Pennsylvania- October 30th, 2004- Range Report

Hey guys:

Any movement towards a date?

Also, the "Rifleman's Challenge" that I would suggest is that everyone who wants to kicks in enuf $ (5-10) so that the cost of the Port to the donor is free (AIM sells it now for $160). So 10 shooters = $16, 30 = $5.50, etc.

Rules I'd propose would be simple:
- no scopes (fellas, we're at 25m/82 feet)
- slings can be used in all positions, but are not required
- standing: 10 rds/2 mins
- seated/kneeling: for the two targets in this stage on the Fred QDAQT (Quick and Dirty Army Qualification Target), 50 seconds, start from standing loaded w/ two rounds, at whistle drop to seated/kneel, fire two rounds at left target, change mag/new mag w/ 8 rounds, 3 more shots at left target, 5 shots at right target.
- prone/rapid: same drill as above, only 60 seconds, drop to prone, three shots on each of the first two targets in this stage, with four shots into the final target
-prone slow: start in prone, 10 shots, 5 minutes, 2 shots in each of the two left targets, 3 shots in each of the two right targets
- "Thutty cal" rule: bullet hole, if sized up to .30 for you 5.56 shooters, if touching score line gets the higher score
- Winner/high score takes the case of ammo

I'll bet I can get Fred to kick in the targets; if not, I'll supply them.

Finally, for the gent that has never shot beyond 100m and has never gotten off the bench, I cannot recommend highly enough the Rifleman's Guides and Target Pacs from Fred:

Until July, I too had never been in prone or seated positions, and never shot beyond 100. Using the Guide and the 25m training concept, I have gotten to where I can reliably (not every time, but a lot) hit head and shoulder targets at 400 and beyond with iron sights and 45 year old eyes. 300 and closer, they are kaput -- every time.

You can do it too!

PS: For real fun, come to the Hungarian Revolution shoot next weekend. See the post in this forum!
With all the stuff I have going on right now I don't think I'll have time to organize anything until Late January or February. I think we'll have another big one in March or April, but we have to wait and see what goes on at W&W first. I'd really like to check out the New Holland gun club before I set any new plans. I'm personally a little tired of having to worry about all the "little" stuff that W&W doesn't get done unless I pressure them.

We don't need a big range for these Gatherings but we need to have it just to ourselves and have no restrictions on magazine capacity or any dopey rules like that.

Anyone buying land anytime soon?
There is a new shoot in the words for June.

Look for the new thread and post there.

This was the easiest way to send out the emails to everyone that came to the last Gathering.