Pentagon: Saddam Hussein's Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda

So the Dems are in the pocket of the oil industry, the arms industry, and the Israel lobby. Gee who would of guessed it.

They used the ending the war as a chance to make political hay. I knew they weren't serious about getting out of Iraq, their principal donors would never approve of that.
You arm chair generals can keep masterbating but the fact is that we are over there, your pontificating only makes you feel good, it won't change anything. Sorry.
The TV media keeps the news upbeat and doesn't promote the failures and atrocities.

Hmmm...I must have missed that ONE report then...all the ones I see on the news seem to tell us we are losing and should just abandon ship. :confused:
You arm chair generals can keep masterbating but the fact is that we are over there, your pontificating only makes you feel good, it won't change anything. Sorry.
So when faced with an inability to argue a point you spew this out?

Sorry but you seem to be missing the point. Just sitting back and accepting a mistake made by our government is wholly un-American and antithetical to a government run by the people.

If you're comfortable sitting back and accepting all the mistakes of the government, feel free to wallow in that by yourself. Enjoy your bliss. But some of believe that our leaders should be held accountable for their actions and their mistakes should always be examined to ensure the same ones are not made in the future.
Sorry but you seem to be missing the point. Just sitting back and accepting a mistake made by our government is wholly un-American and antithetical to a government run by the people.

Well, first, its hardly run by the people...we will surely agree on that...

Second, what is your proposed idea then?

Should we leave now, 6 months, stay as long as it takes? What is the course now, without concern for how we got there?
No links to Al Qaeda... okay. I wonder why OBL's latest tape (and hasn't he become the K-tel of terrorists with these tapes) is directed at Europe and not at us?

After all America is mowing down terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, but Europe has taken a far more conciliatory approach to Al Qaeda. Yet OBL is all worked up about cartoons, and he's making threats against Europe. You'd think that he'd target his wrath at us.

Maybe OBL, and Al-Qaeda are nothing but a bunch of bullies who can't handle anyone who stands up to them, but who are more than willing to attack those who they perceive as weak.

And more importantly maybe OBL realizes that after five years of fighting we have not backed down, not an inch. In fact we've learned more about combat in his own backyard than he can imagine. And despite his best efforts to shape our policy he has failed, despite the media and despite the polls. This, all of his, is why someday we will celebrate GWB's Presidency.
Well, first, its hardly run by the people...we will surely agree on that...
Of course, but it still should be run by the people. Not directly, of course, but within the confines of the document that legitimizes our government. :p
Second, what is your proposed idea then?

Should we leave now, 6 months, stay as long as it takes? What is the course now, without concern for how we got there?
I don't claim to be qualified enough to make that judgment. I do claim, however, as an American citizen the right to question the decisions of the people elected to run the country.

It's not like I expect some crazy old inventor with a DeLorean to give me a way to fix everything, it's not like I've got a report ready to hand to the President as a perfect, fool-proof (it would need to be, wouldn't it? :D) method of solving everything. But I do feel it's important that we question the decisions of the past so we can learn from mistakes and not make the same ones in the future.

Sitting back and just letting things happen, refusing to question them because there's no way of changing the past, is not going to do us any good and invariably lead us into more crappy situations. From Operation Ajax to Iranian Air 655 to a 20 billion dollar arms package for the Saudis and everything in between. We keep messing with other folk's back yards and pretend that they're pissed off because they "hate our freedom".
And more importantly maybe OBL realizes that after five years of fighting we have not backed down, not an inch.
Or maybe he's a lot smarter than that and realizes that we've blown half a trillion dollars, strangled our own economy and left ourselves still vulnerable to attack from every other front.

Maybe he's giddy because we have him exactly what we wanted, a big fat "thank you" for 9/11 by screwing up our own country while he continues to hide.
This, all of his, is why someday we will celebrate GWB's Presidency.
I'm pretty sure no one alive today that isn't already celebrating his presidency will ever do so in the future. He keeps saying that history will judge his tenure but that's because he knows the majority of us today think it's been a crap storm and a half.
Or maybe he's a lot smarter than that and realizes that we've blown half a trillion dollars, strangled our own economy and left ourselves still vulnerable to attack from every other front.

Then why hasn't he attacked? His pattern has been crystal clear. Make a tape, make a threat, and then act. Why pick on Europe? Why not just send a message that instructs all of his loser followers to go into Iraq and then make us "blow" more money?

Maybe he's giddy because we have him exactly what we wanted, a big fat "thank you" for 9/11 by screwing up our own country while he continues to hide.

I guess I missed the tape where OBL told his followers to apply for mortgages that they couldn't afford, and then had more followers sink money into investment banks that purchased the bad debt. I just assumed that the whole mess was a typical bubble, an unfortunate result of capitalism, but something that free markets will correct.
I guess I missed the tape where OBL told his followers to apply for mortgages that they couldn't afford, and then had more followers sink money into investment banks that purchased the bad debt. I just assumed that the whole mess was a typical bubble, an unfortunate result of capitalism, but something that free markets will correct.

This is the sort of commie crap that really freaks my t*ts out. He's blaming the mortgage brokers and banks who made out like thieves while the bubble was growing and now go running to the fed (big government, like duh!) when the going gets bad.

It's a capitalist duty to screw the little guy when he can, and then go running to the government he despises to bail him out when it all goes arse over t*t.

Get back to Cuba lefty!
Lets recap again, no WMD, no links to al Qaeda, no proof Saddam was up to anything except holding on to power in Iraq.

You call those opposed to the invasion delusional or in denial.

Ya were the delusional ones denying reality.:rolleyes:
Here's the real reasons the left is outraged. Saddam Hussein was a socialist dictator. They will never forgive BushCo. for overthrowing a party leader.
JaserST4 said:
Here's the real reasons the left is outraged. Saddam Hussein was a socialist dictator. They will never forgive BushCo. for overthrowing a party leader.

Dear lord, do you really believe that?

Saddam was a no good, evil person there is no doubt the mid-east is better of without him.

It would have been a hell of alot cheaper just to kill him if that was the goal.

Offing Saddam was not the purpose of invading Iraq, you know it, I know it and the majority of the American people know it.

There are two main reasons we are there Israel and Oil. Whats hard to figure out about it?

I realize there are multiple reasons given all the time as to why we are in Iraq to confuse people, but the real answer is very obvious.

I guess its like when the oil companies come out with nine different excuses a month on why fuel prices are so high. So people won't notice the record profits they post each quarter.

Oil and Israel, Israel and Oil those are the prime motivating factors.
Good Lord, do you really believe that? Killing Saddam with his Ba'th power base intact would accomplish nothing. The world might have been worse off with his replacement. Sure, oil plays a role, without it they would not have the resources to be a threat. Many reasons were given, I'm sorry that the term "Operation Iraqi Freedom" isn't enough of a clue for some folks.

I also definitely do believe that much of this rhetoric is supplied by extreme leftist organizations set up by socialists, like George Soros and their organizations. They put their spin out there to whip up the masses into a frenzy. Socialists abhor capitalism and see it as the root of all evil. They play to win and will use whatever tactic necessary.
I was in the second wave of troops to enter Iraq, and the troops we replaced for a refit stated " what the hell are we doing here we found absolutely no evidence of WMD" This came from 90% of them.
I'll repeat it since you missed it. I'm sorry that the term Operation Iraqi Freedom isn't enough of a clue. Military operations aren't typically run by opinion polls of the troops, especially after the fact. But your view differs from
everything else I've seen, where the majority of the troops
do support the cause. Since the time span since the invasion exceeds enlistment terms and there are troops over there now I have to assume at least most of them want to be there. I think you are projecting your personal view as the norm and ignoring all other aspects.