Pennsylvania Range Report Jan 27

We don't fight SodaPop, we debate. Too much "hardware" around to do any fighting and I wouldn't want to give the local yoakals or statees any reason to help themselves to our collection(if you know what I mean). Keep looking my friend and in time you will find your own "Rose". I have my eyes open for you but there is one question. If I or the Mrs. can hook you up with a progun girl what will be the reward? What gun do you have up for a finders fee?:D
Sorry SodaPop!

Didn't mean to offend you! :o

Ray & I pick our battles and thankfully we never really "fight" as most do. We will disagree, however. Is that the same thing?????

Anyway - we will keep an eye out for a nice progun girl!!!!
Administrative notes

Marcus It was you I discussed the optima 2000 sight with wasn't it? OK here is a link to another importer of the sight:D

I only shot up one brick of .22:( You guys were slackin' off.

How did the Remington 597 compare to the ruger?

Damn trailside finish is flakin off:mad:

Who has the goldarned pictures?
Geoff,yep that was me. Wow,that Doctorsight really looks sweet. Kinda an Optima 2000 on steroids. :) I could use oh about half a dozen of those. :D Marcus
Ok now you guys did it. I am so jealous that you all own so many 22 rifles that I just picked up a Ruger 10/22. I forgot how cheap these things are compared to AR's and FAL's. I could buy 6 of these rifles for what I paid for My Stg 58 :eek:
I think I'm going to try and head up to the range with it Friday. Anyone want to suggest ammo for this gun? I want to stock up on GOOD stuff and not poop.
This only puts me back about 2 weeks. I'm spending way too much MONEY on Ammo these days and I figured I could curve My habit with a 22LR rifle. It only cost me $160. I don't think I can afford an AR until about June. Until the SKS sells or I come across a $700 deal in the next couple of Gun shows I'm saving up for a good one.
The new federal Bulk pack copper plated at Wally world
$9 per 500 and my 597 and 10/22 love these.

Accuracy seems to be very good.

As discussed in an earlier thread in the Art of the Rifle, the overall length of the round is long and the .22 semi auto rifles like this.
Hey Mrs. Woody

I'm not Mad at you for thinking you were the only rose at the TFL shoot. You should feel special. I'm 1-3 in the last year for bringing females to the range.

Thanks Master Blaster! I'll have to try some of that out.
Geoff is your gun the Remington 597? I should have tried that out. How much did that cost? If thats what you had yours looked a little beefier. Did that have a target barrel on it?

WHERE ARE THE PICTURES??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Geoff can I borrow $900? I'll pay you back in July:)

How Many of you guys own AR's besides Geoff, Dead and Ray? I think most of you do. Maybe we can have an AR fest next? Anyone up for that? I'll bring ammo but I don't have a gun:(
Oh by the way I don't think I introduced My Uncle to most of you. Did anyone get any pictures of him shooting?

He just got out of the Hospital a few days before and showed up. I was a little surprised to see him come. He had a good time.
No I don't sleep :)

Thanks for the 16gauge Ammo. My Uncle that was at the shoot is the one I borrow the 16gauge off of. It looks like its in good condition so I'm sure it shoots just fine for what I do.