People complain too much about Glocks coz they don't own one...


New member
From KB's, jamming, misfires, KB's, cracks on frames, ugliness, KB's, not a 1911, parts breaking, to more KB's... (Have I covered it all?)

If Glock made such a POS firearm then why are so many people buying it and other firearm manufacturers cloning it's design?

Just my .03 cents...
I don't think anybody has called Glocks a POS recently.

I like Glocks and think it is a good solid gun. I have three of them, but it ain't an excellent gun. Glocks are fine for defense, but I dont thinks they is great for target work. For IPSC competition, my CZ's better accuracy and ergonomics serves me better.
I must admit that I could not stand Glocks when they first came out. I thought they were ugly plastic monstrosities. I swore I would never get one, until one day I shot a GLock full size 10mm at a range.

I've owned 5 different Glocks since that date and for a serious battle weapon you don't have to mess with, they can't be beat. No rust worries, generous chambers ensure chambering with commercial and surplus ammo, and light weight make it a great weapon.

If I had to take one straight out the box and carry it..A glock would be my definite choice. I know its going to work, no if, ands, or buts.

Good SHooting
Firearms are as much a matter of taste as they are about function. As long as you like a gun and it works for you, who's anyone else to say differently?

Now, if someone were to defend the quality and reliability of a Lorcin on this board, I might make an exception (I saw only one of those abominations in action -- and it is the last I ever want to see of them. In all of recorded history, has a Lorcin ever discharged an entire magazine without a malfunction?).
I sold my G19 coz I thought it was a POS. Just kidding. I found that I was never truly comfortable with it and I didn't think it was very accurate. I spent a lot of time researching and trying different handguns. I have been blessed with a very high paying job,(still not as much as my wife), and I can basically shoot whatever I want. I sold my G19 and moved to Beretta and Sig Sauer land. Why? Because they just work for me. I think they are excellent weapons. I personally think that Beretta's get bashed almost as much as Glocks. Why? I have no idea.

Glocks are ugly
Glocks blow up
Beretta's fall apart


My G19 jammed only 5 times while putting over 5000 rounds through it. Yes, it's not the best looking gun, but function over looks anyday. My Beretta 92 is indestrucable, and my Beretta 96 Border Marshal shoots like a dream. Don't even get me started on the Sig.

Find what works for you and stick with it.

I will say this, and will welcome any backlash because of it.

Glock owners appear to be the most sensitive gun owners out there. I have yet to see 1/10th the posts from Beretta, Sig, 1911, BHP, CZ, HK, owners, about

People complain so much about _______ coz they don't own one.

Why is that???????
Yes, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. :) I used to hate Glocks. What made me a believer was to shoot one. Although I still think SIGs are better in the grip department, and Berettas may be a bit more reliable, Glocks are nevertheless my preferred carry guns. Love them Glocks! ;)
Yep, I had one. It was a POS. I traded it for a Model 29 revolver and never looked back. Also, it seems to me that you have too much emotion wrapped up in Glocks. If you like them, buy all you can afford and enjoy. What does it matter to you what anybody else thinks of them?
I've owned two or three Glocks..."Perfection", my hind end!!! With all the "eye appeal" of a dog t&rd and an oversized, goiter-like grip, I "Just said no..."...and never looked back.
I'll second what sig970 and Golgo-13 said about Glock "aficionados" being'd think Gaston had already been Sainted, the way they react to ANY criticism or questioning of the "Plastic Fantastic"...sheesh!....mikey357
ZZZzzz... Here we go again. I dont get it, are Glocks packed with an inferiority complex inducing gas that is inhaled when the Tupperware box they come packed in is opened?

I've had 2 Glocks, a 17 that is completely reliable, and a 21 that was a total POS. They are cookie-cutter guns with no individuality. If I'm going to carry a gun on my person 16 hours a day, I want something that's totally reliable AND has a little style.
My first gun was a Glock 17. Still have it. Also have a Glock 23. Never said Glocks are POS. Never said they were the best thing since sliced bread. Like all guns, they have advantages and disadvantages.

Personally, they don't fit my hand well, I don't like the grip angle, I hate the trigger, and I don't like the sights. Mine have been pretty reliable, though.

What I don't understand is why some Glock owners get so defensive about them. They have good and bad points. Get over it.

This is a riout how bent out of shape some of you get. Honestly. with taget work aside, the Glock is ONE of the best guns around any way you look at it.

Some of you say they have no individuality, if Glocks dont which guns do straight out of the box? Thats one that I will never understand for the life of me?

Is your Sig P-239 different than mine is? If so I guess I have alot of research to do.


The one thing that Glocks are most certainly known for is reliability, if you had a lemon at some point in your life thats hardly a reason to say that possibly the most reliable gun on the market is unreliable, just doesnt make sense. Maybe you know more than the millions apon millions of people who own them, I really dont know?

Some of you say that Glock owners are rediculous when it comes to there cherished Glocks, take a look above some of you hate them with the same intensity, could it be that you are hypocrits that think they are different because you stand on the opposite side of the fense accusing peopel of the same exact thing you are doing?

I have room in my safe for any gun that shoots well, this crap just gets exhausting after a while.

They sure are...

...polarizing guns.

I feel I have enough experience with handguns in general to make up my own mind on what has worked for me, and I've been on gun boards long enough to not get my Hanes in a half-hitch when I see the perennial "Glocks suck!", "Berettas break!", "1911's jam!", "SIGs rust!", "HK's cost too dang much!" or "My caliber rules and yours is for twinkies and girlie-men!" threads. However, a clue to Joe Averageglockowner's "thin-skinned-ness" could be the fact that "Glock myths" are second only to ballistics voodoo as popular forms of gun board entertainment. When someone who may be new to gun boards shows up and hears some self-anointed guru telling them their Glock is a jamomatic piece of feces, and they've spent dozens of happy malfunction-free weekends with it, I can't imagine why they'd get their BVD's in a bowline.

I, on the other hand, have learned that when some total stranger walks up to you and emphatically declares that the sky is green, you'll probably get nowhere by pointing upwards and saying "look, you silly sod, it's patently blue!"; he's made up his mind and is probably making the statement just to start a peeing contest. If, however, he says that he prefers a different shade of blue than the sky is currently displaying, you may have a basis for a friendly debate... :)
Sold my G17 because I just couldn't get comfortable with it's feel and function. Nothing intrinsically wrong with exercising that right, is there? If any of my 1911's, Kahr K9, 1912 Steyr-Hahn, 1918 DWM Luger, S&W Models 19, 36, 52, etc, just didn't work for me, they'd be sold at the earliest opportunity, too. Glocks may be better suited to a larger cross-section of the general population, but that doesn't make them the perfect pistol for everyman. I purposely don't make it a point of bad-mouthing the Glock, but I have indeed owned one, so if I do choose to make a less-than-stellar appraisal of the gun, I feel I've earned that right, correct?
Glocks shoot and well.That said I sold mine.Its ergonomics where off for me.I had a glockniester trigger put in and still didn't like the trigger pull.
I will not knock them but I will not own one.A big but that allso goes for a number of other firearms such as P series rugers.If it doesn't feel right I will not own it.
Latest purchase?A hi power and it feels right and will keep it.
Had a G-19....sold it......wish I hadn't!! I was in a financial bind at the time, and needed the money. The Glock made me a "better" shooter.

I now carry the HS2000. One, because of the cost and two, because it has been completely reliable. Is it better than the Glock....nope!! But it does fit my hand better and the "Combat Accuracy" is just as good.
The first and foremost reason that they're popular is that police departments can buy lots of them for cheap. And since they're point & squirt, training is easier. I have shot only two, a 17, and whatever the full-size .40 is called. Both guns felt like I was holding a 2x4, and holding it at a distinctly odd angle at that. The guns ran fine, and shot where they were aimed, in those limited experiences. More broadly, I have seen Glocks in competition, and it is my observations that lead me to believe the Glock is no worse, but certainly no better than any other service pistol, in the areas of reliability and durability. Oh, and it's ugly and not a 1911.
JMack said:

"This is a riot how bent out of shape some of you get. Honestly with taget work aside, the Glock is ONE of the best guns around any way you look at it. "

I'm not bent out of shape. Glocks have good points and bad points. One of the BEST guns? Not for my wife. Her small fingers can't reach the trigger on either my Glock 17 or Glock 23. They're next to useless for her. My Kahr K9 fits her hand much better. A good gun for one person may not be a good gun for another...

"Some of you say that Glock owners are rediculous when it comes to there cherished Glocks, take a look above some of you hate them with the same intensity, could it be that you are hypocrits that think they are different because you stand on the opposite side of the fense accusing peopel of the same exact thing you are doing? "

I don't hate Glock owners. I am a Glock owner! But that doesn't make me blind to the things I don't like about Glocks. I do get a chuckle when Glock owners get their panties in a twist anytime someone criticizes Glocks.

I was responding to the assertion in the title that "People complain too much about Glocks coz [sic] they don't own one." I do complain about Glocks, but I also own two and have fired thousands of rounds through them. And I still hate the Glock trigger.
