Pennsylvania- October 30th, 2004- Range Report

I did. The one pic shows a .45 ACP vs. Clint Eastwood's probable pick for his next film. The other two are self explanatory. The Rohrbaugh firearm has the smoothest trigger that I've ever experienced, by far.


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Since so many targets were claimed I only shot the Rohrbaugh at sporting clays at the 50yd range. It hit pretty close to where I was aiming at and that's about 40yds further than I though I could shoot it.

I gotta adjust to the mindset of what a pocket gun is good for... compared to my other carry guns, but they are defanitely quality guns...... and they are 9mm. :eek:

When the first gun you fired was a pistol chambered in S&W 500 the pocket pistols bite didn't bother me.

Thanks to everyone that let me shoot their guns!

MikeB wins the award for LOUDEST FRICKIN GUNS!!
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It was swell. Somehow I missed on shooting the 21 that ArcAngel said he'd bring. :(
I put more 7.62 through the M1A than ever. The five new imported mags from Ammo Man worked great. I had one problem with one mag on feeding the last two rounds but I was unable to recreate the trouble. The sights actually work on the M1A but I am just about out of surplus Port. and I will probably be buying some of the Australian stuff next so I'm guessing that I'll be re-sighting at the next outing.
I think that I broke the firing pin in the '56 336. No boom after click. Doesn't anything last anymore? :p
I got to shoot the Rourbaugh which was quite nice and in the perfect caliber (9mm!).
I also shot Marcus' NAA .22 mag and that monster S&W revolver that I can't remember the caliber or name.
The Chinese 'S' model AK was very cool and the operator was making some nice ragged holes with it.
I'm about to sit down and clean the 228, G17 and M1A, ah the smell of Hoppes and CLP while Mrs. 9mmMike is baking cookies in the kitchen........ :)
All in all a fine time with fine folks.

Next up, another pumpgun sporting clay run........?

Thanks Jamie!

Thanks for a great time everyone! and thanks to Jamie for putting things together. It was a pleasure getting to meet so many new (to me) folks.

I ended up not shooting my own guns very much as I was too busy auditioning various .308 MBRs.

Thanks to DaveC (who wins the "most toys award") for letting me try his excellent FAL and PTR-91 and to P95Carry for letting me try his also very nice scoped FAL. I got to try an equally excellent M1A (whose owner's screen name I didn't get) and despite that moment of terror on a bump fire :eek: was very enjoyable to shoot.

I had a feeling that there was a good reason for me to buy that box of Aussie .308 despite not owning a gun in that caliber. :D

The trip back was much faster than this mornings....the 2.5 drive back was well worth a day of fun and new-found comraderie.

OK....back to cleaning.... :p
Jamie Young said:
MikeB wins the award for LOUDEST FRICKIN GUNS!!

I'll take that award. Finally I win one one that's good to win. :)

Thanks Jamie for putting together the shoot it was a lot of fun.
Twas another great time with a great bunch of people. Thank you Very Much Jamie and also to everyone else - we are GREAT! :D

I'm looking forward to the next one already! :cool:
Thx indeed Jamie - good to see us ''long haul'' brigade checkin in as home safe and sound. My trip was just over the 3 hrs but a good run, and much in daylight which helped - 205 miles IIRC). .. (no ''U'' turns Jody! Haha)

Great to see everyone .... this time many old faces and friends ... and some new. It was a pleasure having Eric Rohrbaugh there again and this time he was able to manage much more demo of the gun.

Paul ... that Aussie ammo came in well eh!! Glad you had some ''FAL fun''!

MikeB certainly carries top award for blast and noise! :D Mike - I'll try and make that vid clip - if any good I'll maybe even put it on server and put a link up for all.

9mm sure excercized the M1 ... tho not the sorta day really for prone shooting!

Several of us had hand cannons .. always a joy to shoot and see those ... well, for me anyways, as a recoil junky! :p

David parke - sorry I saw so little of you - but glad you made the mammoth drive to get there .. and home safely too I trust.

Weather turned out kinder than I had anticipated .... we were fortunate.

So - pic time .. thx already to E36 for his - nice shots. I present here the group pic ... I have kept it 800 pix wide so as to make it big enough to show who is in it - couple at rear I realize were somewhat screened! Not sure who they were. A great turnout again tho - most encouraging. Light was pretty flat but I think this'll show OK>

Finally, after that pic ... one of the pistol range in good use and Eric Rohrbaugh, both describing his ''wares'' and shooting one.

Great day guys .. thx for your company.




Thanks Jamie for another great event! I enjoyed every minute of it. :) I can`t remember the last time I put so many rifle rounds downrange. The highlight had to be shooting a Rohrbaugh and the BIG .500 S&W. Those 400gr. Corbons were serious fun! :D I`m already looking forward to seeing everyone again at the next shoot! Marcus
Well, Doesn't That....

.... just figure!

One of the reasons I wanted to get to the gathering was to pick some minds on FAL's and H&K clones. The choices are being narrowed down between a DSA Stg58 and a PTR-91. Seems I could've had a few questions answered had been able to attend.

BTW, anyone with experience with either(or better yet, both), please PM me your opinions/experiences with these rifles. Thanks for any feedback!
There were more battle rifles at this gathering than ever before. I've never seen so many FALs at my club before.

Thinking about another big one in March.

Anyone want one sooner?
Hi all,
I had a blast today. Met some real nice down to earth gun nuts.Lots of old and new and i lost count how many sks were there. see you guys at the next gathering. If you did't make this time , make time for the next shoot.

Jose :cool:
:eek: Unbelievable! Hey, Mike, was that you standing right next to me; and neither one of us realized it? I, even, walked over to your bench to watch you lighting up the place with that M14-A1. I’m sorry; we’ve spoken back and forth a number of times; and I originally meant to ask around for you shortly after we arrived.

By the time that picture was taken I was dizzy from several hours of being hit in the head by Hoseman’s red hot 30 caliber brass. (I got even with him on the way home, though. I got bumped and, somehow, managed to spill hot coffee all over him!) :D

That Glock Model 21 was under my jacket the entire time! DanV1317, the tall fellow standing next to me, also, had a beautiful set of Heinie CGR, ‘Straight Eight’ sights on his Model 17. (He’s a top flight IDPA shooter, too. It’s too bad we didn’t, all, get together over at the pistol range.)

What can I say? That was a good crowd; and we, all, had a really fine time! There’s always next year; and, this time, we’ll be able to recognize each other. ;)

See you,

- David
Would it be possible and acceptable to have screen names and real names for the folks in the photo. Peace be with you - Double Peace. That's me with the two peace signs showing how peaceful (albeit noisy) we all are.

I regret not taking more care to learn the names and screens of everyone. Of course I would have forgotten most of them by now, with my memory.

I made - Not one U-Turn on the whole trip back Chris! ;) :p
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