K was the first to produce polymer frame pistols, back in the early '70s. Great for carry guns if comfort is #1.
I don't think Glock invented the striker mechanism.
The trigger safety isn't a safety in my mind.
With that said, it certainly seems to be a functional gun. Whatever rocks your boat.
Glock's marketing department seemed to target police departments heavily in the beginning. As you may know, many people buy whatever their local police do. So some manufactures make guns with similar features to sell to the same market. It doesn't make features better or worse, just somethings make a gun potentially easier to sell.
If you haven't had any functioning/accuracy problems with Glocks relax. Glock users seem uncommonly defensive.
I don't bash Glocks, just don't like them. I owned a G22 for a while, but the grip angle of Glocks is just something I can't get used to.I do prefer my 1911 and new CZ-75B, in my opinion the ergonomics of these two pistols is better. But then, that is just my opinion. Shoot what fits you.
Ze best

I only own what I trust and that includes a Kahr, Glocks, several S&Ws, Star Firestars and 1911s. The only trouble I've had over the last few years is from a modified,high tech 1911. My pre-agreement Smiths are my carry guns.
I have tried the G guns and they dont work for me. Why would I want something that didnt work for me. I even bought one and dumped it off in less than 24 hours. The G guns are in the same class as Lorcin, Jennings, Ruger, I dont own them and I dont shoot them, and its real simple as to why. They dont work for me. If you like the G gun its OK with me.

I dont own a Dodge, or Ford, or any other smaller than I am vehicle, so whats the big deal, if you like them its OK with me?

I'm not Jewish or Catholic, or Afro-American, but I get by with that too, but if you are, its OK with me.

I cant stand to hear rap music, or blues or that metal stuff, but thats OK if you want to listen to it, just turn it down a few clicks, that would just be nice.

I like grilled steak, and good BBQ brisket, and grits for breakfast, and jalepeno peppers, but you dont have too, its OK with me.

The point to this dribble, get off the mine is better than yours, my dad can beat you dad, and how grand the G gun is, its not for everyone, neither is the 1911, or the BHP. Are'nt these some of the things that make us indiviuals.

I feel better now, thanks....
Besides being ugly which doesn't count. My problem with the GGGGGGGGlock is the size the grip they're like holding a 2x4 and the width of the gun is also not to my liking. Sat. bought a NIB Browning HP. Hold a BHP in your hand and Glocks don't even come close.

Have a good day everyone.

I had a 17 for 9 years, reliable? YES, good looking? I think so, ejected hot brass in face? You bet! Traded it and sold my Hi-caps for 2 Cz's. Reason, 2 guns better than one, even if I'm a few rounds less in the mag. No problem with Glock owners or their guns, just personal taste.