Pentagon Confirms Move to 6.8mm

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7.62x51 AP (M61) is less capable than M2, so while it may be more prevalent nowadays, there's no point to testing it since level IV plates stop the superior M2.
My references state M61 AP is an approx. 150gr @ 2750fps and M2 AP is a 166gr (+/-) @ 2715fps.

I don't see where the slight difference makes the M61 less capable in significant terms.

Uranium is not unprecedented. It has been or is being used in Ukraine and it's use is controversial because it contaminates the area where it is used. Although it is "depleted," it's still radioactive and it can contaminate an area for a very long time

It is controversial due to the number of people who don't fully understand radiation and contamination. Depleted uranium is just that, depleted, it has the dangerous high dose rate elements removed, and while it remains detectibly radioactive, it is not dangerously so.

Significant parts of the Ukraine are already contaminated, with things much more hazardous than DU, thanks to Soviet era nuclear accidents, particularly Chernobyl.

Contamination means a detectable level of some kind of material where you don't want it to be. IT is the levels, and type of contamination that determine if concentrations are hazardous, or not.

Radiation detection instruments are extremely sensitive. They will detect level of radiation well below natural background levels. Few people outside the nuclear industry (and nuclear medicine) know much about radioactive materials, and much of what they do "know" is flat out wrong.

DU is not a radioactive threat to health and life. Natural Uranium ore is actually slightly worse in that regard. You don't want to breath DU vapor or dust, Uranium fines (dust/small particles) are highly pyrophoric, meaning the catch fire and burn readily, and that's a significant hazard, too.

Metallic DU is no where near the threat some people make it out to be.
7.62x51 AP (M61) is less capable than M2, so while it may be more prevalent nowadays, there's no point to testing it since level IV plates stop the superior M2.
My references state M61 AP is an approx. 150gr @ 2750fps and M2 AP is a 166gr (+/-) @ 2715fps.

I don't see where the slight difference makes the M61 less capable in significant terms.

Uranium is not unprecedented. It has been or is being used in Ukraine and it's use is controversial because it contaminates the area where it is used. Although it is "depleted," it's still radioactive and it can contaminate an area for a very long time

It is controversial due to the number of people who don't fully understand radiation and contamination. Depleted uranium is just that, depleted, it has the dangerous high dose rate elements removed, and while it retains detectibly radioactive, it is not dangerously so.

Significant parts of the Ukraine are already contaminated, with things much more hazardous than DU, thanks to Soviet era nuclear accidents, particularly Chernobyl.

Contamination means a detectable level of some kind of material where you don't want it to be. IT is the levels, and type of contamination that determine if concentrations are hazardous, or not.

Radiation detection instruments are extremely sensitive. They will detect level of radiation well below natural background levels. Few people outside the nuclear industry (and nuclear medicine) know much about radioactive materials, and much of what they do "know" is flat out wrong.

DU is not a radioactive threat to health and life. Natural Uranium ore is actually slightly worse in that regard. You don't want to breath DU vapor or dust, Uranium fines (dust/small particles) are highly pyrophoric, meaning the catch fire and burn readily, and that's a significant hazard, too.

Metallic DU is no where near the threat some people make it out to be.

Artillery is called “The King of Battle” for a reason

Also known as the "ultimate argument of kings"

Both terms created centuries before the existence of airpower. :rolleyes:
JohnKSa says:
No, it's anecdotal until there is some sort of confirmation of it, along with something that suggests that it is representative, as opposed to an outlier experience.

What do you think Aberdeen did?

rickrick says:
They do not mention that the main purpose of the new cartridge and subsequent weapons is to increase lethality in CQB.

Sure they do but your selective reading and entrenched position is blinding you.

Coordinating modernization priorities in this area is the Soldier Lethality Cross-Functional Team, based at Fort Benning, Georgia. Brig. Gen. Larry Q. Buris serves as the CFT’s director and as Fort Benning’s Infantry School Commandant, ensuring the needs of the Close Combat Force — a group that includes select infantry, scouts, combat medics, forward observers, combat engineers and Special Operations Forces — are at the forefront of Soldier Lethality CFT efforts.

Not all Combat Forces engage in the close in fight and very few conduct CQB.

“Close combat is warfare characterized by brutal physical confrontation,” Buris said. “The CCF designation identifies those positions in the brigade combat team that are truly the tip of the spear, those who close with and destroy our adversaries.”

Buris noted that CCF “make up 4% of the military, but since World War II, have sustained 90% of the casualties — and they receive less than 4% of the DoD budget for Science and Technology.”

One of the CFT’s signature efforts is the Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) program.
What do you think Aberdeen did?
I find it amazing that you can respond to my post like this, confirming that you have either not been reading or not been understanding my posts, and in the very same post accuse someone else of "selective reading" and being blind.

You need to take a deep breath, actually read what's being posted and respond to the content of posts--that's going to be a much more effective tactic than browbeating, repetition and large text. What you're doing is a recipe for how to not be taken seriously.

Your response to rickyrick is a perfect example. You either didn't understand his post, or didn't read it, or chose to ignore the content. You posted a response that didn't directly address his comments--not even the very brief portion of his post you chose to quote--and added large text formatting as if that's going to make your response more relevant. It doesn't.
The use of oversize fonts and special colors is the forum equivalent of shouting or screaming at the top of your lungs.

It is the written expression of the common tactic used by people who don't have a valid argument. You cannot "shout down" your opposition in a written forum, and doing so just makes you look foolish, and actually diminishes the weight people will give to your points.
After 4 1/2 years and 19 pages, this topic has been discussed ad nauseam, bent, spindled, and mutilated. The time to close it down has finally come.
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